Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 407: A Different Ending Point

At the moment Shakya Tathagata's voice fell, huge amounts of beams of light fell from the sky, directly devouring Romani's figure completely.

Seeing this scene, Gu Dazi almost exclaimed, but Hassan Sabah and Orion, as well as the two crown candidates, Gilgamesh and Merlin, were very calm.

"Don't bother them, what will happen to King Solomon depends on this moment."

Merlin patted Guda on the shoulder, looked at the position covered by the beam of light with a serious face, and said slowly: "The treasure of Sakyamuni Tathagata is reincarnated in one, its essence is to help human beings become enlightened, and it was born to save human beings." The power that comes out. This power is so powerful that no one can bear it, but at this moment the Enlightened One has used the source of this power. He intends to use this power to enlighten mankind to prevent King Solomon from giving up everything in himself. "

"Che, your explanation is not direct enough... To be precise, it should be the enlightened guy who used this 193 power to guide Solomon to another new end point, not the state of nothingness, nor the state of enlightenment , but a unique destination that belongs to that coward Solomon." Gilgamesh snorted lightly, and also opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing this sentence, Gudazi and the others showed joy on their faces, because it also means that Romani still has hope, he may not disappear in this world, and he can continue to exist by everyone's side.

"What is the possibility of success? What is the success rate?" Tony looked at Gilgamesh very anxiously at this time. As a scientist, he knew that nothing was guaranteed to be successful.

What's more, it must be very difficult to prevent Romani from disappearing, otherwise, everyone present would feel helpless.

"Very little, after all, that fellow Solomon is extremely powerful, even if he is not as powerful as the Enlightened One, it is not so easy to be reversed." Gilgamesh said bluntly, it is impossible to use any white lies to deceive everyone at this time. It doesn't make sense.

Because it won't be long, when the beam of light disappears, you will know what the ending that belongs to Romani is.

But also at this time, in the sky, at a height that no one else could see, the human king Gaitia showed a meaningful smile, and then flew directly into the huge amounts of the minister of the beam of light.

The eyes were full of light, and I don't know how long it had passed before Romani finally felt the light disappear. However, although the light that covered his eyes disappeared, he appeared in a world composed of light at this moment.

And in front of him, there was an empty jade seat, and beside that jade seat, stood an old man in a white robe.

"Long time no see, my child." Before Romani could react, the old man in white robe said slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand, and the space immediately changed. Romani was still in the same place, but his original place had already appeared (cdee) in front of the old man, and the slightly old hand fell on his head. Gently stroking, like a kind father.

"Oh my God, you are..." Romani raised his head, looked at the old man's face, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"You don't have to say it. Countless worlds know my existence, but they don't know where I am. I have sown many seeds in the world, but the only one who can really come here is you. I can feel it. The little power in your body is Shakya who reversed your realm of nothingness and brought you here."

The old man saw through everything at a glance. In front of him, King Solomon's omniscience and omnipotence were like child's play, and he was the real omniscient and omnipotent.

"I don't understand, why did I come here?" Romani no longer had a ring on his hands, and he shook his head at this time, a little unclear about the current situation.

"Because here is where you end, my child...

The old man smiled, and then took two steps towards the side holding Romani, just in front of the jade seat: "You know what? In fact, you were not complete from the beginning, didn't you think about why you Can you use the seventy-two pillars of Mephista? Does that really depend on the ten rings on your hand?"

"Isn't it?" Romani froze for a moment, King Solomon had the power and the ring from heaven, and used the seventy-two pillars of Mephista.

But as the old man said, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"No, definitely not, even when you reach the end you don't understand that the Mephista originally was a part of you, a part of King Solomon

It is precisely because of this that the King of People he turned into after awakening is exactly the same as you..."

The old man's voice fell to the moment, and the human king Gaitia also entered this space. He looked at Romani and said softly: "Master, I didn't expect you to have such a time. To be honest, you are not like that now." A wise king...."

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