Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 273 Fooled By Time

The scorpion that crushes the spirit peak of the underworld, the treasure possessed by the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal!

It is the same existence as another proud goddess who loves gems, Ishtar's Noble Phantasm, and Mountain Shocking Star Salary.

It's just that this treasure is not thrown from the sky to the earth, but the hammer of the mistress of the underworld that is launched from the ground along the constantly stretching earth.

Earthquakes that collapse Mount Abif through earthquakes and changes in the earth's crust. Although the power is not as powerful as Ishtar's Venus Explosion, the essence of this Noble Phantasm lies in turning the terrain into a ghost.

When Ai Lei activated the Noble Phantasm, the strange scene of Mount Abif appeared in the dark dimension, and countless purple magic power spikes crazily flocked to Dormammu. After a short period of stagnation, the purple magic power instantly turned red, The power that is so powerful to the extreme is vented at this moment!

With the seven gates of the underworld and the power of the Noble Phantasm, the dark dimension is gradually being eroded by Eileen's underworld. Even if the underworld in Sumerian mythology does not exist in this world, as long as Ereshkigal is here The place where she stands can be turned into meditation!

As the goddess of the underworld, this is the power she possesses!

"You think you can beat me like this?"

At this moment, Dormammu's deep voice came out slowly, and then echoed constantly in the entire dark dimension. His eyes were fixed on Ereshkigal, and then the dark purple magic power lingered around his big face plate, It turned out to be the power of the underworld that directly blocked Ai Lei.

At the same time, these magical powers directly wrapped the underworld manifested by Ai Lei, making it unable to expand any more.

As Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, if he is defeated in the dark dimension, it will really become a joke.

At the moment, Strange said that he could no longer be silent, and he really couldn't stand it anymore. At the same time, he really understood the power of Dormammu. Although he didn't know what kind of existence this beautiful blonde girl was, he had witnessed the battle between Emperor Shihuang and Dormammu before.

Even the top existence of the Chinese land can't defeat Dormammu in the dark dimension, and the others probably won't have any good solutions, unless it is the King Solomon, or shines in the battle of the wall of the world The King of Heroes comes.

Definitely, this is just Strange's own thoughts, the Dark Dimension is Dormammu's hometown, fighting here, even Romani may not have any good way to deal with him.

Forget it, it is Kamar-Taj's responsibility to deal with the threat of the multi-universe, and it is also what Sorcerer Supreme needs to do, so let yourself handle this big face!

"Dormammu, I want to talk to you about a case,"

Thinking of this, Strange directly put on a green magic watch for himself, and then urged the levitation cloak to fly out of the range of the seven gates of the underworld, facing Dormammu directly.

"It's up to you? Are you here to die?"

Dormammu was immediately puzzled. If Emperor Shi Huangdi or Ereshkigal wanted to negotiate terms, he would probably listen carefully. If there is money to be made, there is no big problem in agreeing.

Although he has the upper hand in the dark dimension, he also recognizes the strength of Shihuang and Ereshkigal, these two guys are indeed extraordinary.

But what is this self-righteous idiot wearing a cloak in front of him?

A little magician from Kamar-Taj, dare... to be worthy of negotiating conditions with himself, who is the ruler of the dark dimension?

Forget it, just delete this guy directly!

Dormammu didn't have any hesitation at all, he directly manipulated the power of the dark dimension to crush Strange. To him, crushing an ant was no different, it was effortless.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened, even Ellie didn't realize what happened, Strange directly let the time go back to the previous moment, he walked out of the scope of the seven gates of the underworld, and faced Dormammu .

"Dormammu, my daughter-in-law will make a deal with you!"

"It's up to you? Are you here to die?"

Ai Lei blinked her big eyes. She felt a little strange, but she couldn't tell what was strange. Although she was a god, she didn't transcend time like Dormammu, so it's normal for her to be unable to react.

"What happened? Is it a hallucination?" Dormammu, who was about to deal with Strange, suddenly realized that this scene had clearly appeared once just now, and he had indeed crushed this overwhelmed magician to death... …

Now, what is the situation?

If you can put three question marks on your head, it is estimated that some people want to sing a sentence to Dormammu: Dormammu, do you have many question marks?

"No, this is reality." Strange also breathed a sigh of relief after going back in time. He was really worried that his idea would not work, and that he would really die.

"...々Very good." After replying a sentence, Dormammu rarely continued to talk nonsense, and once again sent Strange back to his hometown like crushing an ant to death.

However, this time, time went back again, starting from stepping out of the realm of the seven gates of the underworld, Strange once again stood in front of Dormammu: "Dormammu, I want to make a deal with you!"

"You, what is the situation?"

Dormammu was depressed, a small ant was jumping around in front of his eyes, making him very irritable.

"Just as you gave Kaecilius the ability from your world, I also brought some abilities to my world..."

Strange is full of confidence now, anyway, Dormammu can't kill himself, it's as simple as that: "This is time! Time in an infinite loop!"

"How dare you!"

This time Dormammu is really angry, using time to fool an existence that transcends time, this is simply groping a tiger's ass!

Okay, I don't care when you have time or not, let the breath out of (Ji Zhao's) stomach first.

Next please enjoy, Doctor Strange Strange's 10,000 ways to die!

"You will never win!" After killing Strange countless times, Dormammu is also a little tired, mainly because of his heart. If he has been fighting that kind of hearty battle with the existence of Emperor Shihuang, it will be a little bit mean.

But the ants have been trampled to death, still the same ant...

Although I have a big head and a big face, I don't have such a perverted habit!

What kind of neuropathy would keep stepping on an ant!

"Yeah, but I can afford to lose..."

Strange has already understood what he has to do. As a magician, as a member of Blue Star, or in other words, as the next Sorcerer Supreme, there are certain things he must do: "If you lose once, , do it again, and do it again...forever! Let you, be my prisoner!"

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