Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 284: The Hammer Blows Up

Hela looked Thor up and down, then chuckled and said, "Really? You're nothing like him.

Saying that Thor is not like his father is a bit of a taunt, believe it or not, he will blind one of his eyes with a sledgehammer for a while and show you?

"Maybe we can discuss it." Loki looked at Hela cautiously, he was not the tough guy holding a sledgehammer, from the moment Hela appeared, he knew that he was definitely not the big sister's opponent.

That kind of terrifying power, as well as the death aura and killing intent on his body, made him feel extreme fear in his heart!

"You do look like him." Hela looked at Loki and nodded, not knowing how she came to this judgment. If you look at his appearance and clothing, Loki is more like Hela!

If it hadn't been confirmed that Loki was adopted and that he was a descendant of Lauf, some people would doubt whether he was Hela's son.

"Kneel down." Hela said simply.

She said it casually and confidently, and from the moment she broke away from the seal, she saw herself as the ruler of Asgard. As a ruler, isn't it normal to ask your subjects to kneel and salute?

However, Loki said that he didn't hear 403 clearly. In fact, he heard clearly, but he didn't like to kneel, and he didn't have the habit of kneeling.

Seeing such a scene, Hela immediately took out a long sword, and said again: "Kneel down before your queen.

Such a graceful queen, I don't know how many people want to kneel down in front of her......

Ahem, it seems to be a little bit off track.

"I don't think so!" Holding the sledgehammer is the strongest fighter in Asgard, so in the face of such a situation, he thinks it's okay to be reckless. At the moment when the voice fell, he directly threw the hammer towards Hela, which probably meant...

With this hammer, you may die, do you believe it?

But it was such a loss that really made Thor and Loki unbelievable. Mjolnir, which no one had ever picked up except Thor and Artoria, was actually given by Hela with one hand. Caught it.

And Hela still had that mocking smile on her face, as if she had just done something insignificant, but catching Mjolnir was "really insignificant (cddi) to her.

"Little cutie, you don't even know what possibility is!" Saying that, Hela made a sudden force with her right hand, and the terrifying power instantly poured on Mjolnir.


The sound of thunder resounded through the sky, and after the dazzling thunder flickered, Mjolnir was crushed by Hela directly, and then fell to the ground, losing his original divine power.

Seeing this scene, Thor and Loki were stunned. It would be acceptable if Hela just caught Mjölnir. After all, he is his eldest sister, so it is not so surprising to be able to pick up the hammer.

But crush it, it's too scary!

Especially holding the sledgehammer, I was about to cry at this time.

Sister, what you crushed was not only my hammer, but also my wife!

Hela smiled contemptuously, and went straight into battle mode, her long hair gone, replaced by a helmet with horns, which looked like an evolved version of Loki's antlers.

Then she held a long sword in both hands, and walked forward with graceful steps.

"Take us back!" Loki yelled to the sky, can't you hide from me if you can't provoke me? Run away if you can't fight, this is a glorious tradition!

But at this time, the stupid sledgehammer suddenly reacted. He rushed forward, wanting to keep Hela in Blue Star, but before he could take two steps, Bifrost took him and Loki directly. Walk.

He remembered what Odin said before he left, Hela's power comes from Asgard, so once she returns to Asgard, her power will increase day by day!

Only after Bifrost left with the three siblings did a portal slowly open, and Romani walked out from it, standing on the land by the Norwegian sea.

"The hammer has been crushed. Is the Hela that has not recovered its strength so powerful?" Although he knew this situation a long time ago, Romani couldn't help being surprised when he saw the pieces of Mjolnir with his own eyes.

Then he took out a communicator and said: "It has been confirmed that Hela, Thor, and Loki were taken away by Bifrost, but Thor and Loki should not be able to go back. Once Hela answers Asgard, Queen Frigg Strength doesn't pay attention to stopping her ambition at all, when the time comes she will choose to do what she has done before, to conquer Nine Speeds!"

"Hehe, it's not that easy to conquer the Nine Realms. The ice and snow goddess in Jotonheim won't just ignore Asgard, and Hellheim was transformed two days ago. Now there, but Ereshkigal Although this king originally planned to let her transform the dark dimension.

The voice of Gilgamesh came from the communicator. He is no longer on the earth. Chaldea Observatory, that is, most of the projects on the moon base have been completed, so not long ago, Chaldea moved to Go above the moon.

However, Romani didn't expect Jin Glittering and the others to move so fast, and let Alley transform Hellheim directly. That is to say, in Hellheim, Ereshkigal is similar to the existence of the Lord of Dimensions.

I'm really sweating for Hela, it's a long way to go if I want to conquer the Nine Realms!

"So what are you going to do this time? I plan to go to Thor to find Gao Tianzun later. After all, my ring is there." For Romani, the importance of the ring is very high.

"Asgard is our ally after all, and it also contributed a lot in the previous crisis, so this matter will naturally be handled by the king. Just a Hela, just hand it over to the Heroic Department of the king, and it happens to be Iskandar That guy is too idle, if he is allowed to stay idle in the base again, he will have to drink all the wine of the king."

Romani also nodded upon hearing Jin Glittering's words, Heroic Spirit Division is indeed enough to deal with this matter: "Then you are going to let those people go? Iskandar alone should not be able to deal with Hela."

"Iskandar, Quetzal Colyat, and the little girl Joan of Arc, plus Ereshkigal who can support at any time in Hellheim, this lineup is enough to deal with a goddess of death!".

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