Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 346: Solomon Vs Thanos (2)

Seeing Romani's changes at the moment and the terrifying energy fluctuations erupting from him, Thanos' face became much more gloomy. He had noticed this King of Wisdom, King of Magic...King Solomon from Blue Star early in the morning.

Later, because of his cooperation with Kamamara, he had a better understanding of this person known as the king. He knew exactly what kind of existence the other party was in the history of Blue Star. .

The person closest to God is the king who conveys God's will. Among ordinary people, this King Solomon is omnipotent.

Therefore, he didn't dare to underestimate the other party for a moment. From the time he invited several big shots to deal with Blue Star, he was worried that King Solomon would hinder his plan.

But, he is Thanos, Thanos, the overlord of this universe!

As the overlord, it doesn't mean that he will always win, or that he cannot accept defeat. He just will try his best to do one thing. If it is really stopped by King Solomon 23, at the last moment, he will He will also gladly accept this ending, perhaps in his eyes, this is his destiny.

At this moment, Thanos clenched his fists, and the power gem on the Infinity Gauntlet burst into dazzling light. At this moment, he fixed his eyes on King Solomon opposite him, and said in a deep voice: "Come on, King Solomon! The battle between the two is destiny, whether the path you chose guarded this universe, or the ending I was looking forward to saved it, this battle will tell us the answer!"

Romani didn't speak, he just fixed his eyes, then raised his right hand suddenly in the direction of Thanos, a beam of flame burst out at this moment, the terrifying high temperature seemed to distort the space here.

Faced with such power, Thanos naturally didn't dare to have the slightest overcoat. He swung his fist, and the purple light, the power belonging to the power gem was revealed at this moment. His attack this time was stronger than any previous one. Be strong.

If he really used the power of the power gem when facing King Solomon at this time, then the fight with Tony and the others just now was no different from a child's play house.


The flame and the purple light beam of the power gem collided, and there was a whole fooling sound in an instant.

Romani watched everything in front of him calmly. At the moment when the flame he released was about to disappear, he stretched out his hand to the sky and shook it violently, and then pulled it down fiercely as if grabbing something.

At this moment, a huge amount of satellite was thrown directly at Thanos. This trick was used by Thanos to deal with Tony in the original plot, but it was used by Romani at this moment.

After activating the state of Destroyer, the power he can use is not just flame, ice and thunder, the power he now possesses is beyond everyone's imagination. Even he himself would be a little surprised by this. After all, in the era when he was King Solomon, he never used his power to enter this state.

Facing the impact of huge amounts of satellites, Thanos directly used the power of the Reality Gem, the red light swept across, and the huge amounts of satellites turned into feathers all over the sky in an instant, and fell slowly.

"King Solomon, this simple attack will not work on you or me, show your true skills! For example..."

Thanos took a step forward, clenched his fist violently, and the energy erupted from the power gem directly formed a small planet at this moment: "The power when you destroyed the planet Ego, the power enough to destroy the planet, I I want to see how, as the king of humans on Blue Star, how do you possess such powerful power?"

"There is no need to release the Noble Phantasm at all. In my current state, I am no weaker than the third Noble Phantasm!" Romani's icy voice came out of his mouth, and immediately, a sea of ​​thunder emerged at this moment.

At the same time, starting from under his feet, Ice spread in all directions in an instant. In an instant, the entire Titan star was frozen by this force. cold.

"Well, Mr. Stark, does the battle suit you made for me have heating? To be honest, after the appearance of King Solomon's power, I feel colder than staying in the universe." little Spider-Man couldn't help shivering , the kind of coldness emanating from power. "His battle suit is simply irresistible.

As a result, at this time, Tony also turned his head tremblingly, looked at the little Spider-Man beside him and said: "I will definitely strengthen the function of keeping warm in the future, Romani's strength is too scary."

"I said, can you think about our feelings a little bit, I feel that we will be frozen to death before he can finish Thanos!" Quill said that he was almost freezing to death.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone around gave him a blank stare. If it weren't for you, a bastard, who couldn't help but give Thanos a few times, they would have already ended the battle. How could this be the case?

Matthew and Gudazi also feel cold to death at this time. Under the influence of Romani's power, the environment of Titan star is colder than that of West 670 Siberia.

Seeing that the people around were extremely cold, Strange sighed, and immediately released his magic power, wrapping everyone up, under the effect of his magic power

The coldness has been reduced a lot.

Although it is still extremely cold, at least it will not die of cold here.

"Matthew, do you think Dr. Romani can defeat that guy?" Gudazi was watching the battle between Romani and Thanos, and at the same time asked Matthew beside him.

"I think we can trust Dr. Roman. Matthew didn't have the slightest hesitation, and said directly, "Although the doctor is usually a very dishonest person, he is very trustworthy when it is critical. "

Hearing this, Gu Dazi nodded, and said with some concern: "I'm just worried that he will make the same choice as before. If it's the victory in exchange for that, then I can't accept anything!"

She trusted the doctor, but was also very worried.

When dealing with Getia before, the doctor was trustworthy, but the choice he made in the end was to use the first treasure to abandon everything about himself, and even his own existence disappeared on the seat of heroes... ...

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