Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 292 Hold The Sledgehammer And Want To Go Home

As soon as the treasure was deployed, Quetzal herself was surrounded by flames, and she was truly like a god at this moment!

This flame breath made Hela feel very uncomfortable, just like Quetzal hated her, she also hated Quetzal, a guy with life and sunshine, even if the two of them didn't know each other, they would probably fight if they met.

"False god, you can never defeat me in the land of Asgard!"

Hela snorted coldly, and then waved her hands violently, the ground below her changed directly, turning into countless terrifying sharp blades, showing off their sharpness behind her.

The next moment, the two were fighting.

When these two fought against each other, both Asgard's soldiers and the giant wolf Fenrir chose to stay away. They didn't want to be affected by these two big men.

But in this situation, all Asgard's soldiers have long been turned into spectators. There are only four people who are really fighting the giant wolf Fenrir. One is Queen Frigga who constantly uses blessing magic. Add BUFF to the three main battlers in front.

The other three are Joan of Arc who is a tank. Her defense power of 23 can be said to be extremely strong. After all, there are treasures that specialize in defense, right?

The remaining two are valkyrie Sif and Asgardian Heimdall. They are much stronger than ordinary Asgardians. As fighters, they can also provide a lot of output.

I don't know why, but there is still some tacit understanding between them, it just feels like they are playing a boss in the next instance, and I don't know if they have heard of a continent called Azeroth, where the warriors is very good at doing things like this.

Within the inherent enchantment.

Iskandar's killing sprang up. Although these dead people didn't feel passionate, they were all brave and good fighters without exception. When they really fought hand-to-hand, they could also bring a different feeling to this warlike king of conquerors. enjoy.

Not only him, but also the soldiers under his command all have smiles on their faces. This smile is the obsession to victory and the enjoyment of the battle!

These soldiers under his command are all genuine heroic spirits. In a sense, they are similar to the king's army under Hela, but they are actually much taller. Among other things, just talking about this appearance, the warriors who once fought with the King of Conquerors are much more handsome than these rotten decedents!

Beauty is justice!

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, Iskandar is leading an army that symbolizes justice. Definitely, for this conqueror, victory is the greatest justice.

Sakaar, inside the champion's exclusive room.

After a long period of communication between Thor and Hulk, coupled with a certain degree of "friend" transactions, the relationship between the two people is finally much better. Hulk is like a child, you care about him, he can still understand, but on Blue Star, 99.99% of the people treat him as a monster.

"crazy girl!"

At this moment, Hulk saw an old acquaintance, that is, Valkyrie, so he directly waved and said hello.

And Valkyrie also likes Hulk, a child-like guy, and the two of them had a fight for a while when they met, and Valkyrie found Thor who was hiding aside. To be honest, she didn't seem to see this tough guy.

But this time, she knew Thor was there on the way here, because she also brought a guy, but the guards along the way didn't notice that there was a person behind her.

"Don't talk to me, you can tell the guy next to me what you want to say." After saying that, Valkyrie went directly to get a bottle of wine and drank it on his own.

"I've had a good chat with Hulk, now it's time to..." The sledgehammer lived up to Hanhan's name, he, like those guards, didn't notice Romani's existence at all.

Seeing Thor's idiot look, Romani couldn't help but took off his hood, sighed, and said: "I think...she means to let you and me have a good chat, For example, if you want to save Asgard, or want to do something else.......

Hearing Romani's voice, Thor reacted suddenly, and then..."Wow! Romani? When were you here?"

"From the very beginning, I've been in...... By the way, do you want to remind me to re-watch the basketball of a character with Erha's eyes after I go back? The red and blue CPs in it often have such conversations." Romani couldn't help complaining when he saw Thor's stubborn look.

"Um...sorry, but now we have to talk about something serious!"

Thor shook his head fiercely, and after shaking off the black question mark on his face, he became serious: "Listen to me, Romani, Asgard is at stake, the life and death of the people are on the line, we have to go back, I need yours Help, and my father, Odin, has passed away... By the way, you will open the door, just open a portal and we will go back?"

The moment Valkyrie heard about Odin's death, his expression changed a lot.

"There's no need to be so anxious, I still have things to do here." Romani shrugged, Asgard is not as precarious as Thor imagined.

"No, no 980, we have to go back to Asgard immediately, help me Romani! The goddess of death, Hela, has invaded Asgard!" Thor said anxiously

"Even so, is it useful for you to go back? To be honest, I don't think you are Hela's opponent, what do you think?"

"That's right, he's definitely no match for him. He probably has to lie on the ground after two or three blows. If Hela still has a bit of sibling affection, she might kneel on the ground and beg him not to die so quickly." Valkyrie also complained, This Tie Hanhan still wants to deal with Hela?

"That's why I need your help, just like the Avengers, rallying can always save the Asgard team.

Thor was a little wiser at this time: "There are me, you, Valkyrie, and Hulk, and we will fight side by side!"

"Well, Thor, I admit that what you said makes sense, but I am here, and it also has a very important meaning. It is very important to me and Blue Star, so I can't follow you back so soon."

Romani said earnestly: "But if you want to leave, I can give you a suggestion. The hole that went up that day can take you back to Asgard...definitely, I mean you don't need to be so anxious, because the situation Maybe not as bad as you think."

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