Marvel's Strongest Magician

Three Hundred And Fortieth Chapters Titan Star Wars (6)

titan star.

The moment after Matthew blocked the attack of the power gem, Strange seized the opportunity and directly used the magic power to whip the neighbor, and then instantly restrained Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

Then, the magic circuit on his body lit up instantly, and a strengthening magic was to strengthen his magic whip so that he would not be freed by Thanos.

Seeing that the critical moment finally came, Drax went up with a sliding shovel and hugged Thanos' thigh, but he didn't know whether he knew what hugging thigh meant.

But judging by his actions, there is a high probability that he wants to tear off a piece of flesh from Thanos' thigh.

Star-Lord Quill and Rocket Raccoon looked at each other, and then Rocket blasted Thanos' face directly with the energy cannon, and Quill threw something and released the electric current to directly restrain Thanos' body. The other hand.

Immediately afterwards, little Spider-Man wrapped Thanos' body with a spider web, and Mash watched the shield hit his thigh hard, making him fall to his knees instantly.

Groot also grew his own vines at this time, helping others to restrain Thanos together. The body of the Titan star is too strong. With so many people working together, he still burst out huge amounts of power, as if at any time can break free.

Seeing such a scene, Tony immediately rushed to pull out the carrot... No, it was the glove, as long as the Infinity Gauntlet was removed from Thanos' hand, they would be considered a success.

Although Thanos without gloves is very strong, they have countless ways to deal with them. The heroes of Chaldea are not weak.

But I don't know how Thanos put on the glove, it's so tight that Tony couldn't pull it off for a long time.

At this moment, the mantis girl descended from the sky through the portal opened by Strange, sat on Thanos' shoulder, and then used her spiritual ability to control the annihilator.

It wasn't until this time that this extremely strong Titan star became quiet.

"Is he under control?" Tony asked as he continued to pull carrots.

"Move faster, he's too strong." The mantis girl felt that Thanos' will was extremely tenacious, and her mental ability was simply not enough to control this big purple guy for a long time.

"Parker, come and help me, she can't hold on for too long, we have to break his fingers together to take off the glove." Tony knows that this is the time to race against time, and the glove represents victory or failure," Tachi Maruto Xiang, right? You also come to help, one more person will do more!"

Hearing this, Gu Dazi also rushed over immediately, contributing his insignificant strength.

When everyone was trying to pull out the radish, Star-Lord Quill also flew over from a distance, and the moment he landed, a smile appeared on his face. In his opinion, he had already won, so he is very relaxed now: "I thought It's hard to catch, but let's be clear, that's my plan."

After a slight pause, Quill walked up to Thanos, staring at him: "You are not so powerful now, are you? Tell me, where is my Gamora?

"It's my Gamora." The controlled Thanos still didn't forget to refute, and he didn't know how cruel it was to control him as a daughter to do such a thing.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is she?" Quill didn't want to worry about who it was at this time, that's right, this big purple potato is indeed Gamora's father and adoptive father as well as her father.

However, sooner or later the daughter will be married, and he is the one who will marry Gamora.

"He's in great pain, he's mourning." The mantis woman sensed a change in Thanos' inner mood.

"What is there to mourn about this monster?" Quill couldn't react for a while, and asked suspiciously.

But at this time, Nebula's face changed suddenly, and she also walked over, her tone became much lower: "He is mourning Gamora, he took Gamora to Vormir, and then brought back Soul Gem, But Gamora didn't come back."

Hearing this conversation, Tony's expression changed instantly, and he didn't want anything to go wrong at this moment: "Quiel, you have to calm down now, understand? Don't do anything, we'll take off the gloves right away !"

"Tell me she's lying!"

Quayle said how could he be calm when his daughter-in-law is gone: "You bastard, tell me you didn't do that!"

He roared, looking for the last hope.

"I have no choice."

These words from Thanos completely destroyed Quill's hope, and also made Quill completely lose his mind. He beat Thanos' head one after another to vent his inner anger

But this was a chance for Thanos to wake up, that is, when little Spider-Man and Gu Dazi were about to pull off the gloves, Thanos woke up suddenly, grabbed his gloves, and then directly broke free from the restraints on his body. Immediately afterwards, he was shot one after another, knocking everyone out, and he regained consciousness at this moment, and his heart was invaded, which made him extremely angry

In this state, he is simply not something Quill and the others can defeat.

Tony knew it was over, they had missed their last chance.

However, even so, everyone did not intend to give up. Gudazi, Matthew, Drax, Rocket and others who were thrown away all stood up at once, ready to attack Thanos again.

But this time, Thanos didn't intend to give them any chance. The power gem on the glove burst into an astonishing light, and then swung a light blade like a crescent moon. go down.

At this critical moment, a space channel suddenly opened in front of everyone, and a hand stretched out from it, directly grasping the light blade released by the power gem.


At the moment when the force was exerted, the sound of glass shattering was extremely clear, reaching everyone's ears, and then...

The light blade of the power gem was directly crushed, and there was a deafening sound, and the figure in the fine clothes also came out from the space channel, standing on the Titan star

At this moment, it is like a god.

"It seems that I came in time..."

Romani breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, he can be regarded as catching up, if he is a step late, Gu Dazi and the others probably have to explain here: "This should be our first official meeting, Thanos?" .

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