Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 335: Ancient One And Tiamat

The light of the third treasure phantasm covers everything around, and the powerful power is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, but Romani has well controlled the target of his treasure phantasm. Noble Phantasm.

He poured all the power of this treasure on Carol's body, gathering the power of all human history, hoping that Carol's control over energy has not reached its peak, otherwise, the heat formed by gathering human history, The third Noble Phantasm of Solomon's king is most likely also under Carol's control.

A bright light envelops everything...

At this moment, an angry figure came out from the light: "I decided to give you a good beating first, and then talk about the rest. Although I think I can still resist, but When your attack just now fell, the "five six zero" really hurts!"

Carol walked out of the light with a look of anger. She looked a little embarrassed at the moment. It was obvious that the current shock team was not yet able to control almost all the energy. The powerful energy of King Solomon's third Noble Phantasm has already exceeded her ability range, definitely, if she turns into a double star form, it will be completely different.

If he wants to deal with the double-star team, Romani probably needs to continue burning human history as King Solomon... No, human history is probably not enough to deal with the double-star team

He has to burn the cosmic officials!

However, it is definitely impossible for Romani to do that. He is protecting humanity, not reshaping or destroying it.

But since the two special states have nothing to do with the shocking team, and the third treasure is only to hurt her, then Romani has no intention of continuing to entangle with her. He is here to find himself, not himself Beaten.

Black Braised Egg has found a helper, so why can't he find a helper?

"If you want to beat me up, it's better next time. The opponent you will face next is not weak. Friendly reminder, it's better to be careful..."

Romani suddenly raised one hand high, time and space fluctuated at this moment, he took a deep breath, and then softly shouted: "The time has come to wear the crown, so as to enlighten everything! Ars Paulina! Do me a favor, this opponent is I leave it to you for now!"

King Solomon's second Noble Phantasm, the space where human history converted into magic power gathers and unifies, exists in an imaginary space isolated from the normal flow of time, and crowns the Temple of Time!

And now in the Crown Time Temple, there are two boss-level guys living there. The two of them may not be Carol's opponents, but facing them, it is not easy for Carol to want to win for a while. matter.

The gate of the Temple of Time opened, and a big bald man in yellow clothes and Tiamat, the three-none beauty, walked out of it. Both of them actually belonged to the spirit body now, but with their strength, they could carry out the physical body for a short time. Still no problem.

"Speaking of which, I just realized that King Solomon is so good at dispatching people. Is he worthy of being called a king? Coordinating everything, and then handing things over to the subjects to complete. However, it seems that we are not your subjects, King Solomon?" Ancient One magician walked out of the Temple of Time with a sleepy face as if he had just woken up.

"Solomon, help, I can." Tiamat's facial expression didn't change at all, and I don't know why, it seems that it was because Romani saved her. So now she has a kind of dependence on Romani.

"Haha, isn't this an emergency? If you don't get the ring back, then things will be even more troublesome. Your apprentice is also in trouble now. I'm also here to help him. Please." said Then, the three rings on Romani's hand lit up, and the whole person instantly turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Nick Fury's direction

Just when Carol was about to turn around and chase after Romani, Ancient One magician moved her hands, and the surrounding environment changed like a kaleidoscope. Without saying a word, she directly pulled the shocking team into the mirror space.

"I'm sorry for this lady, can you wait here for a while? As a person who is already dead, I don't want to fight with you. After all, you are also a famous figure in the universe, Carol Danvers.

With a gentle smile on his face, Ancient One magician said slowly: "When you came to Earth last time, I observed you, and I knew very well about your future, an extremely powerful superhero. The only problem is , the person you choose to believe, does not seem to be so trustworthy..."

The Ancient One magician has guarded this world for hundreds of years. When all outsiders appear on the blue star, she will observe [just like Loki was discovered by Strange when the blue star was ten years old.

So, she met Carol very early, definitely, this is one-sided, Carol has never seen the bald man in yellow, the previous Sorcerer Supreme.

"Who should I trust? I can make a correct judgment. Now you should let me out quickly. If there is a fight here, I can't promise to be merciful." Carol clenched his right hand violently, a powerful force Just burst out at this moment.

She has to get out quickly, Nick Fury is no match for King Solomon just now.

"I can't, excuse me, Solomon." Tiamat said in her immature voice, and then she walked towards Carol step by step. The violent and powerful magic power erupted from her body, setting off a wave of chaos in the mirror space. A storm of magic.

She is the creation god Tiamat!

Even if she has become a spirit body, even if she was endowed with the concept of death by the first generation of Hassan, her strength is still beyond doubt. In the land of China, there is an old saying in the eastern countries that a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it can't be used to describe the current Tiamat.

What's more, what Carol has to deal with now is not just Tiamat, the idiot, but also the old treacherous... 3.5 Ancient One magician, as a Sorcerer who has been stupid for hundreds of years Supreme, her strength and IQ are not comparable to Strange who just took office.

Among the former Nine Realms, there were very few strong enough to stand at the top, such as Odin, the heavenly father of Asgard, and the Sorcerer Supreme of Midgard!

"To be honest, I don't like fighting, and I really hate the power of the dark dimension, but it seems that I have to use the power I hate to deal with you. This time, King Solomon owes me a big favor!" The voice fell, Ancient One Magician took a deep breath, and a terrifying aura emanated from her body.

Seeing these two powerful enemies in front of him, Carol couldn't help but frown. As for Nick Fury outside...

Good luck to you.....

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