Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 402: Tribute To The King




Upon hearing Romani's words, Da Vinci, Gudazi, Matthew, Tony, Sheba...

Several people exclaimed at the same time, and they all felt uneasy. Especially Da Vinci, Gudazi and Matthew, how could they not think of Romani's plan with these familiar words?

Once in the Crown Time Temple, Romani resumed the posture of King Solomon. When he said this sentence, it was the time when he had made up his mind to give up everything he had and deal with Gaetia.

Obviously there was already a parting, and it was hard to reunite, how could it be like this again...witnessing such a scene again?

Hearing the shouts of his friends, Romani held his hand for a while, and the majestic magic power directly turned into a barrier, completely separating the people behind him from the area he was in. In this area, except himself, 103 leaves only Thanos.

This special barrier even blocked the space. Except for the power of the Space gem, it is difficult for other forces to affect the space here.

"Maxiu, break this barrier!" Gudazi yelled directly at this time, no matter what, she didn't want to see Romani give up everything to save the world and humanity again.

Romani is a cowardly king who doesn't want to see sad things. But, in this world, who likes to experience parting and see sorrow?

"Received!" Matthew originally had the same idea as Gudazi. After hearing Gudazi's voice, she immediately raised the big shield in her hand, ready to smash the barrier formed by the condensed magic power.


At this moment, a dull sound (cdfd) came out, the big shield did not fall on the magic barrier, because in front of Matthew, a stalwart king blocked her shield with a long sword in his hand.

"Don't trample on the determination of a great king! Don't you see that everyone here doesn't want such a thing to happen, but even that little girl of the Knight King didn't do anything out of the ordinary? "

Iskandar exerted all his force, directly pushing Matthew back a few steps, his eyes were also full of worry, but it was only worry.

He is the first Heroic Spirit summoned by Romani to this world, and in this world, he spends the longest time with Romani. As a friend, he doesn't want Romani to make such a decision to sacrifice himself, nor does he want to watch Romani give his life.

But as a king, he knows that he should respect the decision of another great king at this time. At this time, he only needs to be a witness, and it is enough for him to leave a legend for future generations.

Just like he was in the Holy Grail War, he charged towards the King of Heroes fearlessly, allowing his subjects to witness his glorious life.

Although he was not a subject of King Solomon, he could serve as a witness.

"But, the doctor..." Gu Dazi looked anxious. She might understand what Iskandar said, but it was impossible for her to accept it in her heart.

"Tachika Maruto!"

At this moment, Gilgamesh suddenly let out a soft drink, his eyes did not move away from Romani, but he just said softly: "You must first understand one thing, at the moment, the one standing in front of you is not Just the one you are familiar with, the doctor of Chaldea. He was also the third king of ancient Israel, King Solomon who was crowned the king of wisdom and the king of magic!"

"He is timid and always feels helpless, but he bears the responsibility that a king should bear. No matter which world it is, there are too many miscellaneous cultivators who claim to be kings, and this king will feel disgusted. But this Guy, a guy who is obviously weak and surprisingly weak, but bears everything about the king, so this king admits the fact that he exists as a king."

"Stopping him at this time is not saving him, and it is the greatest insult to a king! If you think it doesn't matter, then break this barrier and stop that guy Solomon!"

Gilgamesh's words went straight into Gudazi's heart, and she stayed where she was, not making any movements.

After a while, she raised her head and looked straight ahead at Romani, the doctor in her heart, with the gaze of a subject looking at the king, without blinking, as if she was afraid of missing any episode.

Gu Dazi at this time, just like in a certain Holy Grail War, Weber watched the charging King Conqueror, just quietly, clenching his teeth, watching King Solomon!

At this moment, Romani looked at Thanos calmly with both eyes, and slowly opened his mouth, just like when he was in the Crown Time Temple, saying similar words: "Thanos, you may know King Solomon very well, but you must No one knows, it's King Solomon's last magic trick..."

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