Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 245: Baron Zemo

Siberia, once one of HYDRA's bases, sleeps in this super soldier like Winter Soldier Bucky.

To be more precise, it should be said that those sleeping are all super agents. In a head-to-head confrontation, they may not be able to compare with Barton who is archery.

However, once they infiltrate the government, split a country, or assassinate high-level national leaders, it is estimated that the heads of all countries in the world will be worried all day... No, those leaders will not be worried, because they Had no idea these Winter Soldier existed!

Romani now regrets getting rid of Ivan the Terrible, otherwise, with that big guy sitting in Siberia, these Winter Soldier would not exist.

Even if it exists, even if Zemo can find these Winter Soldiers and wake them up, there will be no big storms. It is estimated that they will not be able to get out, and they will be killed by the Black Dogs under Ivan the Terrible.

Definitely, this is just a joke, if Ivan the Terrible is really not solved, other countries in the world should be worried.

Even Romani guessed the same, after all, that guy planted the fantasy tree on this land.

Baron Zemo, whose full name is Helmut Zemo, interestingly, he does not belong to HYDRA, but the colonel of an elite espionage force in SOKOVIA.

Originally, because of the appearance of Romani, the SOKOVIA incident did not break out in this world, but Baron Zemo was still born. His family was away for a while, God knows what happened, and he died in the battle between Iron Man and Hulk.

It can only be said that fate tricks people, but Zemo is not a person who accepts fate. From the moment he lost his family, he thought of revenge! But he knew that he could not kill the Avengers, so he decided to pass Take revenge on the Avengers by pitting them against each other.

He found clues through the documents disclosed by Black Widow, and then found the head of the Winter Soldier project in Detroit, killed him and got the book that controlled the Winter Soldier.

Then he first disguised himself as a Winter Soldier and made an explosion in the United Nations Building in Vienna, killing Black Panther's father; then he managed to destroy the circuit in Leipzig and killed the psychiatrist sent by the United Nations.

At the same time, pretending to be a psychiatrist puts Bucky back into Winter Soldier mode, which leads to even greater misunderstandings and riots.

It can be said that the Avengers civil war was created by this guy alone. If it was just the "Extraordinary Agreement", the Avengers would not have such a battle.

"Is there no one to greet me? Like...King Solomon, or Captain America Steve?"

Zemo walked into the base in Siberia. After entering the room where the Winter Soldier slept, he just laughed, opened his hands, and said loudly: "I know you are coming, from what I saw on the news King Solomon I guessed it the moment my whereabouts disappeared, but I still came, don't you feel surprised?"

After his words fell, both Steve and Barnes came out, and Romani used magic power to suspend in mid-air, watching this crazy guy doing things condescendingly

Zemo looked at the three people who had been waiting here for a long time, smiled, and then put his eyes on Steve: "It's a pity that you are the one who came, I originally planned to let Iron Man come, but he seems to be It will take a while to arrive. Definitely, it's the same when you come, as the leader of the Avengers, you have at least half of the responsibility.

"You know? I've been thinking about you all year, following you, studying you... But now that you're standing in front of me, I realize that there's still a little green in your blue eyes... . . . hehe, it's nice to be able to spot flaws."

Zemo was not at all nervous because Romani and the others arrived here before him, or he had already put his own life and death aside, so he didn't have the slightest fear even in the face of someone he could not defeat at all.

"Why do you do that?" Steve couldn't figure it out at all, he didn't know why this guy would do such a thing to stir up a fight among the Avengers.

"Why? It's really a good question, but it's already at this time, I can tell you directly, because... Ultron!"

Baron Zemo had nothing to hide at this time, so he acted very generously: "That ship, you are there to deal with Ultron, that's okay, and I even support you to do so, to protect the world... … I. like heroes, and I actually wanted to be one.”

...asking for flowers...

"However, there is a city not too far from that ship. If you hadn't stopped Ultron and sent him to that city, I think I might accept it. But why? Why would anyone who goes there It's you, Iron Man and Hulk...

Hearing this, Steve almost understood a little bit, and he asked softly, "Who did you lose?"

"I lost everyone..."

Zemo was silent for a while, and then his face became serious: "You will too, you think you can stop me by coming here in advance? But unfortunately, I have also made some preparations, Stark industrial products, very practical."


As he said that, Zemo took out a button and just pressed it, the computer in this room was activated, and this computer happened to be next to Winter Soldier Barnes, and it displayed... 070506123 Feilu 100533021]

December 16, 1991!

"Empires that have been overthrown by the enemy can still make a comeback, but empires that have collapsed from within will perish forever!"

Zemo smiled, and just as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "I know this road on the screen, what is this?"


Without waiting for the video to continue playing, and without letting Baron Zemo say anything, Romani just snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment changed instantly. In the blink of an eye, Romani eliminated Baron Mo. Everyone outside is dragged into the mirror space.

And when he brought other people to the mirror space, he even made a little trick, that is, he got rid of all the electronic equipment.

"Romani?" Seeing the changes around him, Tony looked at Romani in mid-air suspiciously and asked.

A moment later, Romani fell from the sky and stood in front of Tony: "You do know that road, because there, your father and mother lost their lives, and that's what Zemo wants you to know, Tony II. "

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