Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 266: Two Little Guys

Strange planned to cure the Ancient One magician through surgery, but when the operation started, he suddenly discovered that the soul of the Ancient One was not in the body.

After being stunned for a moment, he immediately chose soul astral, and chased Ancient One's soul to the balcony. He really didn't know what Ancient One was thinking. If the soul didn't return to the body, it would be a while later. is powerless!

The next moment, Romani appeared directly in the hospital in the state of a spirit body. His spiritual power will not be lost to anyone, after all, he is a crown-level magician, and he still has power.

Just after he showed up at the hospital, he saw Strange and the Ancient One magician floating on the balcony.

"You have to go back to your body, otherwise you will run out of time." Strange was very anxious now, he never imagined that at such a critical moment, Ancient One with a big bald head would still make trouble.

Wouldn't it be good to just accept treatment honestly?

"Time is relative, you haven't gotten used to the role of magician yet."

Ancient One looked at the sky outside, and the thunder streaked across the sky, but her expression did not change at all: "I have spent many years peeking into the future, but looking at this point in time, I may not be able to survive the 23rd. I have already Countless horrible events have been prevented, but bad things always follow, and they always come to this point, and then they end."

"Do you think that you should just die like this?" Strange didn't understand. A person who has been saved for hundreds of years now wants to give up his own life.

"Do you want to know what kind of future I see in you?" Ancient One smiled, instead of answering Strange's question, he said what he wanted to say at the moment.

"No." Strange felt a little guilty when he said this word, so he replied again, "Yes, I think."

"I never really saw your future, only potential."

Ancient One recalled the picture he saw with Eye of Agamotto: "You are pure and kind by nature, and you have always been outstanding, but not because you are eager to succeed, but because you are too afraid of failure."

This sentence can be said to describe Strange perfectly. He does not have much desire for success, but he is very worried about failure. Perhaps this is also because of his job. He is a doctor. If he fails, it means A life is lost with it.

"Because of this, I am a successful doctor." Strange agreed with Ancient One's description of himself, but he didn't feel regretful about it.

Because he was afraid of failure, he saved hundreds of people and became a good doctor.

Ancient One does not deny this, but because of this, Strange also lost something: "This is also the reason why you are not great enough, your arrogance and fear make you useless to the simplest but most important things know."

"What's that?" Strange said he didn't understand.

"The meaning of life is not in the self!"

After a long silence, the Ancient One magician turned his head and continued to look at the sky: "When you first came to me, you asked me how I cured Jonathan Pangborn, but I didn't actually heal him. ...but he injected the power of space himself..."

"Could it be that he walks by magic?" This time Strange figured it out, although he felt as if he had been fooled by a gang, but now he felt pretty good.

Ancient One nodded and said: "He once faced a choice, whether to return to his own life, or dedicate himself to a higher goal."

"In other words, my hand can be healed, and then I can return to a normal life?" If it was before, Strange would have made a decision without even thinking about it, but now, he is hesitation, and he doesn't know whether he Should return to normal life.

In other words, returning to normal life is not a correct choice. And at this time, he also thought of another person, a doctor like him, but a person who guarded the world time and time again, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is called Romani Aqiman, an excellent surgeon .

But in the eyes of more people, he is King Solomon, an avenger, a superhero!

"Definitely yes, but it won't do any good to the whole world. King Solomon already possessed the power given by God three thousand years ago. During these three thousand years, no one has discovered his existence, and many people even question his legend. But now , he stood in front of everyone..."

Ancient One slowly told Strange everything: "Or like me, I'm definitely not willing to gain power from the dark dimension, but you also know that sometimes people have to break the rules and pursue what they think are higher ideals .”

If it weren't for the lack of successors, perhaps he would have given up this long life long ago.

To draw power from the dark dimension and then have a long life, this has never been a kind of enjoyment for her, but more like a torture.

"But Mordo doesn't think so." Strange is well aware of Mordo's current psychology. The Sorcerer Supreme uses the power of the dark dimension to destroy the belief in his heart.

But for this matter, Ancient One magician also expressed understanding, because Modu was originally a stubborn person, and he didn't know what flexibility was. In her opinion, Modu needed to learn from Strange's flexibility, while Strange Lan Qi needs to learn Mordo's tenacity. She thinks these two will make a very good pairing [a partner who can beat Dormammu.

"I'm not ready yet." Strange didn't have much confidence in himself. After all, he and Mordo together were no match for Kaecilius, let alone the master of the dark dimension.

At this moment, Romani suddenly appeared beside the two of them. He glanced at Strange and Ancient One, then nodded slightly, and said to Strange: No one is ready, we We can't choose the right time, but we can have one thing... Determination! Once, there was a guy who wanted to destroy the whole world and human reason. In the eyes of many people, it was impossible to defeat him matter. "

"But there are two little guys who have been working hard to save humanity, just like the ending of a happy reunion story, they finally defeated the enemy who could see through everything.

"I don't know who is more powerful than Dormammu or that guy, but I know one thing, if it's those two little guys, no matter if it's Dormammu or Mephisto who stand in front of them, they will go forward without hesitation!"

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