Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 286: The Escaped Hela

Skadi has never regarded the Asgardians in this world as gods, except for Odin.

Because Odin has great power, even if it is not the Odin she knew in the previous world, she will put it on a level comparable to her own.

But the rest of the people can't get into her eyes!

Including this goddess of death, Hela, is the same!

"You want me to kneel down for you? And beg for your forgiveness?" Hela's complexion instantly became ugly, especially when he thought of the picture of him asking everyone else to kneel down for him when he returned to Asgard, It's even more unpleasant in my heart.

"Forget it, even if you kneel down, the ending will not change a little bit, I forgive you, let you die here!"

Skadi didn't intend to stay in "Three Three Zero" for too long. With a light wave of her wand in her hand, two ancient words appeared directly in midair. These two words contained extremely terrifying power. Even Frigga, who is proficient in magic, couldn't help being shocked when she saw it.


It was too late to speak, words burst out in an instant, and the power of flames and frost swept towards Hela together, and the flames and frost were extraordinary, after all, the power released by the original rune.

Hela's complexion changed, and then subconsciously stretched out her right hand, wanting to directly destroy the engulfing flames and frost just like when she crushed Mjolnir before.

But the moment those two forces approached, she felt a tingling sensation, and then dodged aside without any hesitation, allowing the terrifying force to blast a huge amount of pothole in the king of Asgard.

At this time, her state of mind finally changed. She knew that the guy in front of her was terrifyingly powerful, even though she was in Asgard and possessed constant power

You must not take it lightly when facing Skadi! 1

But Skadi didn't mean to stop at all, the wand waved again and again, and the original runes appeared in the air one after another, and the terrifying magic bloomed here like Firework.


With a loud shout, Hela immediately released all her strength, and the sharp blade containing the breath of death directly clashed with the magic of the original rune.


The ear-piercing roar resounded in all directions, and the light erupted from the confrontation between the two powers also covered the eyes of many people. I don't know how long it took before the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and Hela's figure was also in the air. Disappeared at the moment.

"Fleeing like a mouse? What a boring fight!"

With that said, Skadi turned around and set her sights on Queen Frigga: "According to the agreement, Asgard will be brought under my rule, definitely, after I have completely eliminated Ragnarök. What is this goddess of death?" , my men will find her out, no matter how deep she hides!"

After the words fell, Skadi opened a portal directly, and three female warriors in armor walked out of it. Without saying a word, a pair of wings of light appeared directly behind them, and then they walked towards different direction to fly.

The three valkyrie sisters, Skadi crafted and collected several powerful magic cores, and then used a trace of power stolen from the Space gem to summon subordinates.

After Scarti smiled and nodded at Queen Frigg, she walked into the portal by herself and returned to the ice and snow palace in Jotonheim...

After Hela fled, she also had a look of displeasure. She had just returned to Asgard, and she didn't have enough strength, so she chose to flee. As long as she stands on the land of Asgard, her strength will continue to increase, and it will only take a while before she is confident that she has enough power to regain the dominion of Asgard!

Definitely, before she has enough power, she can't be discovered by the purple-haired old man just now. Through the confrontation just now, she obviously felt that she was not an opponent at all.

I don't know what happened to the world during the time I was sealed, the Queen of Jotonheim actually has such a powerful power?

In her memory, isn't the Lord of Jotonheim the Giants of Jotunheim named Lauf? Moreover, even that guy named Lauf is far less than Skadi


Fortunately, when Hela was beating Thor and Loki on the blue star, Chaldea had already moved to the moon, otherwise, if a group of people from Chaldea targeted her, she would probably shut herself off in an instant!

Chaldea Observatory, aka Moonbase...

With the efforts of the Inhumans and the many heroes of Chaldea, this base has almost been built, a base like a small city.

The base is divided into fourteen areas, thirteen of which belong to the thirteen divisions of Chaldea, and the last one is the core area. For things like large-scale meetings of the heads of the thirteen divisions, the regiment will use the core area.

And now the Fantastic Four are also helping Chaldea. Because of the teleportation magic circle set up by Da Vinci, it is very convenient for them to travel between the moon and the blue star.

This is of no use to Dr. Reed. He was attracted by this base the first time he came to the observatory. Except for the necessary rest and meals, he has hardly left until now. laboratory.

The stone man didn't care at all. He watched TV when he was bored. To him, there was no difference between staying in the Blue Star building and staying in the moon base.

The only one who can't sit still is Thunderbolt, who will use the teleportation array to go back to Blue Star from time to time. According to his own statement, it is for better communication and learning, but in fact it is to go back to flirt with girls.

It is definitely 0.4, and not all Chaldeans will stay in the base. For example, King David is still looking for his own Abishar around the Blue Star world, and King Hassan follows his own teachings and walks around the world. Melons everywhere...

"What's the matter, Romani?" Da Vinci looked at the dazed Romani and asked softly.

"When calculating the time, I see when it is better to go to Thor. If I go there, it will be boring if I don't see a good show. But if I go late and Thor has an accident, it's not good. After all, Gao Tianzun has my ring in his hand."

Romani said slowly.

As for the good show he said, it is definitely the picture of Hulk holding Thor's hammer!

How can I miss or stop that kind of classic picture?

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