Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 308: Meeting Braised Eggs

Romani said that he was in a very good mood now. Not to mention Ragnarök from Asgard, they got good news as soon as they returned to the base, and they found another Holy Grail.

Before the crisis comes completely, the more Holy Grails can provide Chaldea with stronger power, and the luck is even better, Romani has indeed summoned an amazing guy this time, anyway, this guy is here, the intelligence department The position of the real person in charge is directly handed over to him.

After the summoning ceremony was over, standing in front of Romani was a 1.83 meter gentleman in a black coat. This gentleman is the best and unique detective in the world!

The gentleman glanced at Romani, and then said very politely: "Do you need to introduce yourself? I am a detective. If you need a hero, then I can only say sorry, but if you need a detective or a reasoner, then you can draw Good card."

Sherlock Holmes!

He is the crystallization of the concept of detective, the representative of "revealer".

According to records, he was the protagonist of the novels written by Arthur Conan Doyle from the nineteenth to the twentieth century, a detective who was good at solving various mysteries, and also the originator of detectives who appeared in many mystery novels later. one!

He is a man who thinks comprehensively, acts swiftly and decisively, is bold, meticulous and calm.

No matter what kind of puzzles, crimes or conspiracies, they can't escape him, Sherlock Holmes' eyes.

Even if it is a frightening murderer, a curse that has been passed down to this day, a monster lurking in the night, or even a secret organization beyond the scale of the country, he can reveal the truth of everything to the world.

If necessary, he will also use the sharp Western sword in his hand to hit the opponent directly!

It can be said that his existence has long surpassed the scope of human beings, so he appeared as a "sage" and "revealer".

"There's no need to chat here~◄!"

Before Romani could speak, Jin Xingxing said directly: "Since it is this guy, there is no need to introduce too much, just put the basic information in the laptop and let him go to Blue Star, that's right , just give you a task, to get in touch with S.H.I.E.L.D, after all, the matter of Blue Star still needs to rule this useless ally for a while

Indeed, S.H.I.E.L.D is a useless ally in the eyes of Gilgamesh. Except for the fact that Phil Coulson's team sent the key Holy Grail during the Battle of the World Wall, this organization known as the first line of defense of mankind can be said to be It didn't work at all.

And they do things there every day!

Especially the black stewed egg, with that appearance, Jin Xingxing didn't count it, as if someone owed him eighteen million.

"Is there any trouble when I come here? But I am happy to help. I am still very interested in this new world, but I don't know how people in this world will react when they see me?"

Holmes thought for a while, and came up with a simple reasoning: "There shouldn't be any reaction. After all, you exist in this world. They should start to accept miraculous things. No matter how miraculous I appear, It can't compare to King Solomon and the King of Heroes."

With that said, Holmes turned around and left.

"What do you think Chaldea is planning in this world? All of a sudden, so many Chaldeans returned from the moon to the blue star, and then began to do various things. They want to rule the world Is it?" Inside a safe room, Nick Fury, a braised egg, was saying to the Hill agent beside him with a serious face.

Although he is no longer the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, he has many intelligence lines. Even if it is inconvenient for him to do things openly, Phil Coulson can do it for him.

To put it simply, Nick Fury never gave up on S.H.I.E.L.D, but he continued his work in another way.

"I think we should not worry about Chaldea, but should think about whether there is any danger in this world. After all, in my impression, every action of Chaldea proves that the world is in danger."

Projected across the room is Phil Coulson, who maintains his trust in both Chaldea and Romani, not as much as Nick Fury. After all, if it wasn't for Romani, he'd probably be a Deadman by now.

"Maybe so, but who can say for sure? Phil Coulson, don't forget that you are now the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. You must prevent all possible dangers, not only the universe, but also Chaldea originally."

Ludan said that he was skeptical, especially after the world of Snake and Shield, he was skeptical of everything, not to mention Chaldea, even his hole card pager... Captain Marvel summoner, he also expressed doubts.

Can't make him suspect a Chaldea?

If he really felt at ease with Chaldea, he wouldn't have hidden King Solomon's ring. Definitely, he couldn't let a third person know about it, not even Phil Coulson.

々Well, I will draw attention to Chaldea's actions, although I don't think they will pose a threat to the world. "Phil Coulson said that he still believes in Chaldea very much, but it is not easy for the former boss to investigate and pay attention to himself.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Actually, from a professional point of view, I don't recommend that you monitor the people who are in action in Chaldea, because it will arouse their resentment... .Ah, thank you Queen of Sheba, I'll learn to open the door myself later on."

The figure fell, and Holmes entered the room through the portal (Li Hao), and stood in front of the corned egg.

"Well... I can see you're surprised, you're probably wondering why I'm here, or more precisely, why I know you're here, right?

Holmes smiled, then found a chair to sit down at random, and continued, "It's actually very simple, just find out the locations of the secret safe houses of S.H.I.E.L.D before, and then proceed according to some of the laws that you haven't even noticed yourself. After simple reasoning, you can roughly determine the location. Definitely, I still need Da Vinci to help you search for the little tail hidden by you."

"Who are you?" Nick Fury felt that the guy in front of him was a chatterbox, and there were not many normal people in Chaldea anyway.

"Oh, forget that you haven't met me before, so... I'm Sherlock Holmes, a detective."

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