Marvel's Strongest Magician

Four Hundred And Fortieth Sixth, Ashiya Michimitsu

"Hey, Carol! Damn it. Nick stretched out his hand, but Carol had already gone outside Federal City, and he was slow to react.


Then he slapped himself across the face.

Let me learn how to speak? Nick looked depressed. Could this woman say that she has a crow's mouth? His grandma's.

Nick smacked his mouth.

Then, he quickly came out of this thread.

"Attention everyone! Alert level 1, the enemy is coming!" Nick shouted.

In an instant, everyone took action immediately, various crackling sounds sounded, and the flow of people accelerated.

One after another virtual images popped up in an instant, and the situation in various parts of the Federal City

"Mr. Nick, should I go to support her?" Parker had a look of anticipation on his face, as if he liked the feeling of being a superhero now.

Nick looked at him and shrugged his shoulders: "No, son, the intelligence department has not figured out what's going on now, so we'd better be more cautious."

"Hey! Can someone tell me where the enemy is? Why don't I have any news now? Are the few satellites sent up fake?" Nick patted the table angrily.

"Sir, it was detected 20 kilometers away..." A soldier stood up from the computer.

Nick heard his voice and turned to look over.

Frowning, he found that the soldier seemed a little stunned.

Nick pulled his face down and scolded: "What's the matter!"

...Ah, okay, sir, look quickly!" The soldier operated a bit, and the virtual image in his hand was enlarged in an instant, and huge amounts of images popped out.

Nick couldn't help closing his eyes as he watched the guy operate the virtual image to bounce over.

Because the guy didn't know how to set up the path, these virtual images almost fell directly on Nick's face.

The strong light hit Nick's eyes, and Nick's eyes, which were already old, showed signs of aging.

Unable to stand such strong light stimulation at all, he closed his only eye.

It's just that as soon as the eyes were closed, when Nick opened them again, the scene in his eyes had changed drastically.

Surrounded by a mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, bones are everywhere, white bones are piled up layer by layer, forming a throne of bones, and on the throne, a strange young man, wearing a black ancient costume, sits on the throne.

I saw the young man flicking the folding fan in his hand, and with a strange smile on his face, he said hello to Nick: "Hello... People of Kunlun, I am in Shimoshiya Doman."

"Please... teach me more."

Peter Parker suddenly trembled all over. He was watching from the side, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Originally got Nick's order to let himself protect him, although Parker was a little dissatisfied in his heart, but he was extremely responsible. After getting this order, he would still carry out it dutifully.

His own Spider Telepathy was triggered at this very moment.

He opened his eyes wide and looked ahead.

Seeing the soldier who exchanged a glance with Nick, Parker felt it instantly.

This guy has weird taste...

The black and white hair is inter-dyed, with white hair on one side of the head and black hair on the other side, intertwined together, which looks a little strange.

He opened his mouth with Nick, but little Spider-Man couldn't hear what they both said.

The young man's lips moved up and down quickly, but Nick's mouth was slightly parted.

What did they say? Parker frowned.

There's just no obvious danger, little Spider-Man scratched his head.

Gradually slack off.


he asked himself.

Looking up again, I saw that Nick had returned to normal, turned around and walked to the operating table.

When he pressed his body, he began to crackle and send some orders.

And the young soldier with black and white hair also saw little Spider-Man.

The young soldier smiled slightly and saluted little Spider-Man.

Once someone treated him so solemnly, Parker raised his brow briskly. Since coming to this damn place, no matter who, which superhero, the supervisor has the impression of him as... a child.

To be honest, he was quite happy.

So he rubbed his hands together and walked up to the soldier.

"Hey, what's your name? Brother, your hair looks so permed, where did you get it?" Parker put one hand on the guy's computer and asked.

...asking for flowers...

"Ah...thank you, my name is Ashiya Michimitsu." A look at little Spider-Man came over to strike up a conversation with him. Ashiya Michimitsu was not in a hurry, on the contrary, he operated the computer skillfully

...Um, you're Japanese?" Parker was no stranger to such names.

After all, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is full of outstanding college students from all over the world, even if he didn't observe deliberately, he knew these things, "I don't think it's strange.

"Well... hello, Parker, nice to meet you. Aren't you going to protect the officer?" Daoman didn't feel uncomfortable or bored with little Spider-Man, instead he communicated with him quite friendly.


Parker looked back and saw that Nick suddenly started to operate on the podium, he didn't care what he meant, so Parker shrugged and said: "Well, it should be fine, he seems to be busy, and I'm not fine either Go up and disturb him, it should be all right here. After all..."

"Cough, cough." Having said this, Parker cleared his throat, a little excited: "After all, I am a Spider-man, and my reaction speed is very fast!"

"'s amazing." Daoman smiled.

"Hey, Daoman, what are you busy with?" Seeing Daoman's busy appearance, Parker was a little curious, and immediately moved closer.

Ashiya Michimitsu trembled, but it was too late to stop him.

In an instant, the things on the screen flashed into Parker's mind, and he was dazzled by the screen.

The operation of the progress bar in the middle row has been closed.

Before he could finish his thoughts, Daoman pushed him back.

Ordinary people, in this short moment, let alone understand, can't even see clearly.

Parker looked a little dazed.

This is because he is definitely not an ordinary person. After being bitten by that magical spider, his reaction speed and ability to accept abilities are far beyond ordinary people.

Not only did he clearly see the things above, but with a lot of experience and knowledge, he also understood what the things above were in an instant.

He looked at Dao Mandao in disbelief. .

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