Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 46 Preparations For Romani (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

Hell's Kitchen, the highest floor of the Chaldea Life Science and Technology Building, Romani is sitting on a chair at this moment, and in front of him are five Mephistas. After Nick Fury left, he opened a door and appeared here directly. Loki will lead Chitauri to invade NY City, so he also needs to make some preparations in advance.

Although, he can directly find out Loki and destroy Loki's plan, so that the portal will not open, and naturally there will be no Chitauri invasion. But he didn't want to do this, because the world needed to sound the alarm, and this war was the best bell. In addition, it also needed this war to make the Avengers truly born.

S.H.I.E.L.D isn't really an Asgardian, but the Avengers are!

After listening to Romani's description of the war, Da Talin smiled slightly and said softly: "That is to say, there are many guys who don't belong to this world want to invade here. To be honest, it seems that such a thing has not happened for a long time. Now, although we are Mephista, this world also has our protection, don’t those guys know this? And, what is Chitauri, similar to the evil god on the descendant?”

Descendants are generally special existences that are born due to external factors that connect with evil gods, or are directly possessed by evil gods.

"Definitely not. Chitauri are also mortals, but they don't belong to this planet. They are stronger than ordinary people, but they are probably like ants in front of the descendants." Romani shook his head with a smile.

"Since this is the case, then they are not a threat, so what should we do then? Since the master intends to let them come to this world, there must be corresponding arrangements." Andumari also said at the moment, When there are outsiders, he calls Romani Mr., and when there are no outsiders, he directly calls him Master.

Romani crossed his hands at this moment, propping his head: "Andumari will be responsible for protecting the clinic at that time. I don't want to destroy even the sleeping home after fighting this war. Definitely, I made the clinic. The position, so just be careful. As for the four of you, play as Chaldea, after all, this world needs more heroes."

"Heroes? Us? It sounds fun. Although I have played many roles in dealing with mortals before, this is the first time for heroes. After all, in all stories, heroes and us are old enemies. "Ami said with a smile, making Mephista a hero seems really interesting.

However, in their thinking, Chaldea originally wanted to appear in the eyes of ordinary people with a positive image, at least on the bright side. After a period of time, Romani uses the Holy Grail to summon a follower, and the positive image can be given to the follower. And in the dark, the world in the darkness, is where these Mephistas really play.


The Sky Clock, huge amounts of the Helicarrier has disappeared. At this moment, several key members of the Avengers have also arrived in the Helicarrier, but Tony and the hammer-holding Tie Hanhan have not come yet.

If there is anything in S.H.I.E.L.D that can make Romani look a little higher, it must be the Helicarrier. I don’t know how much money was spent to build such a battle fortress in the sky. Moreover, the most elite agents and the most cutting-edge technology of S.H.I.E.L.D are gathered on this space carrier, and even the second stage of research using Tesseract is also stored in it.

As soon as Steve boarded the Helicarrier, he gave Nick Fury ten bucks, which was beyond his expectations.

Taking advantage of this moment, Nick Fury walked directly in front of Banner and stretched out his black hand: "Thank you for your patience, Doctor."

To be honest, among all the candidate members of the Avengers, especially in his eyes, the most uncontrollable is not King Solomon Romani Aqiman, but the seemingly harmless Dr. Banner in front of him. Although Romani is mysterious and powerful, he has reason and judgment, but Dr. Banner is different. Once he gets angry, he is a lunatic who only knows how to destroy.

A powerful lunatic!

Looking at the black hand, he hesitated for a moment, and Dr. Banner reached out to hold it. During this time, his European spirit was probably sucked away: "Thank you for your kind invitation, then, how long do you plan to let me stay?"

"When we find the Tesseract, you can do whatever you want." The polite words still have to be said, and after the end, it depends on the situation.

"Is there any progress?" Dr. Banner nodded noncommittally, and then asked directly about the business.

Phil Coulson raised his head, crossed his hands in front of his chest, made a gesture that he thought was handsome, and then started talking nonsense: "We monitor every wireless camera, mobile phone, and laptop in this world, as long as they are connected to Internet, will be our goal."

"But not in time to find them," Natasha Romanoff added.

Hearing these words, Banner decided that in the future, the mobile phone and laptop will not be connected to the Internet when they are not in use, and the camera must be wired... Otherwise, I feel that I have no privacy...

"The search area should be narrowed down. How many spectrometers can you find?" At this time, Dr. Banna began to show his expertise. In the form of a normal person, he is a genius, perhaps not as good as Tony, but in this world It is also one of the few. I don't know why General Ross looked down on him for a long time. He is obviously a good son-in-law, but he is a bit... Forget it, let's not talk about it.

"How much do you want?" Nick Fury was ready to put on a show, telling Banner as soon as he asked, I'll have as much as you want.

As a result, Banner didn't answer his words at all, not everyone has the potential to be a joke: "Call all the laboratories immediately, put the spectrometers on the roof, and then calibrate to gamma rays, I will set up Make a final algorithm and identify the source so we can at least filter out some targets... Find me a place to work?"

Just such a series of words, Banner said, I alone can crush your entire deep game in terms of IQ, and still pretend to be aggressive with me? There are so many spectrometers that you have never seen before!

Nick Fury nodded: "Romanov, take Dr. Banner to his lab, will you?"

Against Dr. Banner, Natasha Romanoff's beauty trick worked, and it turned out that even the Hulk took it.


Not long after, the little snake hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D, Agent Sitwell, suddenly said: "I found a clue, the matching rate is 67%, wait, cross-matching, 79%."

Phil Coulson looked depressed, he almost got Steve's signature, but work is still very important, and the black stewed egg is standing here, he didn't want to be deducted from his salary, so he walked over immediately and asked, "What? Location?"

"Stuttgart, Germany, 28 Kuning Street, he has no intention of hiding." Loki's photo also popped up on the computer screen.

"Captain, it's up to you."

Steve nods, and immediately jumps into action…

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