Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 32 Give Me Face (Asking For Flowers And Comments)

In other words, Thor is also a notoriously unlucky kid, with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, which is a description tailored for him, especially for him who has not really grown up. He would fight with people at every turn, and he planned to use force to solve the problem before he could say a few words. If he wasn't Odin's child, he would have been killed thousands of times.

And this guy is also arrogant, extremely arrogant, and he doesn't know what it means to be obscene, so he directly led a group of friends into the spring of Giants of Jotunheim. Although the boss Lauf no longer has a weapon in his hand, he used to fight Odin for 300 rounds. You, a hammer god, dare to be arrogant in front of him?

The result is that, not to mention being beaten violently, you have to let your father come out to wipe your ass, that's fine, your father said you were wrong, you admit it soon? He refused to repent, but was deprived of his divine power and knocked down to the mortal world, that is, Midgard in the population of Asgard. To be honest, the story of Thor is a whole collection of death, which fully tells everyone that if you don’t die, you won’t die.

"I'm Phil Coulson, and S.H.I.E.L.D needs to use your equipment temporarily." Phil Coulson has protected Mjolnir at this moment, and in order to study the hammer that fell from the sky, he plans to commandeer Jane Foster's research equipment. In fact, his approach is already very gentle. If another agent comes over, such as the people from HYDRA, you just said one more thing when they robbed them. They don’t mind helping you lie in bed for a few weeks or longer. .

"The temporary use you're talking about is stealing? These things can't be bought at all!" Jane took the check from Phil Coulson, glanced at it and threw it away. I don't know whether she valued these research equipment, or Phil Coulson gave too little money.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Foster, we are good people." Phil Coulson maintained his usual politeness, in a place like S.H.I.E.L.D where good and bad people are mixed, and he is an agent, to be able to sit at his step is really a good person , and is a good old man.

Just when Jane Foster was about to continue arguing with Phil Coulson, Romani walked over slowly from the side. He happened to drive around here when he was driving in a circle, and saw Jane Foster and the group of robbers like S.H.I.E.L.D He also understood the current situation.

After Romani walked over, he glanced at Phil Coulson, and then said, "Actually, they are really good people, but what they do is very unreliable. I said Phil Coulson, does S.H.I.E.L.D do things like this? Fortunately, you entered When I was in the clinic, I didn't bring a group of people to grab things, otherwise I can't guarantee that Andumari would beat you all and throw them out."

At this moment, the agent on the side came over and wanted to take the book from Jane Foster's hand, but before he could get the book in his hand, Romani grabbed his arm, even without using the Four Rings , His original strength is also beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, Romani squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "I think Nick Fury even asked me to come over and told me that this matter is related to me, so should you give me some face? For example, return these things to me." Go back, I know Phil Coulson you are a good person, and I also know that you know that you are working hard, but don't bother others. And that thing belongs to the occult, even if you take all these instruments away, you can't help it After researching a little bit, it’s better to wait for you to protect the area, and then I’ll tell you a story, what do you think, Phil Coulson?”

To be honest, Phil Coulson did not expect Romani to intervene suddenly at this time, but he did receive an order from Nick Fury not long ago. If it is related to Romani Achiman when dealing with things, then it does not touch the bottom line Under the circumstances, try to follow Romani's meaning.

The reason why Nick Fury made such a decision is because they don't know much about occultism, and the other is that they have some fears about the strength of Romani originally. A magician who can fight abominations in hand-to-hand, and not long ago showed amazing magic tricks in Monaco, such a person deserves to be friends with S.H.I.E.L.D, before he threatens the world.

"Are you sure, Dr. Romani?" Phil Coulson gave the agent a wink to stop touching Jane's notebook, and Romani let go of his arm when he realized it.

Hearing Phil Coulson's words, Dr. Erik Shavig always felt a little uncomfortable. He said softly to Romani: "Young man, we appreciate your help, but please don't get involved, for your sake Own."

Does he know the style of S.H.I.E.L.D, a doctor who has a good relationship with him, a gamma ray genius, disappeared after S.H.I.E.L.D intervened. And the Romani in front of him gave him a good impression, so he didn't want Romani to get into unsolvable troubles because of them.

"Thank you for your relationship, Dr. Savage." After a simple reply, Romani turned his attention to Phil Coulson again, "I give you a suggestion, Phil Coulson, go back and protect that area and set up defenses Fortifications, and then whatever research you want to do, it will be useless anyway. After making these preparations, you just need to wait, and time will tell."

"Okay." Phil Coulson checked Romani's expression carefully enough, knowing that Romani was not joking with him, he turned around and said, "Put everything down, let's go."

Hearing Phil Coulson's decision, many agents were taken aback for a moment, but Phil Coulson is the boss after all, even if he teases you, you have to obey orders. So, they put down the equipment that they had finally moved into the car, and then got in the car to leave.

"I'll wait for you there, Dr. Romani." After saying this, Phil Coulson got into the car and left.

After Phil Coulson left, Jane cursed directly in that direction: "Get out of the way, and we are good people, robbers!"

After scolding, she turned around and seemed to feel that her actions just now were a little rude, and her face was a little embarrassed: "Thank you very much for your help. If it weren't for you, my research results for many years would be gone. I would like to express my thanks, Jane Foster." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and smiled.

"And my digital player, thank you very much." Daisy Lewis, Jane's friend, also thanked at this moment.

"Romani Archman." After shaking hands with Jane, Romani also introduced himself. He has no interest in Jane, after all, she is Thor's girlfriend. But at this time, Romani also thought of a problem. He helped to keep Jane's research equipment here, so who would take that idiot Thor to grab the hammer?

Forget it, I really care about my hammer, let it be...

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