Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 25 Monaco Racing (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

After sleeping until he woke up naturally the next day, Romani finally broke free from the seal of the quilt. Even at this time, he couldn't help but marvel at the power of the quilt seal, which even the King of Magic couldn't avoid. I don't know if this kind of sealing artifact can seal Tiamat...huh? How does it feel like a wicked idea.

I can't care so much, Romani put on his white coat again after washing up, don't ask why he didn't change his clothes in the real world, it's all Tory's problem! After giving this clinic to him, Toli thought that Romani wanted such a dress, so he prepared more than a dozen sets in his wardrobe, white coats made by the world's top tailors!

Out of the virtue of frugality, Romani didn't spend more money on other clothes. Anyway, as a man, he didn't pay much attention to dressing up. Besides, this outfit looks handsome on him, doesn't it?

After everything was ready, Romani drew circles out of thin air with his left hand, and a portal appeared directly in front of him. After improving Kamar-Taj's magic to suit his own use, this convenient and smooth method he cast The appearance, even the magician of Kamar-Taj has to envy. And the most important thing is that he will not have the embarrassing scene where the Sling Ring is dropped and the door cannot be opened.

After entering the portal, Romani felt as if he had entered his own home, sitting directly on the sofa with his eyes slightly squinted. If Tony didn't come out of the laboratory quickly, he would definitely be able to sleep here for a while. It seems that the sealing power of the quilt has not completely dissipated...

Not long after, Tony rushed out of his laboratory and looked at Romani with a depressed face: "This really surprised me, Romani, how did you show up in my house? If it wasn't for the J.A.R.V.I.S report Intruder, and by the way, tell me the strength of this intruder, I will definitely come out wearing armor and punch you."

"I'm a magician. Isn't it difficult to understand if I can point space teleportation?" Romani propped up his eyelids that were about to close, and said very casually, "Do you have anything refreshing? I think Romani-Conti is very good."

"There will be on the plane. What have you been doing for the past two months, and you look like this when you show up?" Tony poured two glasses of wine casually, and placed one in front of Romani. Although it's a random drink, there are good things in his house. After all, he is a super rich man, so he still needs some basic enjoyment in life.

"I went to meet the Asgardian in this world, and then I haven't had a good rest for a long time." Romani picked up the glass of wine and drank it down, and his energy was a little better. It turns out that good wine can reduce the magic power of the bed.

There was some doubt in Tony's eyes: "Nick Fury, that black corned egg? I never thought you would use the world Asgardian to describe him..."

Romani didn't say much about it. After all, Tony didn't know the Ancient One magician, so he had to explain a lot of things. But having said that, after he woke up in this world, why did he feel that he saw so many eggs? Is it true that people of a certain standard in this world are all bald? Is it because they are bald that they become stronger?

Well, from this point of view, there is still some scientific basis for becoming stronger when you are bald...

I was planning to tell Romani about my current situation, but just when Tony was about to speak, Pepo came over suddenly, which made him immediately hold back all the words he was going to say just now, he didn't want Pepo to know Your current physical condition.

When Pepo saw Romani here, he also expressed his gratitude. After all, during Obaday's previous time, Romani could be regarded as her savior. What's more, Romani is not only her savior, but also Tony's. In fact, she has heard of Romani's name occasionally before, after all, she is a very good doctor.

After chatting for a while, several people boarded a private jet and headed towards Monaco...

Monaco is a good country. Although it is small in size, it is still very developed economically. Many people here are quite rich. After arriving here, Romani went directly to a luxurious restaurant under Tony's leadership. After all, the racing still had some time to start, and at this time they could experience a little bit of the exotic atmosphere.

I don't know if it's some kind of damn theorem, in this kind of leisure time, there will always be a naughty face to make trouble.

That's right, the dude in Romani's eyes came over and said something to Tony, wanting to prove his very powerful stock, Justin Hammer.

After Tony finally got rid of the naughty face, Romani turned his head, looked at Tori and said, "Are you sure you didn't intend to slap him to death? Although it's a fly, it's in your ears all day long." It’s also uncomfortable to be noisy.”

"Flies like this idiot are rare, shouldn't we protect rare animals?" Tony shrugged and pretended to be serious, "Okay, let's not talk about this, I'm going to participate in a racing competition, do you want to come with me?" ?”

"Do you think a person who has to be a taxi to help you can drive a racing car?" Romani looked at Tony with contempt. It is a fact that he can't drive. Has anyone stipulated that adults must take a driver's license. Not to mention helping Tony, even before he wakes up, Romani's going to help someone with an operation is also a taxi. Do you have any opinions?

"Then you won't be able to enjoy the excitement of racing, I'll come as soon as I go." As he said, Tony walked directly towards the racing track. The moment he entered the track, the audience burst into cheers. Monopoly genius Tony Stark is racing, and that's something to watch.

As for Romani, he chose to watch the race with Pepo and Happy. After all, this car race is not as ordinary as it seems, and one guy will come to make trouble. Tony has a portable battle armor, so he doesn't need to worry too much, so he is here to help Tony protect Pepo and Happy, after all, Tony is one of his few friends.

As the red light came on, the car rushed out like a wild horse, and countless cheers broke out even more violently at this moment, while Romani set his sights on a guy dressed by the staff. Although that guy hid it well, but Romani already knew of his existence, a guy who didn't get along with Tony at all, whip!

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