Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 242 Open Your Eyes And See

Five stones, King David's treasure against the giant Goliath, in order to show King David's tolerance, five stones will be thrown until the fourth one, and will not hit the enemy.

But the king's tolerance is limited after all, so the fifth stone will definitely hit and knock down the opponent at the same time.

Therefore, Ant-Man couldn't dodge this blow. Even if his body changed again and shrank into an ant, he would still be hit by this stone. In addition, the magic power of King David is attached to the stone, so the power is quite amazing.

The only good thing is that, after all, King David is a tolerant king, and he also knows the cause and effect of this battle, so this blow did not use all his strength, otherwise, Ant-Man Scott would have to go to see Mephisto up.


A loud noise spread to everyone's ears, Ant-Man's huge amounts of body fell down, and then he recovered to his original File size.

At the same time, Romani also perfectly eliminated several of his opponents. Both Ghost Rider and the Punisher have fainted, and only Wanda is still awake.

23 But being sober is sober, but at this moment Wanda is lying on the ground and has no strength to continue fighting. Her Ability is very strong, but she still needs more time to grow.

"Romani, they left. I can't get away now. I'll leave the rest to you." Tony and the others are now entangled by Falcon and the others, and there is no way to chase the Quinque that has left for a while. fighter.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!"

As soon as the words fell, Romani directly opened a portal, and then stepped in. In front of him, he planned to leave with a fighter jet, wasn't he playing medicine?

Not to mention the Quinjet fighter, even a spaceship can't escape, after all, besides magic, he also has a Space gem in his hand!

"No matter what happens, I will face it." Steve sat in the driver's seat, glanced at his good friend who was not very good-looking, and then said slowly.

Bucky also thought of something now, he shook his head and said, "I don't know if I'm worth it, Steve."

"What you did in those years...that's not your fault, you didn't have a choice." Steve had learned from Romani a long time ago what his friend had done before.

"I know, but I did it after all."

Before Steve could continue to comfort his friend, a portal opened directly in the fighter plane, and Romani, who was dressed in luxurious service and had long silver-white hair, stood in the fighter plane.

"That's right, you did those things, so I don't intend to let you live, your existence will cause a lot of trouble.

Romani stood in the fighter plane, he didn't make a move immediately, and he didn't even make any fighting or defensive posture.

For ordinary people, both Steve and Bucky are extremely powerful, but in Romani's eyes, these two guys together are not enough for him alone.

Unless, Steve lifts Thor's hammer, there's a chance.

Definitely, the chance of this is also very slim.......

"Romani, Bucky did nothing wrong, he can't decide what he is going to do, our real enemy should be those HYDRA!" After turning on the autopilot, Steve stood up abruptly and walked in front of Romani.

The only weapon he can use now is mouth escape, because if he wants to raise his fist, he can only be severely beaten by the King Solomon in front of him.

"HYDRA's head is going to be cut off." Romani just replied flatly to Steve's Mouth escape.

"Then there is also the "Extraordinary Agreement". You know that agreement is wrong. That agreement restricts us. Under the rule, it is not to protect the world, but to make us, who could have been used to protect the world, become the gamers of those politicians." piece!"

Steve has no intention of giving up at all. He continues to start his mouth escape. If God can give him a chance to travel back to the past, he must go to the island country to ask a strong mouth king named Naluto.

"I'll admit it, I've never been in favor of the idea of ​​an "Extraordinary Agreement," and I'm not going to sign that agreement.

Regarding this point, Romani did not deny it, he knew exactly what the agreement was: "It's just, Steve...... Since when did you think that I came to this agreement because of the "Extraordinary Agreement" A fight?"

"I've been here for this guy since the beginning! You're right, he didn't have a choice in what he did, but he killed Tony's parents anyway, didn't he?"

Steve froze for a moment, he thought it was the combination of two reasons that made Romani appear here, but he didn't expect that Romani didn't care about the agreement at all.

But this is also true. With such a powerful force as King Solomon, even if the agreement is signed, will those politicians really dare to provoke him?

Unless those brainless idiots want to take a bath in the fire of the sun!

"If I were still the former King Solomon, I would judge everything rationally. In this way, everything Barnes did should be counted on HYDRA. But it is a pity that you met me three thousand years later than before. I have more sensibility as a human being... If it was your parents who were killed, would you still make the decision now?"

Romani took a step forward, and the distance between him and Steve was only twenty centimeters: "Or to change the question, if Tony killed Barnes' parents, which side would you be on? It's what you insist on, So-called...justice? Or your valued friend, Barnes?"

"This..." Steve couldn't answer for a moment.

Seeing Steve like this, Romani just shook his head, he didn't do anything to Steve, he just walked up to Barnes, and a cold voice came out of his mouth slowly: "Then... It's time for you to make a choice, Barnes... would you rather be bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, or be turned to ashes in the fire of the sun?"

"Whatever it is, no matter what the ending is, I can happily accept it now." Barnes has already accepted his fate at this time, and at the same time, because of Romani's words, he also feels that his death may be an atonement.

Just when Romani slowly raised his thundering palm, Steve rushed over suddenly, blocked Barnes, and shouted loudly:

"Wait a minute, Romani! You can see the future, can't you? Open your eyes and take a good look, the future where Bucky dies, is the future you want to see?"

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