Marvel's Strongest Magician

Four Hundred And Eleventh Chapters Please The Kings (2)

After finishing Napoleon, Romani just left him a magic mark, and then went directly to the next world. With this magic mark, all the kings will gather together before the war begins!

As for Romani's next goal, it is in the ancient Assyrian Empire, where there is also an extraordinary king, or... a queen!

The oldest poisoner in the world, Empress Semiramis of the Assyrian Empire, became famous because she poisoned her husband Ninas. At the same time, she also became a legend for a time because she built the "Babylon Empty Midgard Courtyard", one of the seven wonders in the world!

According to legend, the goddess Dekoto combined with a human man and gave birth to Semiramis, but she was ashamed of this and abandoned Semiramis by the water. Semiramis, who was still a baby at that time, was rescued and raised by countless pigeons because of the God Bloodline on his body.

After growing up, the slim Semiramis married the old general Ennis, but her beauty was followed by the ambitious Ninas. Afterwards, Ninas seized her love and made her leave her husband semi-forcibly.

The grief-stricken Ennis chose to commit suicide, making Miramis helplessly become the concubine of Jinas.

During the war with other countries, Ninas won a complete victory relying on the wonderful art of war provided by Semiramis. After learning that she has outstanding talents, Ninas decided to officially marry her.

But at the banquet on the wedding day, King Ninas, who was about to drink a lot, died of pain just as soon as his mouth touched the wine glass. So people spread rumors that Semiramis poisoned King Ninas to avenge his dead husband.

After that, she became the empress of the Assyrian Empire and ruled for decades. Under her rule, the Assyrian Empire was extremely prosperous, and all government affairs would be easily solved in her hands. At the same time, she also directed many expeditions and national construction. .

As for her ending, there are different opinions. Some people say that she was murdered by her son, and some people say that after he gave up the throne, he turned into a pigeon and flew away.

Thinking about the life of the empress and her character in her mind, Romani immediately felt extremely troubled. This guy will not be easily persuaded like Napoleon.

"Speaking of which, this time I seem to have arrived directly at the palace of Assyria, but I just don't know where I am..."..." Before he finished speaking, Romani was stunned, because he turned around Instantly, a huge amounts of bathing pool greets the eye.

Although the hot air and water mist covered a large part of his field of vision, he could still see a graceful figure in the bathing pool, a peerless beauty who could overwhelm the country and the city.

Especially when this beauty is still taking a bath!?


Romani couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then planned to use his Ability to leave this place, but before he left, a cold voice sounded, and then reached Romani's ears: "Be able to break through layers of defense, come The place where Yu bathes is definitely not an ordinary person, but what makes Yu a little puzzled is that you chose to leave after seeing Yu, could it be that you feel that Yu's beauty cannot attract you?"


It has to be said that Semiramis is indeed glamorous, she has a beauty that fascinates men.

It's just that her seductiveness still has a certain gap compared with Kiara Seshouin. Even Kiara Seshouin and Kamamara can't seduce Romani, how can she do it?

"Well, can I say this was an accident? Empress of Assyria, I didn't intend to come to take a peek, it's just that I haven't mastered Ability very well, so it was an accident that I appeared here, but I did come to find Yours, why don't we discuss it after you take a bath?" Romani turned his back to Semiramis, and then said with a straight face.

He came here for business, definitely not because of the empress's beauty.

Besides, he hasn't even dealt with the affairs of his own family well now, so let's forget about a Sheba and a Da Vinci, the two had fought once when they first met.

Now he still feels that Kiara and Minamoto Raimitsu both intend to get involved, so how could he have any thoughts about the Empress of Assyria?

"Then let's talk about it now. Your soul is different from normal humans. I'm still a little curious about this. Who are you? Or, are you a god?"

At this moment, Semiramis suddenly appeared in front of Romani, and that Miaoman's body was already covered in a black dress.

Seeing this empress up close, Romani also has to admit that she is indeed a rare and peerless beauty.

"Well, from a certain point of view, it doesn't seem to be a problem to say that I am a god now, but let me make a formal self-introduction."

Romani scratched the back of his head, and after taking a long breath, he became serious, his eyes fell on Semiramis in front of him, and then he said slowly: "々I am the third king of ancient Israel, named King of Solomon."


Semiramis didn't have any doubts, but she was more interested in Romani. She stretched out her snow-white hand and gently stroked Romani's cheek. With a faint smile on her lips, she said softly: "Then, as Solomon, King of Wisdom, is there something important to come here to find Yu? Or, are you here to taste the fine wine I offer you?"


Maybe, but how many dare to drink the fine wine she offers?

Unless it is about dying, Romani is not worried about it at all. After all, in his current state, he has reached the end of detachment. Even Semiramis' poisoned wine may not hurt him at all. .

"If there is a chance, I don't mind tasting the wine filled by the Empress of Assyria (Zhao Hao Zhao), but the main purpose of coming here this time is to invite the Empress to participate in a war of kings." Romani directly said Said the purpose of his coming here, and then waited for the other party's answer.

After a long silence, Semiramis said: "The war of the kings? I don't know what I can get after participating?"

"What do you want?" Romani didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

The next moment, Semiramis removed the jade hand that was placed on Romani's face, and then said with a chuckle: "Eternal life, eternal dominion. See, the wishes made are all boring and empty, my Wishes are very small, or... Song"

Before Semiramis could continue, Romani gave his answer directly:

"If you can win the war of kings, I can grant any of your wishes with my omnipotence!"

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