Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 423 Shaping The World

A special world, floating in the endless void, not known to others, nor explored by others.

Here is an empty Chaos, dark and irrelevant, nothing exists, let alone life.

"This is the battlefield you chose to prepare for all kings?"

Shakya Tathagata was in this nothingness, his face was indifferent without any fluctuation, he just asked simply: "You want to use the power of creation to create a special world here, and then decide the future of human beings?"

Standing beside him is King Solomon, also known as Romani Aqiman, dressed in fine clothes.

After the kings' banquet was over, he was looking for a suitable space to use as a battlefield between the kings, and the space he finally selected was this place, a place of nothingness where nothing existed.

Even in this void, concepts such as time, space, life and death do not exist, there are no rules, nothing, that is to say, there is a world of creation in safety.

"The war of the kings is extraordinary. If it is placed directly on the blue star, even if it is an independent space, it will inevitably have an impact on the original world, so it is more realistic to open up a new world. Besides, the power is in our hands anyway. I have to take it out and use it, I have never experienced the feeling of creating a world.”

Romani smiled, and then continued with a colon: "But this time the referee of the battle of kings is up to you. After all, you are the fairest one, and you can crush them~everyone."

"King Solomon, which path do you hope the future of mankind will take?" Sakyamuni glanced at Romani-, and then asked slowly.

His principle is not to participate in the development of human beings, so whether the king guides the world, or the people themselves seek the way. There was no difference in his eyes.

"If I had thought in my heart, this war of kings wouldn't have happened. I didn't even go to spy on the future, let this war decide it, and leave the future to the king... ...or humans originally..."

Romani shook his head. He himself doesn't know what the future will be like. Although he has reached the end of detachment and his power has become extremely powerful, he has never explored the future. any sense.

Shakya Tathagata did not continue to ask at this time, he slowly closed his eyes and began to wait.

"Well, let me think about it, how did the once omnipotent create the world? By the way, that's it..."

At this time, Romani suddenly stretched out his right hand and pointed to the front, and then a voice that was not necessarily majestic instantly spread throughout the void: "I said, "Let there be light!"

As soon as the words came out, the first ray of light was born in this originally nihilistic world, and then the light continued to increase and spread, until it formed a sharp contrast with the original darkness of this world.

"Light and darkness are separated, light is day, and darkness is night. There is night, there is morning, the sun rises and the moon sets, this is the time!" With a wave of Romani's hand, light and darkness are separated, and there is also a time in this world. passing of the times.

"Let's have air, moisture up and down."

Immediately afterwards, Romani created the air, and separated the water below the air from the water above the air.

...asking for flowers...

"Let there be earth, and the waters of the world shall be gathered together in one place, and the dry land shall be exposed! The dry land shall be the earth, and the gathering place of the water shall be the sea, and the air shall be the sky!"

The heaven, earth and ocean were quickly formed under Romani's almighty power. At this moment, he exudes a dazzling light, just like the omnipotent who once created the world, creating a brand new world.

"Let the earth produce grass, and herbs that bear seed, and trees that bear fruit, each according to its kind, with fruit with seeds in it."

"There must be the sun and the moon in the sky, and there must be stars beyond the sun and the moon. All living beings and all things have life and death. Everything follows the rules to survive and follow the rules to perish..."


"There must be life in the world, birds and animals, flowers, birds, fish and insects..."

Romani spoke constantly, his words were the rules, and every word he said made the world more and more perfect.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the radiance on his body disappeared all of a sudden, and a tired look appeared on his face. It was the first time he used the power of creation, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

However, under his power, a brand new world has been formed. This world consists of three complete continents and some special islands. Romani has already built cities on these continents, distinguishing regions, and even In this area, there are still living beings, that is, human beings.

All the kings enter it and lead their subjects, but how many cities and territories they can take down depends on their own abilities.

This was also decided after discussing with the kings at the banquet before, otherwise, the power gap between the various countries would be too big. .

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