Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 40 Identity Exposure (Seeking Comments And Flowers)

After solving the matter in New Mexico, Romani went straight back to his clinic. The clinic has not changed much from before. The only interesting thing is that Andumari seems to take advantage of this time to study medicine and put on a white coat. , Acting as a doctor in his clinic. After a period of time, I really made some money as a dentist.

Romani doesn't even know how to describe it. One of the seventy-two pillars Mephista actually works as a dentist in his clinic.

But Andumari felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did. Isn't there a King Solomon who is a surgeon?

Well, in this way, my clinic is really decent, even when I am not around, I can open for business, and Andumari has also equipped some equipment used by dentists...

After walking into his room, Romani saw a golden cup in it. When he was in New Mexico, Jin completed the transaction. After getting the Holy Grail, he immediately sent it to Romani's room in. This thing is also considered a good treasure. When Romani saw it, he was completely sure that this Holy Grail was the Holy Grail made by Getia.

A huge amounts of magic storage, after a few days of research, Romani also confirmed a few things. The first thing is that this holy grail can indeed be used to summon servants, but it is a one-time use, but the advantage is that the summoned servant does not need to consume his original magic power. The second thing is that to summon a servant requires some special preparations, a treasure that can break through different universes, and that treasure is now in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Space gems!

As one of the Infinite Gems in the Marvel universe, the Space gem's Ability is enough to allow the Holy Grail to call across different time and space, and summon the servants of his original world to this world. But this summoning is random, and even Romani himself is not sure who will be summoned.

The third thing is about the randomness of this summoning. Because of the reason of crossing the world, this randomness is completely random. That is to say, if you are lucky, even a crown-level existence like himself can pass the summoning. temporal. In other words, when the old man can be summoned, it will be much easier to deal with Tiamat in the future.

Tiamat does not have the concept of "death", but the old man can give her the concept of "death"!

Definitely, Romani doesn't feel that he is the Emperor of Europe, and such a thing of the soul is generally not related to him.

And according to the news from Dan Talin, there may not be only one Holy Grail in this world, it is probably scattered in different places like his ring.

"Space gems can be used during the New York War. Even if Thor brings them back to Asgard, they can be borrowed when needed. In fact, the only thing we need to care about is when the time comes and who will be summoned. I hope He will be an easy guy to get along with." Summoning must be summoned, and it is impossible to use the Holy Grail as a battery in this life, this is what Romani thinks in his heart.

But in fact, he is still a little worried about summoning the servants of the heroic spirit, because in the eyes of many heroic spirits, he himself is an annoying guy.

"Speaking of this huge amounts of randomness, I don't know if sub-servants will be counted in it. If it is counted, it would be good to summon the little girl Mash, at least you won't hate me." The memory of the time in Chaldea surfaced, it was one of the best memories, anyway, it was much better than when I was King Solomon.

At this moment, the sound of the mobile phone brought Romani back to reality from his memories, and he answered the phone without looking at it: "Who is there?"

"I need an explanation..."

For a moment, Romani seemed to have smashed the phone directly, so why can't this damn black braised egg change a line? Every time I need an explanation, I explain a hammer! Just after solving the hammer issue, he called himself again, did he show his presence?

Now he really wants to tell Black Braised Egg that your S.H.I.E.L.D is full of HYDRA, and let him handle those troublesome things by himself, so that he won't be suspicious all day long and come looking for his own bad luck!

"Heijidan, are you suffering from persecution delusions? I can recommend you a good psychiatrist!" Romani said angrily. However, he didn't hang up the phone directly. Although the black jerky's words are very annoying, he must contact him when there is something to do, and this matter is still related to him, or it can be a little bit...

Well, maybe it just felt relevant to him in his dark heart, like that hammer thing before.

Nick Fury didn't care about Romani's anger this time, he sat in his office with an unusually serious face: "I'm not joking this time!"

"That means you were joking with me before? Nick Fury, this world is not as simple as you imagined. Maybe you think you know a lot, think you have seen a lot, but I can tell you that those are all things in the world. Fur! You are not the only one guarding this world, but you and the Aegis are the weakest in this world of Asgardians, and are chasing after the unqualified side!" Romani is really angry at this moment, if it weren't for Nick Fury The key person, he really let the big snake in Andumari's hand eat a marinated egg first!

"I got some news, and I also studied some history and mythology. The guy in your clinic, the origin of the name Andumari is not that simple." Before Romani could continue to get angry, Nick Fury continued, "I'm now To really understand why you say 'take back the ring', not because you're the last magician, but because the ring was originally yours."

Hearing this, Romani frowned slightly, and his face became gloomy: "Who told you?"

"I have my source of information. Since you have not denied it, it means that the news is true. So, what should I call you now? Doctor Romani? Or, His Majesty Solomon?" Nick Fury said in a deep voice at this moment.

And Romani also made waves in his heart. There are absolutely not many existences in this world who know his identity. In his understanding, there are only Ancient One magician, Mephisto and his own Mephista.

So, where did Nick Fury find out about this? The Mephista and Ancient One magician under his command will never tell him.

That is, he contacted Mephisto?

Or, someone else knew his identity!

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