Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 366 The Battle Of Wakanda (3)

Thanos looked at the guy who appeared in front of him, and his face became more serious. It has to be said that he did feel threatened from Thor. But it's just a threat, he now has five Infinite Gems, and because of the existence of King Solomon, he didn't care about it this time.

Putting on a battle suit in addition to the power of Infinite Gems, he is ready for close combat.

As a member of the Titan tribe, and the strongest one, Thanos's ability in close combat is not weak at all.

"You just said, your father? I see, you are the son of Odin, and I have heard of your name in the universe, Thunder Man Thor, right? As the child of the king of Asgard, but became the son of Sakaar Gladiator, your father will be ashamed of you."

Thanos was not in a hurry to fight Thor, but chatted mockingly.

King Solomon is the only opponent who is really regarded by Thanos, at least for now, this is what he thinks in his heart.

What made him especially afraid was King Solomon's state of destroying everything, his manipulation of black holes, and the terror of devouring everything. Even if he had Infinite Gems, he didn't dare to underestimate it.

"It's a pity that your little language can't hit me. After all, my family has an idiot brother who is accustomed to speaking. You can ask him for advice on how to knock someone down with language."

I don't know if it's because he has finally grown up, but Thor's ability to speak up has improved a lot.

"Then speak with your axe, and I hope it won't shatter." Thanos taunted, and rushed towards Thor with his war blade in hand, and at the same time, the power gem was injected into his body strength.

This kind of practice actually hurts his body, but he doesn't care at all, because for him, this is the last battle, if he wins "then his body is just the fuel to activate Infinite Gems.

What if we lose?

He believed that he would never have the life to leave this planet alive.

On another part of the battlefield, the Ancient One magician and Strange are fighting against the other two. Their environment here is somewhat different from the environment in which other people fight, because this place belongs to the mirror space.

"So, now this can be counted as a master-student duel? You and your master, me and my teacher, or rather, two generations of Sorcerer Supreme against Dormammu and his lackeys...

Strange looked at the two guys in front of him, and his face became quite gloomy.

He never expected that such a scene would appear, and he did not expect that Dormammu and Kaecilius would appear on Blue Star again.

"Actually, it can't be regarded as a master-student duel, because the opponents of the two guys are not just you and the Ancient One magician." At this time, three people came out of the crowd who were dragged into the mirror space together, standing To Strange's side.

Following them into the mirror space, there are Queen Sheba, Quetzal Kolyat and the creation god Tiamat.

When seeing these people appear, Dormammu also felt trouble in his heart, he could feel the powerful power of these people, especially Quetzal and Tiamat.

"This mirror space is really good. It's like the universe here. I can fight with all my strength!" Quetzal suddenly showed a scary smile on his face. He was obviously the goddess of the sun, but he smiled like a devil.

"Ancient One." Tiamat looked at Ancient One, then nodded slightly.

Among these people, the relationship between her and Ancient One magician is the best. After all, both of them have stayed in the Temple of Time for a long time, and they have long been best friends.

Ancient One also nodded, she knew very well that the current Tiamat is not the beast of disaster that once wanted to destroy human nature, but the real mother of all things, but most of the time, she seems to be ignorant Like a girl in the world.

Then, the Ancient One magician turned his head and set his sights on Dormammu: "The current situation is four against one, your subordinates, any one of us can solve all of them."

"Let me solve those guys with eye problems. After all, I can't provide much help in high-end battles, but ordinary enemies will not be my opponents." Sheba said directly at this time. Among the many people, she is indeed the weakest one.

The current Strange is stronger than the Queen of Sheba. After all, he is the new Sorcerer Supreme. Although he is younger, he still has strength.

Before anyone could speak, Sheba condensed some clouds with her magic power. She sat on the clouds and flew into the sky, then looked down at Kaecilius below, and said in a cold voice: "々Kaecilius, I have heard You, the guy who was easily dealt with by Solomon before, but now it can be seen clearly that your strength has increased a lot."

"Woman, you will die in my hands. This is the first step of revenge against King Solomon!" Casilla raised his head, and dark energy surged around him.

Every day in the dark dimension, he remembers the humiliation that King Solomon gave him back then, and also remembers that Strange finally destroyed his plan and ruined everything about him. As for Dormammu

He doesn't dare to hold grudges, he is already a person from the dark dimension, how can he dare to hold grudges against his master, the master of the dimension?

"Then I'm sorry, although my strength is not strong, it's still not a problem to deal with you. It's not a matter of having strength, but that you don't have the wisdom to defeat me.

The Queen of Sheba immediately burst out with strong magical power, and then she pointed at Kaecilius below, and softly shouted: "Come out, my spirit ghosts! Hidden at the bottom of the empty cabinet (Wang Li's) The answer to the riddle is the test of your precepts! Come on! One! Two! Three! Three riddles!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three spirit ghosts serving the Queen of Sheba appeared directly, but the three spirit ghosts ignored the rules and rushed towards the opposite Kaecilius, and were entangled by these three spirit ghosts. Wisdom, then wait for a beating!

Anyway, other people don't know, but Kaecilius must be beaten severely.

"Don't look at it, the three puzzles of Sheba's Noble Phantasm have a bit of a rule in them. People who can't answer her questions, no matter how powerful they are, will be restricted and attacked by the Noble Phantasm. By the way, I would like to remind you that the external Power also can't have much influence on her treasure."

At this time, Quetzal's weapon appeared directly in his hand, and then he walked towards Dormammu in front of him step by step: "Next, it's our battle!".

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