Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 237 Civil War (1)

Leipzig Halle Airport.

Steve and the others got their own equipment with the help of Sharon agent, after all, one cannot fight without weapons.

At the same time, Barton also brought reinforcements, besides Wanda and Pietro, there is also a new guy, Ant-Man Scott.

However, at first glance, this guy gives people a very unreliable feeling, which may be the case in fact.

After seeing Captain America, Scott's expression obviously changed. This was his first face-to-face contact with the first superhero in the history of M country: M I am very honored, Captain America.

After shaking hands, he turned his head and glanced at Wanda excitedly: "This is amazing...I know you too, you are amazing."

Ant-Man's performance is like a little fanboy: "God, I know you know a lot of great people, thank you for thinking of me."

Having said that, Steve's expression clearly shows that he has never thought of this person, and it can even be said that before this moment, he did not know this guy in front of him at all.

"Hey, 23 guys!"

Scott fully demonstrated the basic quality of being a chatterbox: "Oh man, it's nice to meet you, the last time..."

Before he needed something, he tried to infiltrate the Avengers base, but was perfectly spotted by Falcon Sam.

"It was a great launch, but it will never happen again." Sam couldn't help laughing when he said that Ant-Man did cause him some trouble at the time.

"Did they tell you, what are we going to deal with?" Just then, Steve asked.

"Looks like some lunatic assassins."

I don't know whether Scott didn't care about it at all, or Barton didn't intend to tell him in advance, anyway, he didn't know anything except that he was here to fight.

Since Barton didn't elaborate, Steve didn't plan to talk too much: "This time our operation is illegal, if you are with us, you are a wanted criminal.

"Well, I've gotten used to it." Scott doesn't really care about that, he's just a... well, not that good of a person.

"We should go!" Bucky said.

"There is a helicopter waiting for us."

Just after Barton's words fell, the airport sounded the alarm and began to evacuate passengers who were supposed to board the plane here.

Obviously, they had been discovered just now, and facing such a situation, Steve didn't panic at all, but there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

After changing into combat equipment, Steve walked out alone, towards the helicopter that was waiting for them.

But before he could even get close, a high-tech product fell into the helicopter, and Steve and their escape tools were directly disabled.

Immediately afterwards, Iron Man and War Machine flew towards this side, and the two of them landed in front of Steve one after another, but this time, it was obvious that the visitors were not good.

"It's strange to always meet acquaintances at the airport... Do you think it's strange?" Tony turned his head and asked Rhodes beside him.

"Very weird." Rhodes was a competent comedian.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, Steve also became vigilant. He didn't think Tony would only come here with Rhodes.

But at this moment, he still didn't want to fight Tony and the others, so he planned to explain first: "Listen to me, Tony, the psychiatrist, he is the mastermind behind the scenes."

As soon as the words fell, a guy wearing a black battle suit who looked like a cheetah jumped and appeared here: "Captain."

Black Panther T'Challa, he has no opinion on Steve, on the contrary, he still respects this hero who has saved the world many times, but he can't let go of his hatred because of these.

He came here with only one purpose, that is to avenge his father "Get rid of that guy who attacked the venue!

"Anyway, Ross gave me thirty-six hours to take you back, and now twenty-four hours have passed, I think you should help brother."

Tony kept his eyes fixed on Steve before speaking. He didn't want the Avengers to fall apart like this, and he didn't want his former comrades-in-arms to go against himself and the people.

"You caught the wrong guy." Steve knew more, and he trusted his best friend, Bucky.

"There is a problem with your judgment!"

Tony didn't listen to Steve's explanation at all, he just believed what he saw: "Your old comrade killed a lot of innocent people yesterday!"

"There are five more super soldiers like him, I can't let that doctor find them, I can't, Tony!" Steve is determined to stand by his best friend now, no matter what others say, he won't listen of.

But he has been maintaining the highest level of vigilance now, and the person who made him vigilant is not Tony, nor Black Panther, but the most powerful guy among the Avengers members who has never shown his face until now.. ...

King Solomon, Romani Archman!


At this time, Natasha Romanoff also came out: "You know what will happen next, do you want to fight your way out this time?"

"Well, I'm running out of patience, underwear baby!"

Following Tony's loud shout, a cobweb shot at Steve's shield, and after snatching his shield away, another cobweb appeared, directly binding Steve's hands.

Then, a man wearing a red and blue tights with a spider pattern on his chest appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Spider-man, Peter Parker!

Dutch version.

But no matter which version it is, it probably won't change one thing, that is, this guy is also a talker.

After Tony praised him, he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Thank you, I don't think the landing is ideal, maybe the new clothes are not suitable for you...wait, this is a trivial matter, Mr. Stark! The clothes are very good Perfect, thank you!"

Then, omit the gossip and complaints without numbers in the middle, as long as little Spider-Man is here, these things will be indispensable.

"How stupid of you to bring Clint into this! Get Wanda out of a place she doesn't want to leave, a safe place, and I'm trying to stop you from splitting the Avengers!

The more this matter was brought up, the more angry Tony felt.

But at this time, Steve said directly: "When you signed, it was already split.

"I don't think it's necessary to talk so much nonsense..."

The portal opened, and the person Steve feared the most, Romani, slowly walked out of it: "I remember I warned you, Captain. But it didn't seem to work, now we only need you to give us a choice, which is to hand over Barnes, Or I'll get rid of you!"

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