Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 404: A Story Of Love And Hope

The first Noble Phantasm, for King Solomon who has reached the end point, is no longer a Noble Phantasm that simply abandons all of himself, but his most powerful Noble Phantasm, the Noble Phantasm that can fulfill all wishes.

No matter which world or universe he is in, his Noble Phantasm will become omnipotent. The so-called omniscient and omnipotent King Solomon, this No. 1 Noble Phantasm is exactly what he is telling about his omnipotence.

And such omnipotence will pay a considerable price.

Abandoning all his existence, everything created by Solomon will lose its value, the third treasure will disappear, and the second treasure will lose infinite time.

The appearance of Solomon's "950" king and the achievements of King Solomon will never appear on the earth again!

Just as Romani said, King Solomon's ending was to use his own treasure to destroy everything he had with his own hands.

It's not death, it's pure...disappearance!

"Are you, once again, using such a cunning method to save everything? Doctor! Why, why did you make such a choice, we still have a chance..." Gu Dazi stepped forward Walking, there were tears on her face, this was the second time, the second time for the doctor to make such a choice.

Are they too weak?

If they could be stronger, if they could protect the last Infinite Gems, wouldn't there be such an ending?

"Maybe there will be opportunities, but we don't know what the future will be like. We can make other choices, but such choices [will not necessarily give us a good future."

Romani turned his head, his body has started to turn into light little by little, and began to dissipate little by little, but this speed is very slow, he can still exist for a while.

And as his body turned into light and dissipated, the surrounding space began to collapse due to the power of Infinite Gems, and the disappeared creatures all returned to their original state one by one.

His first treasure, with a power stronger than Infinite Gems, is repairing this world destroyed by Thanos.

"You've seen it a long time ago, right?" Gudazi had already walked in front of Romani at this time, clenched his fists tightly, and even his body was shaking when he spoke.

And Romani just stretched out his hand at this time, put it on Gudazi's head, and said softly: "Yeah, I have seen it all, and I rarely spy on future scenes, but this time, I have to do it like this .To be honest, I also learned this from everyone, whether it is you and Mash who have been working hard to save humanity or..."

He didn't say the rest of the words, but just set his eyes on Tony.

In the original plot, in the original world, it was this dandy-looking rich man who arrogantly said, I am Iron Man's man. Giving his all at the last minute, he harnessed the power of the Infinite Gems to save the world.

The body of a mortal is comparable to a god!

Perhaps it is precisely because of knowing this that Romani has the courage to give up everything for the second time. After all, he is a cowardly and weak king.

"There is no need to be sad about this, the story of the Magic King is over here, but there will definitely be more exciting stories and heroes better than me in the future. Because I have brought them all to this world..."

After pausing for a moment, Romani turned his attention to Emperor Shihuang: "Your Majesty Emperor Shihuang, it's a pity that I can't fulfill the promise I made to you before. It's better to leave the fate of this planet to human beings originally."

"You have made such a decision from the very beginning. In addition to being cowardly and cowardly, it seems that you are still a liar full of lies, Solomon."

Emperor Shi Huang felt a little heavy at this time. Although Romani gave him a slap in the face, he had to admit that this guy is a real king and a hero worthy of respect: "Forget it, if this is the case, then leave everything to human beings." Well, without you, the battle of the kings, I'm not interested in it, and it's the same compared to other people."

At this time, Thanos, whose body was also disappearing little by little, suddenly walked up to Romani, and said in a deep voice: "I don't understand, if this continues, the universe will inevitably be destroyed due to the exhaustion of , I still don’t understand, why do you insist on letting this hopeless future develop?”

"Your thinking is very similar to Getia in 1.3, but ah, Thanos, you are wrong! I will give you the words of Getia and me at this moment..."

At this time, Romani's mood is extremely peaceful. Even if he wants to disappear, he doesn't have any fear: "Everything is not forever, and what awaits them in the end is only pain. But these are by no means despair. Knowing that there will be an end, But it keeps repeating the existence of parting and encountering.... Splendid and splendid, just like the instant journey of the stars."

"This is a story called love and hope."

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