Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 259 Approval Of The Magical Artifact

"Daniel, they regard you as the magician of this holy place, do you know what that means?"

Kaecilius led his two subordinates, distorted the mirrored space, and walked step by step into the NY holy place. The expression on his face now fully explained what self-confidence and arrogance are: "It means... You will die to protect the holy place!"

After the words fell, Kaecilius and his two subordinates condensed almost transparent weapons with magic power. This is no longer the magic of Emperor Weishan, but the power of Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension!

Without saying a word, the two men of Kaecilius rushed towards Daniel directly. Although Daniel is a holy place magician, in a one-on-one situation, except for Kaecilius, other Dormammu believers can't deal with him at all.

but now…………

Two against one, they all believe in Dormammu, so how can they care about the morals of the rivers and lakes?

Not long after, Daniel's thigh was cut. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kaecilius directly pierced his body with the magic weapon, ending the life of this holy place magician!

"Wait a moment!"

Even Strange himself didn't know why he let out a cry at this time, and then rushed out. He is just an apprentice who learned magic 490 in order to heal his own hands. Shouldn't Ancient One or Solomon handle this kind of thing?

Kaecilius looked at the Strange who rushed out, perhaps smelling the same smell from him, that kind of curiosity and ability, so he didn't act immediately, but said slowly: "How long have you been in Kamar-Taj?" Yes, my dear..."


Originally Casilla was going to call him magician, after all Kamar-Taj called him that, but Strange interrupted directly.

"Your name is a doctor?" Kaecilius was stunned for a moment, could it be that the guy in front of him is called a doctor magician?

what a strange name...

But it sounds similar to Ancient One magician.

Hearing this, Strange clearly felt that the guy with the dark circles in front of him was 250, and he said calmly, "It's called Strange."

"It's quite strange, but I have no right to comment!" After saying this, Kaecilius sent away Daniel Magician who was still breathing, and then he didn't intend to continue bickering with the little idiot in front of him, so he gave a little signal , the two younger brothers around me are chakra

Putting the magic power on the soles of his feet, he rushed directly towards Strange, but it's a pity that Strange is someone who has the aura of the protagonist after all, not to mention that he has learned King Solomon's magic now!

The two Dormammu believers were no match for him at all, and it was a good thing that Daniel Magician closed his eyes, otherwise, if he saw that this young man who had not been in Kamar-Taj for a long time was actually much better than himself in terms of magic, I don't know if I will be pissed off.

Although Strange has powerful magic power and spiritual power, he lacks combat experience after all, so after a few simple back and forth, he directly chose to rub the soles of his feet with oil

Just kidding, what does these things have to do with him?

I said that I am a doctor, do any doctors rush up to fight others? Even a magician can't fight melee!

Tucao is so complaining, but he also thought of the Israeli boxing champion at this time...

Well, after all, he is King Solomon, so it can't be compared...

But it is not an easy task to escape from someone like Kaecilius who has absorbed the power of the dark dimension. With just a simple movement, the mirror space began to change directly. No matter how Strange quickened his pace, he couldn't move forward.

So he immediately chose to condense the magic shield to fight, but it seemed that his shield had some bad contact, and one of them disappeared after flashing a few times.

Just when Kaecilius' little brother rushed towards him, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in Strange's eyes, and then incomparable mysterious lines appeared on his body, and then he (cdaf) stretched out his hand towards the front Shoot, a gust of wind instantly rolled up one of them, and then threw it into the endless desert.

"Wow, do I have more ability in magic?"

Strange looked at his hands, and couldn't help but exclaimed, what he just used was the magic he learned from Sheba, and it wasn't just Romani and Ancient One who taught him during this period of time. Sheba also became his half-teacher.

Definitely, the reason why Sheba can be taught is mainly because his EQ is high enough, and that sentence of teacher's wife makes Sheba very happy!

At the same time, Strange's ability in magic is indeed very strong. It is normal for him to use the magic of the five elements to create a gust of wind.

Seeing his companion being thrown into the desert, the other strong man couldn't bear it anymore, but before he got close to Strange, a magic whip was directly tied around his waist, and then Another drop.

The guy who didn't have many appearances, just went to play in the tropical rainforest.

At this moment, Kaecilius knew that he had underestimated the guy in front of him, he didn't dare to be careless anymore, he directly gathered weapons with both hands, and launched an attack on Strange.

And Strange also knew that this guy was obviously different from those two idiots just now, and that he didn't have enough fighting experience, so he couldn't help this guy at all.

What if you can't beat it?


Without even thinking about it, he started his escape again. After being caught up, he subconsciously picked up a shining cup. Through his facial expression, he could see that the other party was very afraid, so in order to frighten the other party, Also to embolden himself, he yelled without any hesitation: "Come on, come and try!"

Kaecilius took two steps back, then looked at Strange's nervous face, smiled contemptuously, and said, "You...don't know how to use this?"

Strange was taken aback

I wipe, did you see all this?

Who said I don't know how to use it, isn't it just a cup?

Can't use magic to move it, can't I smash your grandson to death?

With this in mind, he threw the cup out without any hesitation, and then condensed his magic power to fight Kaecilius, but in the end he was beaten and fled.

Just as the transparent blade was stabbing towards him, a corner of the cloak in a closet beside him suddenly stretched out, wrapping the blade, or grasping it tightly!

Seeing this scene, Kaecilius was stunned. It's not that he didn't understand the situation, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly!

This guy in front of him has actually been recognized by a magic weapon?!.

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