Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 262: The Life Of Ancient One

Strange is also smart, he found his ex-girlfriend at a critical moment, but the two people are absolutely unrequited love, the deep love in the eyes can't be concealed no matter what.

In the process of treatment, he spent some effort, and he directly killed the idiot who sneaked up on him. After experiencing this incident, his thinking also changed.

After recovering his strength, he immediately returned to New York Holy Place, but now the Holy Place is a mess, Kaecilius has long been missing, but what is strange is that Daniel Magician's body is also gone, the only thing that can be seen on the ground , is the body of the stupid big man who sneaked up on him.


Just as Strange was looking around, Mordo's voice reached his ears, "You seem to be fine."

Strange said that his chest was pierced, can this be called all right?

Then he thought of Daniel Magician who was directly killed, and he replied: "Comparatively speaking, I'm pretty good."

He didn't think much, because at this moment Mordo's attention was focused on Strange's back, and then he said softly: "That levitation cloak seems to like you very much. 23"

"It's not easy, this cloak is very thoughtful." At this time, Ancient One magician also came out.

"But he escaped." Strange looked at the position where someone was restrained before, and said with some regret.

At this moment, Romani also came out, and deliberately pretended that he didn't know anything: Kaecilius?"

Definitely Kaecilius, he and Ancient One saw what happened the whole time, but they didn't take action. Afterwards, they also waited until Kaecilius left with his men before they brought Modu to NY holy place.

"Yes, he can change space and matter at will." Strange said seriously.

"You mean he is outside the mirror space, changing matter, in the real world?" Ancient One's acting skills are beyond words, she perfectly showed the reaction of an unaware person when he heard some news , "How many other than Kaecilius?"

"Two, I trapped one of them in the desert, and the other..."

Strange was still in a daze after finishing off the opponent for the first time: "His body is still in the hall, but there is one strange place, the guardian magician of the holy place [I didn't see his body just now.

"He has been sent back to Kamar-Taj."

Modu was very sad. He got the news from Ancient One magician. In his opinion, the body was sent back to Kamar-Taj. After all, who would have thought that Romani still has the ability to revive people? No one could have imagined that the battle between Strange and Kaecilius just now had been under the watchful eyes of Romani and Ancient One.

"The London holy place has collapsed, and now only the New York holy place and Hong Kong holy place can protect us from the dark dimension..."

Ancient One looked at Strange, and immediately said: "You come to guard the holy place in New York, since the original magician is gone, then you are the new candidate, Strange magician!"

"No...I am, Doctor Strange, don't call me magician or sir...I am, Doctor Strange or Doctor!

Strange is inexplicably concerned about this point, even though he is now a qualified spellcaster: "When I became a doctor, a magician would never do evil, but just now, I killed a person, and I I will never do this again! I am a doctor to save people, not to kill people!"

Looking at the excited Strange, Romani couldn't help but shook his head, he could understand the other's feelings, because he was a person who hated seeing sad things, so, if it wasn't necessary, he would rarely take action to solve it some trouble.

There was a pause for a while, and when Strange calmed down a bit, Romani turned his attention to Strange: "When you are a doctor, you are saving a person's life...others', or Your own. I am also a doctor. To be honest, I also like to be called Doctor Roman, but when someone calls me King Solomon, I will not refuse. Because no matter which one, it is myself."

"So?" Strange was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

At this time, Ancient One went on to say: "You are arrogant in your heart, you want to go back to the illusion that you can control everything, and you even want to control death, but no one can control death...even Not even the great Doctor Stephen Strange!"

Hearing this, Strange, who was not so calm at first, felt strong disgust in his heart, and he subconsciously replied: "Could it be that Dormammu can't do it? He can make people live forever

Ancient One knew that such a question would arise, so she prepared the answer early on: "The more humans fear death, the more vitality Dormammu has. His power comes from our fear."

"Like you rely on him or the same? You lied to me that you can't control death? I know how you do it. I have seen the rituals on the missing pages in the Book of Cagliostro. "Strange walked up to Ancient One at this moment, staring directly at the big bald head, and he was even more impolite when speaking.

Ancient One was stunned for a moment, and his complexion became a lot gloomy at this moment, but among all the people present, only Romani was there, knowing that it was all the acting skills of Ancient One magician

To be honest, the Oscar statuette should be given to Ancient One magician, this is definitely the best actor among all magicians!

"Pay attention to your wording, doctor." When Ancient One uttered these words, even Modu who was beside him felt the slightest chill. He had hardly seen such an Ancient One magician.

But Strange felt that he was right, so the other party had such an obvious change: "Because you might not like to hear it, right?"

"Because you may not know what the hell you're talking about."

"Then what is he talking about?" Modu asked subconsciously.

However, Strange didn't care about the people around him at all, and said directly: "I'm talking about her lifespan, the secret of her eternal life. She draws power from the dark dimension to obtain eternal life."

"That's impossible." Modu expressed that he didn't believe it, because he knew Ancient One magician very well, and he also respected Sorcerer Supreme, that person from the world of Asgardian, and he would never do such disgusting things.

"The way to achieve immortality is not the only one you see, Stephen..."

At this time, Romani stood up: "Have you read the Key of Solomon in the library? But that book is obviously incomplete, because as far as I know, there are several ways to achieve eternal life. Don't jump to conclusions from the tip of the iceberg that you know."

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