Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 338 Peeking Into The Future

"Hey, do you know that guy named King Solomon?" Quill suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked.

Then, he got an affirmative answer.

Well, I hit the wrong person, this group of people is still the friends of that monster King Solomon, a fierce man who can even blow up the planet Egg, is it that they Guardians of Galaxy can provoke?

"Guys, Mr. Rocket is here, give me all... Is something wrong, Quill?" At this moment, Rocket Raccoon rushed in with a heavy weapon, However, he is quite good at observing words and expressions, and he can tell at a glance that something is wrong here.

Groot also came in at this time, because Asgard was not destroyed, so Thor did not encounter the Guardians of Galaxy. Simply put, the fighting power gathered on Titan is much stronger than in the movie.

Although there is a very critical point, that is, with Quill around, no matter how strong the combat power is, it may not be effective.

"I seem to remember it too, have you ever been to Blue Star?" Tony suddenly thought of something, frowned slightly, and asked.

"Blue Star? What the hell, I just went back to Missouri." Star-Lord is destined to carry out his unreliability to the end.

"940 hell, Missouri is in Blue Star! So you are here to deal with Thanos, that big purple potato? Listen to what you said just now, he took your little girlfriend away?"

After clarifying the situation, Tony also let go of Drax, and a group of people walked out of the flight controller, looking at the strange planet outside at this moment.

"Not only did he take Gamora, but he also took the Reality Gem from Collector, listen guys, I suggest you better go home quickly, after all, you are not like us...well, experienced , and very powerful."

Quill said that he was very low-key, I embarrassed the accuser Ronan to death by dancing, but I was low-key, I didn't say anything.

"Another gem, things are really troublesome..."

Thor shook his head, walked on the land of Titan Star, thought for a while, and then continued: "The only advantage we have now is that he will come to the door by himself! In this way, I have a plan, or , at least there is a preliminary idea, we lure him here, and then reverse, and finally snatch what we want."

"We don't need to wrestle with him, what we need are gloves." Tony briefly explained his thoughts, there were only three steps in total, it was extremely simple, as if he was talking about how to put an elephant in a refrigerator.

At this moment, he suddenly found that Drax was gasping, which was obviously an insult to himself, to actually gasp when he was talking about tactics. But to be honest, as for his so-called plan just now, anyone can figure it out, so there is really no need to listen carefully.

Unconvinced, Tony turned his head directly and asked, "So, what did you do before?"

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover!" When she said this, Mantis Girl made a special expression, "I'm very fierce, please don't mess with me", but it is estimated that even children can't be scared.

Hearing this, Tony was stunned, and little Spider-Man was also stunned. Only now did they realize that the group of people in front of them were all fools. It’s the kind of thing that says you want to enter a difficult book, and then someone asks how to fight the boss, but you get a uniform answer..... just pass it recklessly!

"Okay, come over here, my lord, call all your brothers over here." Tony was still a little polite when he was talking seriously, such as now, even though he had ten thousand alpacas flying in his heart Ben.

"What Sir, you can just call me Star Lord." Having said that, Quill said that he is very happy now, and it is the first time someone calls him Lord, and he secretly decided in his heart that he can use this name a lot in the future. Promote it.

My lord, it sounds very good when you hear it, is there any reason?

"I think no matter what, we should all unite. The doctor said that the enemy called Thanos (cdbb) cannot be fought by any one person alone. We must gather all the forces that can be gathered to defeat him. "

When everyone gathered around, Gu Dazi suddenly said with a serious face: "Arguing is meaningless. I think we should all get to know each other before Thanos arrives, so that we can cooperate with each other. Then, let's start with Let's start with Mash, I don't have any frontal combat ability, I'm just a master who can provide Mash with magic power."

"It's meaningless at all. We only have the path of fighting, and we only need to bring out our respective strengths."

Quill shook his head, then glanced at the people around him, and then said: "Your plans and ideas are very good, but in my opinion it's really weak, as long as Thanos comes, I'll just throw him smashed his head, it's that simple!"

"That, Star Lord, right?"

Tony now suddenly has a feeling that he formed a team and met a pig teammate: "You mentioned Romani... well, that is King Solomon, which means you know him, right? Even he is not sure about it." The big purple potato's purple potato head was removed, why do you think you have the ability to smash it to pieces?"

This time, the scene instantly quieted down, and even Drax, who had always been crazy, couldn't speak loudly now.

Because they all know how strong King Solomon is, and the Guardians of Galaxy combined may not be enough for Solomon to fight with one hand.

"Look, I said long ago that they won't get any results from their quarrel, and it depends on my weapon in the end!" Rocket Raccoon sat on the side and said to Groot, as if he had some foresight.

"I'm Groot." Groot agreed with the Rockets.

At this time, Mantis Girl suddenly said: "Well, your friends, do you often do that?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to the past, and they happened to see Strange who was shaking his head and sneaking in front of all the audience to resist the movie. I have to say that his little head is shaking very well. Anyway, his way of peeping into the future is no match for Solomon and Gilgamesh's Acute eyes.

After a while, Strange finally recovered, looked up at the crowd, and said, "I went to the future and saw a different ending, and saw most of the results of this battle."

"How many kinds of results have you seen?" Xingjue asked in surprise.

"Fourteen million six hundred and five." Strange replied, but his expression was not very good now.

"How many times have we won?" Tony also sensed something was wrong and asked immediately.

After a long silence, Strange spoke slowly: "Once, or three times......".

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