Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 440 Oh My God, The Kitten Is Gone

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, and Nick's expression was also a little stiff.

Nick thought for a while, then smiled at little Spider-Man and said, "Son, shut your mouth when adults are talking.

..." little Spider-Man pouted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay...Look at it again, yes, these things are satellite silos, there are...68 in total." Nick pointed to the virtual image and said.

This made little Spider-Man's eyes widen at once.

68 satellites? What is this concept?

The cost of the cheapest GPS satellite is more than tens of millions of dollars.

And the satellite that the Blue Star Alliance will launch is simply impossible to be a less functional and relatively backward type.

These things are completely in the service of war, and in the habit of Nick Fury, it must be calculated to the highest standard and highest specification.

Then, the launch of this batch of satellites alone will cost tens of billions of dollars.

Although these tens of billions of dollars are useless in this world, it still shows the scarcity of these satellites.

That's a big deal, but... doesn't this violate rule490?

How does the Blue Star Alliance have so many resources?

little Spider-Man looked at Nick with some concern, he asked: "Mr. Nick, this cost so much, where do we get the resources?"

Then, little Spider-Man's face changed, he lowered his voice, and asked secretly: "Could it be that Mr. Romani who opened the back door? That... Sakyamuni allowed such a thing to happen? "

Hearing little Spider-Man's suspicion, Nick opened his mouth, licked his lips and smiled: "definitely not, kid, don't bring your thinking here on Earth."

"Those things are very expensive, and the cost of technology is very high, but compared with the Saint Quartz... it's still far behind. Moreover, we still have the guy Stark, so those satellites are not difficult to get."

Speaking of this, he let out a sneer: "It seems that everyone didn't care about ordinary resources, and they all went to snatch that so-called 'Saint Quartz'.

"Although that thing is powerful, the victory of the war is not only judged by the abundance of resources. Haha, even that guy Romani ignored these things (cdad), the old antiques he summoned are right, This guy is a jerk, haha."

Nick, this guy exudes a wicked smile like a big boss behind the scenes, and he is happy.

Little Spider-Man metaphorically felt that there was something wrong, but the black stewed egg was very imposing, so he could only nod along.

Then Nick became a puppy, and remembered that there was someone beside him, so he put his emotions away quickly! He immediately went on to say: "Look, kid, right now, several satellites of the Blue Star Alliance are ready to go, and we will be in the next three Within hours, they will be fired one after another, and it is estimated that if the world created by Romani is not too big, we will completely grasp the movements of this damned Kings Continent!"

Then, Nick grabbed his hand forward fiercely, as if grasping the overall situation in an instant, he said with a chuckle: "The crushing brought by high-end technology, the importance of information warfare, these old country bumpkins must not know Right? Don’t talk about anything else, when the time comes, zoom in and zoom in, and everyone will know what your King of Heroes is wearing.”

He was laughing wildly, when his eyes suddenly lit up, a sudden light flashed, and then, a steady, flat female voice came over.

"Nick, you bastard, don't teach children bad things here."

Captain Marvel walked over with folded arms.

With a sullen face, Nick said to her: "Oh, here comes a mother with rich parenting experience.

Carol naturally has no psychological ups and downs like this. She asked directly about important matters.

"Nick, where's my cat?"


Upon hearing this question, Nick couldn't help frowning.

Where is your cat? Isn’t it that Yuan Devourer!

wait... that monster is gone?

Nick's feet were a little soft for a while, he tried to resist his emotions, and asked back with twitching corners of his eyes: "Damn, you brought that monster back?"

Thinking of the Yuan Devourer wandering around in the base of the Blue Star Alliance, Nick couldn't help shivering.

"Ah...mainly, no one in the world over there can control it except me." Carol is also a little embarrassed now.

"John!!!!" Nick suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone in the command room heard it clearly.

Unprepared little Spider-Man hastily plugged his ears with two fingers.

In the previously noisy command room, a needle could be heard in an instant.

...Long...sir, I'm here. "This is a handsome guy with blue eyes. Just like his name, he is a fairly ordinary-looking American. He is a little cowardly now, thinking that he has committed something wrong, and he can't help but feel a little soft.

With a big wave of Nick's hand, the virtual projection in front of him instantly magnified countless times, and then suddenly there was a little orange cat in front of the whole hall who had been looking at him with a naive look.

Everyone in the command room looked at this, not knowing what it meant.

"Find it for me! Remember, hurry up, and report it immediately if you find it, don't approach this damned monster rashly! It will eat you up, skin and bones!" Nick's growl resounded through the conductor room.

John let out a sigh of relief for a while, it turned out that he wasn't looking for faults with himself, so that's okay. Have you eaten gunpowder, you bastard? Are you so angry? He slandered, picked up the phone, and informed the security personnel to take action.

"Hey..." Nick let out a long breath, he looked a little tired, as if he had been burned.

Carol and little Spider-Man looked at each other and shrugged.

"Damn... so far there is no good news, haha, but it's okay, there can't be any other bad news now, right? Hahaha..." Nick regained his composure and remembered the moment when he had just had an emotional breakdown The appearance of yelling was quite indecent, so he smiled awkwardly.

It's just that this dry laugh seems uglier than crying.

Suddenly, Captain Marvel frowned, and immediately looked into the distance.

"What's the matter?" Black Braised Egg asked him puzzled.

Carol said flatly: "You have to remember how to speak well in the future, Nick, there is even worse news.

There was a light of energy flowing in her eyes.

In her distant sight, a gust of black wind continuously swept towards the Blue Star Alliance.

"Enemy attack." She said lightly. .

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