Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 299: Visitors From Extraterrestrial World

Miyamoto Musashi's combat power is not comparable to Thor's. As the top swordsman, every move and style of her has been meticulously crafted, in order to exert the greatest lethality when she can fight.

Definitely, Hela is also a battle-tested powerhouse, and on the land of Asgard, she is almost immortal and possesses constant power, even Miyamoto Musashi can hardly defeat her.

"Slash back!"

A sword slashed out, leaving a wound directly on Hela's lower abdomen, but the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made Miyamoto Musashi frown.

"I approve of you, warrior from Midgard, but it's a pity that you are a mortal after all, and mortals have no way to contend with God."

Hela took two steps back, looked at Miyamoto Musashi in front of him, and said with a faint smile: "Now I can give you a chance, a chance to submit to me, as long as you want, you can be my number one general, and I, too, can help you become a...god with a long life!"

"My swordsmanship can cut through the sky without thoughts or thoughts, even if you are a god, I can cut it, not to mention you are not a god in my eyes, but an alien with a certain power That's all."

Miyamoto Musashi took a deep breath, and then put on a special posture. She knew that ordinary 413 attacks would not have any effect on Hela, so she became completely serious this time: "If you want me to be your general, Then block my sword first! The essence of Wulun, you self-proclaimed god, you should have never seen it before!

"The essence of the five rounds?" Hela was the first to hear this word, let alone knowledge.

But at this moment, she didn't dare to be careless, because when Miyamoto Musashi posed that special posture, she felt a dangerous aura!

"Nan Wu, Tian Man Da Zi Zai God. The horse-headed Avalokitesvara hangs on anger and cuts off all evil. This power is my empty way, my career... Yisher's celestial phenomenon!"

The treasure is activated, this is Miyamoto Musashi's most powerful attack!

With the sword drawn and the sword drawn, Miyamoto Musashi remained calm and composed, maintaining the posture of the two-sword style, and a statue of huge amounts of King Ni appeared directly behind him, and the four forces of earth, water, fire and wind appeared at this moment.

Six Paths and Five Wheels Kurigara Astronomical Phenomena!

The Noble Phantasm belonging to Miyamoto Musashi is the ultimate slash performed by Miyamoto Musashi through the "zero" sword with the concept of "emptiness" that has not yet been fully understood. , Curse or something, even misfortune, gods and even heaven and earth can be cut in two by the Buddha's sword!

The Anti-human Noble Phantasm is actually an anti-karma Noble Phantasm. Even Hela in Asgard is in danger of being directly cut off by this sword!

When the sword fell, there was a roar between the sky and the earth, and Hela was completely swallowed by that terrifying power. Until the moment the power dissipated, Hela's figure also disappeared together, as if the world had evaporated.

"Emptiness is nothing, even thoughtlessness and thought can be cut off... Just kidding, I'm still too proud." Looking at the scene destroyed by the sword just now, Miyamoto Musashi also laughed He shook his head.

But at this moment, a voice came from the air: "Wow, that's amazing, but don't you think it's too much? Chaldea is an institution that protects human principles, but it blatantly intervenes in Asgard's internal strife. I don't think that's okay!"

Miyamoto Musashi raised his head abruptly, and then he saw a girl with blood-red pupils, not much clothes all over her body, and her hair and strands of her body were shining brightly like a galaxy. Above, there is a crown made of rays of light.


As the half body of the Beast of Eros and Calamity, an extremely dangerous guy!

"It's really troublesome. The matter about you should be in the hands of the Guanwei Division. As a Heroic Division, I have no intention of fighting you!" Miyamoto Musashi's face darkened, and then he said helplessly.

(cdfa) She felt that she was very unlucky. She came to Asgard to help deal with a Hela, and unexpectedly encountered such an existence as the Calamity Beast.

"It's really troublesome, definitely, I mean, if you meet a member of your Chaldean Crown Division at this time, it will be really troublesome."

With a slight smile on Kamo's face, he said softly: "Now I don't plan to contact King Solomon and the first generation Hassan. After all, their strength is really scary. Let alone the current Caleb In the Diguan Division, apart from the Heroic Spirit who is the crown, there are three other existences like me, and I am no match for them.

Kama's current strength has not yet reached its peak, so she doesn't want to meet those crown-level heroic spirits. As for those who have already belonged to Chaldea, she doesn't want to meet them.

"Actually, it's okay even if you meet them. After all, it's not your real body who came here. Even if an avatar is destroyed, it's not a big problem. What's more, you who have the Body of All Desires and the Beast Crown of Light , is not such an easy opponent to deal with."

Miyamoto Musashi kept adjusting her aura, releasing the treasure just now was a lot of consumption for her: "So, what do you want to do here? As a beast of disaster, you plan to deal with this World, do something stupid!"

"It's so stupid that I can't do it. It's just that I saw something interesting in this world, so I plan to come over to have fun. After all, you Chaldea also have a lot of things to be busy with now.

As an organization that protects humanity, being able to confirm my existence is also something to be happy about.

As he spoke, Kama stretched out his hand and released six different rays of light. These rays of light are the "Lu Guan of Light (Wanghu's Lihuang!

This power is the so-called "Light of Love", and there are "Great Love", "Undefiled Love", "Unlawful Love", "Unbiased Love", "Endless Love", "Endless Love" six kinds.

Any kind of light can attack the opponent while strengthening itself.

So Miyamoto Musashi didn't dare to let this light fall on her body at all, she could only dodge constantly, and Kama's behavior standing in the sky was too foul, don't you know that there are many people who can't fly?

Just as Miyamoto Musashi and Kamamara fought, the Chaldea Moon Base also sounded an alarm.

Gilgamesh's eyes became extremely serious at this moment, and he directly raised his head to look into the distance: "Have you already set your sights on Chaldea, but, this little power is not enough for Chaldea at all!".

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