Marvel's Strongest Magician

Three Hundred And Seventieth Chapters Wakanda Battle (Seven)

It is the same existence as Ishtar's Noble Phantasm Mountain Shocking Star Salary. It's just that this treasure is not thrown from the sky to the earth, but the hammer of the mistress of the underworld that is launched from the ground along the constantly stretching earth.

The earth quake that collapsed Mount Abif through earthquakes and changes in the earth's crust is not as powerful as Ishtar's Venus explosion, but the essence of this Noble Phantasm lies in turning the terrain into the underworld.

So, what if the place where she is originally located at the moment is the Underworld?

That will greatly strengthen the power of Ereshkigal, as the goddess of the underworld, she is the absolute master here!

"The strength has increased? This feels really good. It would be even better if this place is not the so-called underworld. Fighting here always feels like I have died."

Carol also felt at this time that the earth was pouring into her body continuously, and she felt that if she fought here, she would be at least 20% stronger than outside.

"I am the goddess of the underworld, belonging to the world of the underworld, obey my orders!" After Ereshkigal shouted, countless terrifying, spear-like forces rushed directly towards Galactus.

Taking advantage of this time, Carol also launched an attack, her power enough to destroy the planet exploded even more violently after undergoing the strengthening of Hades.

In the blink of an eye, she rushed in front of Galactus, and then punched one after another, falling towards Galactus's body like a storm, completely suppressing Galactus for a while, making him have no resistance at all. Ability.

"She won't be able to suppress that guy for a long time...... I said, aren't you two planning to come out to help? What kind of samurai spirit, it's better to put it aside now!" Ishtar turned suddenly Turning her head, looking at a small hill, Dai Mei frowned slightly, and couldn't help but speak.

"Haha, Your Excellency Ishtar, I have indeed abided by the warrior spirit, so I didn't plan to attack the opponent together at the very beginning, but judging from the current situation, if we just fight alone, we really have no choice Deal with that guy called Galactus."

At this moment, a simple laugh came out, and then two figures walked out from behind the small hill.

The one who made the sound just now has cherry blossom-like hair, wears a blue and red samurai uniform, and holds a Katana in her left and right hands. From the way she walks, it can be seen that she is definitely a battle-hardened warrior. people.

The other one has impressive long hair, wears a lavender armor, holds a Katana in his right hand, and carries a bow and arrow behind him.

These two people are Miyamoto Musashi and Minamoto Raimitsu. Both of them have extremely strong abilities in single-handed combat, so Romani made them wait in Hellheim from the very beginning.

The two of them, together with the two Sumerian goddesses and the shocking team Carol, will definitely be able to defeat Galactus, and it is not a problem for Shen to hold him back.

"However, since it is His Excellency Solomon's request, let's abandon the idea of ​​a samurai for the time being, and this battle is related to the entire human body!" Miyamoto Musashi's face became serious in an instant, and his hands clenched. Holding his own Katana, a powerful breath spreads out with every breath.

"Then, first, let me experience the strength of a strong man from the universe! Master Musashi, I will be careful not to overdo it!" Minamoto Raimitsu walked straight forward with a Katana in his hand. past.

Before she took a step, the breath on her body would become more and more violent, and inexplicably, the only figure left in her mind was the figure of Romani who summoned her to this world in the first place.

As a berserker job agent, Minamoto Raimitsu is different from other berserkers in detail. Most of the berserk awakenings of berserkers are strengthening their own abilities by losing their minds.

But Minamoto Raimitsu is different, her berserk Ability is the top, logically speaking, after entering the berserk state, she should lose all sanity and become a monster who knows how to fight and kill.

But she will not lose her mind, but she will be in the same state as maintaining her mind, but her spirit will be polluted by the blood of ghosts, she will reveal a deep and abnormal maternal love, showing moral flaws.

Eliminate everything for the thing you love, and then lose your mind to protect the thing you love, this is Minamoto's love!

In fact, everyone can distinguish clearly whether it is the mother's love she said in her own mouth, or pure love...

"Well, that general of Genji, you don't have to care about your own strength this time. It should be said that the more you do it, the better!" Miyamoto Musashi thought for a while and said directly.

Then, when no one else could hear him, he muttered softly: "No matter how many times I touch it, it's really... still amazing... File size..."

"Understood Musashi-sama, since it is your wish, plus Dr. Romani's order... I, Raikou, will be transformed into a ghost!"

Walking on the land of Hades, Minamoto Laiguang suddenly raised the sharp blade in his hand, the earth-shattering power appeared at this moment, and the surrounding space trembled under the power she showed: "Come on, my loyal minister, my Siblings, my armor! The Four Heavenly Kings are listed here...."

Suddenly, under the violent thunder, four Minamoto Raimitsu with different weapons were around her, and she walked towards Galactus and Carol who were fighting together.

In one hand is a giant ax that exudes golden light, in the other is a samurai sword that exudes orange light, and in the hands of the other two Minamoto Raimitsu is a green light exuding Longbow and long spear of silvery white light.

And her own body, the long knife in her hand at this moment exudes a lavender light.

At this moment, Minamoto Raimitsu stopped moving forward, and Raimitsu who was holding a longbow pulled the longbow at this moment, and the dark green light emerged like a strong wind, ravaging the land of the underworld.

"Come on!" Minamoto Raimitsu shouted.

Raikou, who was holding a longbow, just let go of the bowstring, and an arrow flew out, heading straight for Galactus.

Before the arrow approached, Raikou jumped up in the air with a huge axe in hand, and then from top to bottom, the ax slashed on Galactus' right shoulder.

The next moment, the orange sword energy raged across the sky, slashing towards Galactus' left shoulder without any hesitation.


And at this moment, Laikou who was holding a long spear appeared directly behind Galactus, and then shot out.

At the moment when the spear was picked out, the dark green arrow came with a strong wind, and instantly swallowed Galactus completely. Seeing such a scene, Carol retreated without any hesitation. Even her eyes became more dignified.

The voice belonging to Minamoto Laiguang resounded at At the moment: "The bull king summons thunder, and the sky net is restored!"

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