Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 453: Battle Situation

Fujimaru Tachika was worried, he glanced at the environment below, and asked Matthew: "Matthew, where are those three guys?"

Matthew shook her head and said shamelessly, "Sorry senior, I couldn't see you when I came.

After getting this answer, Fujimaru Tachika shook her head and said to her: It's okay, it's not your fault.

Then, Fujimaru Tachika asked Holmes: "Can you find them? Old Fu."

She wanted to see if Holmes' job agency, Ability, could detect the location of the heroic spirit.

Everyone in Chaldea knew the identities of these three people.

The Shinsengumi and Ashiya Doman, they were still partners fighting side by side a long time ago.

Sherlock Holmes, possesses the knowledge of Ability ability, no...or in other words, the charming characteristic that this guy Holmes originally has is his powerful reasoning ability.

Things that seem trivial to ordinary people will become a path to the truth in front of this guy. This is the charm of Sherlock Holmes, or the legends created by this person.

Definitely, Holmes is not stingy with displaying this ability, he can even say that he is showing his excellence in this aspect all the time.

So, in fact, Fujimaru Tachika did not ask, he also deduced naturally.

It didn't take long for Tachika Fujimaru to finish speaking, and Holmes already got the answer: "Those three people didn't escape, they entered the Federal City again."

No one questioned this.

At this time, Nick Fury, who was supported by Holmes, finally came back to the country. He shook his head, broke away from Holmes' support, and stood up by himself

"Buzz... the voice is connected, command room! The enemy is already close to half a kilometer, please call for support from the launch fire system! The firepower of the security department is insufficient, please ask for support!" On Nick, a voice came from the caller's pager.

...Bastards..." Nick Fury glanced down, couldn't help cursing, in front of the guard post in Federal City, countless ghosts attacked forward, and the guns in the hands of the soldiers were crazily spraying out energy stars of light.

The huge equipment defending the city also spewed out firepower.

War Machine, Colonel Rhodes stood at the front and commanded the battle, and he was not free either. All the ammunition on his body was thrown out without money.

The outdoor army uses modified firearms that directly use magic power. Such firearms are powerful, have low recoil, have a terrifying amount of ammunition, and have a sufficient range. Each bullet fired can not only explode in a small area, but also It can also cause effective damage to any monster.

The weapons and firepower of these soldiers effectively blocked the attacks of the monsters.

The front line is like a meat grinder for flesh and blood, countless ghosts, red soldiers, and berserkers rush forward desperately. Some of them have energy shields in front of them, and some rely on their own copper skin and iron bones. Hard workers rushed forward with bullets.

They broke through one trench after another, and in an instant, they were about to rush to the city of the Blue Star Alliance!

Although the defensive firepower of the Blue Star Federation is strong enough, it suffers from the huge disparity in the number of troops. The number of troops capable of defending the frontline is only about 5,000.

However, the monster coalition army rushing over has a full 10W.

Such a huge amount of manpower gap is the result of the fact that most of the Blue Star Alliance's troops were studded to help Napoleon's battle situation, which led to the extreme emptiness of the Blue Star Alliance's military strength.

"..." Nick held on, scratching his head, and he took the pager off the library.

"I heard, the headquarters is under attack, the firepower reinforcements will come soon, you support me first!" Nick looked down at the soldiers defending the front line and blocking the oncoming monsters.

"Hey! How long are you going to stand? Get out of here and prepare the firepower system!" Nick turned his head and cursed at a group of Blue Star Alliance employees behind him.

"Hey... tsk, where's Carol? Well, I remember now." Seeing the current situation, Hei Bran was a little anxious, and he quickly got through to Carol's special line.

"Ha...ha..." Carol's tired voice came from inside.

Black Braised Egg didn't care, he immediately said to Carol: "Carol! Come back quickly! Our side is also under attack! Please help."

In the past, in the impression of Black Braised Egg, Carol would appear next to him in a few seconds, wait for him to point out a target, and then Carol would wipe out those enemies in an instant.

The strength of Ms. Marvel is reflected in this kind of trust.

However, what Hei Jidan didn't expect was that there was a wry smile from Carol this time, and only Kroll's voice came from the summoning machine: "What a coincidence... I also need support ... Nick, I'm afraid I won't be able to come and help you in a short time, the enemies here... are too strong."

The face of the black corned egg changed, and he couldn't believe it. He immediately asked: "Carol! What's going on with you?"

"Drip......" Blind voice came from inside.

For a moment, the black face seemed to have lost all color.

But then, the experienced teacher didn't stop at all, his mind turned, and he immediately said to the people around him: "I need your help now.

It's useless for him to invite. The people from Chaldea voluntarily came to the Blue Star Alliance to participate in the war. When they have to do things, if these people have any excuses, then they will not cooperate in the future.

In fact, Nick Fury set his sights on Tachika Fujimaru.

Although it may seem unbelievable to ordinary people, Nick Fury can detect based on his own experience that this orange-haired girl who looks weaker in the middle is the center of these Ledi people.

When the situation is urgent and the atmosphere is dignified, Fujimaru Tachika will often perform quite well and be responsible. She nodded naturally and said to Nick: This is natural. "

"I need you to send someone to help Carol immediately. Currently, only she has the ability to turn the tide of the battle, or do you have any fighters who can deal with the situation below

It's okay to deal with the battle situation below. " Nick Fury said, pointing to the battlefield below.

Now that the battle is intense, it is only on the surface. He clearly knows that this is not going to work, and now the front line can last up to 5 minutes!.

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