Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 428 Reinforcements!

"Back! Back! Back!" Napoleon's high-pitched voice roared.

The front line is about to collapse, and Alexander the Great's subordinate is terrible anyway.

With the impact of thousands of heroic spirits, no matter whose line of defense it is, it must be impossible to defend.

So he can only command the army to move backwards, so that he has the opportunity to use shelling~!

"(Arc de triomphe del'étoile) sing the rainbow bow of triumph!" Napoleon roared again.

Under the watchtower, row after row of trenches are erected. At a glance, there are giant cannons that are as black as a bear. Huge amounts of iron gun muzzles gradually rise.

After Napoleon appeared in the world, his huge amounts of M1857 12-pound field gun, known as the Emperor's Cannon, officially became an armament material, and he was not the person in charge of the operation, so its power dropped slightly.

But there is a full row of heavy firepower, which has already surpassed the personal firepower of Napoleon who appeared as Acher!

The colorful cannonballs from the mouths of those terrifying giant beasts finally shot out, and a torrent of magic power rushed towards the army of the King of Conquerors!

Such an offensive to conquer the king's hand had to stop, facing such a torrent of magic power directly, even a heroic spirit, it was by no means able to bear it easily.

But the King of Conquerors, who had already been prepared, waved his hand, and the magician who had been hidden in the army raised a magic barrier, and the soldiers in the front row raised the shields in their hands.

The flood-like magic power was pouring down, and it was blocked by the King of Conquerors!

Napoleon remained expressionless for a moment.

As long as the King of Conquerors has survived this wave, his offensive can be reorganized immediately, but Napoleon's bombardment can't be picked up again in a short while!

So now Napoleon, the neck has been pointed at by the tip of the king of conquest.

"Cough, Mr. Napoleon." Romani appeared beside Napoleon.

This made Napoleon notice his existence at once.

What made Romani a little puzzled was that the king who was about to lose didn't seem to have the slightest bit of frustration about being defeated. Instead, he waved his hand happily.

"Hahaha, King Solomon!"

Romani frowned.

Is there something wrong with this guy? Could it be that this dwarf is really crazy about star chasing? Is it so happy to be beaten by an idol for a long time?

What a shrewd person Napoleon is, he understood Romani's emotions almost instantly, he shrugged: "Hey, you guy, I don't think you understand at all.

He patted his chest and abdomen, and said to Romani with bright eyes: "To be able to play against the great Conqueror on the battlefield, I will die without regret!"

Behind him was the gold and iron horse, the artillery fire from the Emperor's Cannon had subsided, and the King of Conquerors had rearranged his formation and was ready to charge again.

Their current position is close to the core of Napoleon's formation.

The roar of the Macedonian soldiers had already resounded in Napoleon's ears.

Romani nodded, expressing his understanding, and then said to Napoleon: "In this case, Mr. Napoleon, do you want to go back now? There is no point in continuing this situation."

Napoleon's army had been completely torn apart, and within a few breaths, the distance between the Macedonian soldiers and the tent was getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, the corners of Napoleon's mouth suddenly opened wide, and he smiled happily. He proudly asked Romani: "Emperor of Israel, did you really not see any familiar faces in my army? "

What's the meaning?

Romani was stunned for a moment.

He turned his head sharply, and looked at Napoleon's army formation. His godlike eyes instantly took into account the situation on the entire battlefield.

Then, he saw a figure that was extremely familiar to him.

The man lifted off the gray cloak he was wearing in an instant.

The red cloak hanging behind that figure fluttered in an instant, which was extremely eye-catching.

The figure drew a big circle with his hands fiercely, and the spark of magic was thrown out instantly with the movement of his fingers [the tunnel of space is also enlarged in the circle that is constantly spinning and flying!

Doctor Strange! Strange!

Romani's eyes widened instantly, why is he here?

...asking for flowers......

Before he could ask the question in his mind.

At the moment when the space-time tunnel opened, a handsome man holding a red shield rushed out with a resolute momentum.

Captain America!

Then came waves of Wakanda with spears, and an army of Iron Man flying through the air.

An extremely coquettish red figure also rushed out from the inside. The figure turned around the moment it came out, and hooked its fingers at Romani provocatively.

Iron Man, Tony Stark……

The moment these guys came out, the situation on the battlefield changed drastically. The army that was originally the King of Conquerors instantly tore apart Napoleon's army. situation.

The wild smile on Napoleon's face was immediately explained, and Romani turned to look at him with some astonishment: "What a surprise...Mr. Napoleon, I really didn't expect such a situation.

"Hahahaha, it's a great honor for me to make you, the magic king, unpredictable." Although he said it modestly, Romani still saw the unstoppable pride on his face.

Romani nodded and gave him an approving look.

I don't know when I got on the line with the Blue Star Alliance, and came to a catch with the Blue Star Alliance.

This power to make the impossible possible is why Napoleon was called the man of miracles, right?

"But..." Romani turned his head and looked at the battlefield, still having some doubts.

"It's just that, it seems... the ending is still the same."

Yes, the gap between France and Macedonia doesn't seem to be able to be settled by this amount of troops at all?

Hearing this doubt, Napoleon also put away the insolent smile on his face. He also nodded, and then, as if answering Romani's words, he said in a low voice: "So next, the regiment is the key point."

Listening to his words, Romani resisted the urge to open Acute eyes to see the spoiler, and carefully extended his eyes to observe the details on the battlefield.


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