Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 232: Internal Disagreement

"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, one more than you." Rhodes said to Falcon.

War Machine Rhodes deserves to be the king of sarcasm, and his words are nice and interesting. Ross only has one congressional medal, and normal people stop here. If he insists on saying that he has one more than Falcon, doesn’t that mean that Falcon doesn’t have any?

The reason why he brought up this matter is because he agreed to sign the "Extraordinary Agreement". In his opinion, Avengers does need certain supervision.

But Falcon didn't think so, and retorted without hesitation: "So assuming we agree to sign, how long will it take for the government to track us like ordinary criminals?

"One hundred and seventeen countries will sign this agreement, one hundred and seventeen, Sam!"

Rhodes is a soldier, a soldier who is loyal to the country, even if he takes a step back and says that 117 countries are not something they can contend with: "You don't take it seriously at all?"

"How long are you going to be double-dealing?" Falcon Sam is visibly annoyed now, he doesn't want to turn himself into a caged bird and let those disgusting politicians control their actions. 23

"Actually, I asked Stark's intelligent program to help me make a statistics..."

At this time, Pietro, who was sitting on the side, suddenly said that he felt that his IQ was now higher, and it was definitely because he could not calculate those troublesome statistics: "No offense, but when Iron Man appeared In the next eight years, the number of extraordinary people like us has been increasing, and the world is facing more and more dangers."

"You mean, it's our fault?" Steve said, looking up at Pietro.

"Well, I feel that there may be a certain relationship, but I am opposed to signing the agreement... because I think that if we sign the agreement, in the hands of politicians, we are weapons to destroy the world." Pietro Fu said without hesitation.

Because of Pietro's words, several people in Rhodes started arguing again.

Natasha Romanoff saw Tony who had been silent all this time, and said softly, "Tony, you are surprisingly quiet."

Hearing this, Steve said directly: "Because he has already made up his mind."

"God, you know's actually an electromagnetic headache."

Standing up, Tony was going to get something to drink: "That's why I silenced the captain... just because of the pain... uncomfortable... who poured the coffee grounds into the garbage disposal ? Am I opening a hotel for bikers?"

Tony was a bit out of line now, but soon he calmed down, and then opened a screen on his mobile phone, telling a heart-wrenching incident.

Although there was no SOKOVIA incident because of Romani's intervention, the tragedy has never diminished. …

The Battle of the Wall of the World was fine. Those who sacrificed there were soldiers who were ready. They used their lives to build a wall of flesh and blood to block the mother of all things who wanted to destroy the world.

But what about Hell's Invasion?

Disasters around the world have caused countless people to lose their lives, and no one can save everyone. …

Romani can't do it, Iron Man can't do it, Emperor Shihuang can't do it...

"We don't have a decision-making process at all, we need to be regulated, whatever form it takes, I accept that."

Tony has already made a decision at this moment, because of the guilt in his heart: "If we are not restricted, we will be lawless and not much better than the bad guys!"

"Tony, I know how hard it feels to have someone die right under your nose. But you can't just give up!" Steve took a deep breath and said with a serious face.

"Who says we're giving up?" Tony said softly, shrugging.

He didn't intend to give up protecting the world, he just hoped that he could add an insurance policy to the future actions of the Avengers. At least....….

At least don't let him see that kind of unacceptable thing again. In essence, maybe Tony is a bit similar to Romani. He doesn't seem to care about anything, but in fact, it's not so easy to accept sadness. matter.

"If you are not responsible for your actions, you are giving up!"

Steve turned his head and looked at Tony: "These files are just passing the buck!"

Before Tony could open his mouth, Rhodes said directly: "I'm sorry, Steve...Your words are dangerously conceited! This is the United Nations, not the World Security Council, not S.H.I.E.L.D, and not HYDRA!"

"Yes, but managers are still human, and people have purpose, and purpose can change." Steve didn't have the slightest confidence in those politicians, especially when standing in front of them before, it was General Ross who shaped the abomination.

"It's a good thing, that's why I'm standing here."

Tony walked towards Steve and said at the same time, "When I realized how unimaginable the consequences of my weapon falling into the hands of the enemy, I stopped production."

"Tony, that's your choice!"

Steve disagreed with what Tony said, and he stood by his own: "If we sign, we give up the option. What if the team sends us where we shouldn't go, or doesn't let us go where we should? We may not Perfect, but still the most dependable one!"

"If we don't sign now, they will force us to sign in the future."

Tony sees this very clearly at 420, more than a hundred countries are united together, they don't want to see a detached and extremely dangerous organization!

"That's the truth, and it's going to be ugly." Tony was now completely against Steve, he had made a choice, and in the same way, Steve had made a choice.

It's someone else in the hesitation, and that's why he and Steve got into a fight, because the two of them, once close comrades-in-arms, have started to go on diametrically opposite paths!

It was Rhodes and Sam who followed them to make a decision, and they chose Tony and Steve's decision respectively. As for others, "I still don't know what decision to make is the right one!

At this moment, a portal suddenly opened, and Romani, who was wearing a doctor's white coat, walked out slowly. Seeing the strange expressions on everyone's faces, Romani was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So, what were you talking about just now? I feel that my appearance seems to surprise you?"

"As for accepting supervision, we are still enemies of 117 countries." Rhodes used the simplest words to describe the current situation.

Hearing this, Romani nodded, and then said: "I probably understand, but next time please explain the key points, because one hundred and seventeen countries are nothing."

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