Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 359: Meeting Of The Kings (Part 2)

"Holy Grail War? Emperor Shihuang, do you want me to carve up the world together?" Artoria frowned, staring directly at Emperor Shihuang on the throne, and said coldly.

She is a king like a saint. She doesn't want the people to suffer, but hopes that all the people can live the best life. She doesn't want to start a war at all.

In the past, she participated in the Holy Grail War to change the fate of Britain, but in this world, she did not have such a desire, nor did she have the ambition to conquer the world, and she was not originally a person who wanted to be a king.

Such an Artoria would naturally not agree with what the Emperor Shihuang said and thought.

"It's not that the world must be divided up, but the future of the world must be determined. I heard that the King of Heroes once said something, and I agree very much..."

The First Emperor took a deep breath, and then said what Gilgamesh had said: "Who will admit it? Who will allow it? Who will bear the crime? The king will admit, the king will allow, the king will Carry the whole world on your back!"

"Hehe, Emperor Shihuang, you can understand my words, it seems that you are also a good guy!" Hearing this, Gilgamesh also showed a smile on his face.

Shihuang's quoting of his words at this time is undoubtedly his approval. Although he is proud, even arrogant, but the approval of Shihuang, the first emperor in the world, is still very useful to him.

"I think the first emperor's idea is good. Showing hegemony and bravery in this world, deciding the future direction of the world, and guiding the people to a better future are exactly what we, the king, should do."

As the King of Conquerors, Iskandar very much agrees with Emperor Shihuang's ideas, and after staying in this world for such a long time, he is very clear about how disgusting the high-level people in this world are.

Regardless of the final outcome of this special Holy Grail War, as long as those high-level disgusting guys are pulled down, the result will not be that bad.

"The battle between you mortals has nothing to do with me, but if you want, I think you might as well make this war a little bigger... How about letting the war spread to the Nine Realms?" With a sneer on Skadi's face, he took a sip of the wine and proposed an idea.

Hearing this, Romani's expression changed slightly, and he said: "We must not let the flames of war spread to the Nine Realms! The Nine Realms are too big, if you really stand up, it may cause disaster to several of them, and Hellheim is already a The realm of Reshkigal, if you want to go deep there, I guess most people don’t have the ability to do that, right?”

"Emperor Shihuang, please tell me your plan. I think the Holy Grail War you are looking forward to will not be without my help?" Romani raised his head and looked at Emperor Shihuang who was sitting on the main seat.

At this time, Emperor Shihuang showed a smile on his face, and said immediately: "As long as you agree to this matter, I will do my best to help you resist the invasion of foreign enemies. After that, I will give you the best battlefield. Using Infinity Gauntlet , the seeds of the fantasy tree, and the power of King Solomon, in this world, perfectly reproduce the kingdom that belongs to us!

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, and even Artoria couldn't help but feel a glimmer of expectation in her heart.

How exciting it is to belong to the kingdom of kings!

In King Solomon's Israel, besides him originally, there was also King David, with seventy-two Mephistas under his command, and the Queen of Sheba of the Kingdom of Sheba as an ally.

The Great Qin Dynasty of the first emperor was a country where counselors were like clouds and generals were like rain. Famous generals recorded in history include Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian, Zhang Han, etc., and counselors also included legalists like Li Si. If these people were allowed to appear in this world, as heroic spirits, I don't know how powerful they would be.

Needless to say, Uruk of Gilgamesh is a kingdom based in the Age of Gods. He was originally called the King of Heroes, and beside him is the extremely powerful Enkidu. Even, there are gods such as Ishtar and Ereshkigal, but they don’t know whether the war imagined by the first emperor will involve the gods.

Iskandar's ancient Macedonian kingdom is also extremely powerful. If his king's army is separated from the treasures, all of them will appear in this world as complete heroic spirits. Any one of them will be a strong man in his own right, and even many of them are powerful in battle. On the face of it, it is even better than the King of Conquerors.

...asking for flowers......

Then there is Britain ruled by Artoria, the great magician Merlin and the knights of the round table, which one is not a famous existence?

But at this time, Emperor Shihuang continued: "It's not just that. In my vision, it's not just the kings present here who are involved in this war. In the history of the world, there are countless famous kings who have spread far and wide. , such as Charlemagne, Caesar, Ivan, Ozymandias, Semiramis, Wu Zetian, Darius III, Leonidas...

All the things listed by the First Emperor are all those who have left a great reputation in the history of mankind. Charlemagne and the twelve warriors under his command are no worse than King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Not to mention Julius Caesar, how many powerful heroic spirits can the huge Romani find!


Ivan the Terrible, Romani and the others had already faced him once before, and although they won, it was not easy.

Ozymandias, the Pharaoh of Egypt, is known as the King of the Sun. This guy is almost immortal in his Sun Temple. Even King Hassan didn't kill him.

Semiramis, the queen of Assyria, was the earliest poisoner in history.

Wu Zetian, the first female emperor in Chinese history.

Darius III, the brave king of the Persian Empire.

Leonidas I, King of Sparta!

If all these people really appeared in this world, there would definitely be a grand war!

Romani slowly closed his eyes, he listened to the voice of the sky, to seek the answer he should give. After being silent for a long time, he opened his eyes again and looked at the confident Emperor Shihuang: "I, Solomon, agree to your conditions on behalf of the ancient United Kingdom of Israel!"

Hearing this, Gilgamesh burst out laughing instantly: "Hahahaha, this is really interesting, since that's the case, the king, Gilgamesh also agrees to your conditions on behalf of the Kingdom of Uruk, I hope The war you imagined can make this king happy, Fan!".

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