Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 482: Shooting Hundreds Of Heads

Behind Doctor Strange, there appeared a huge amount of void, it was a huge amount of portal cut out by his space magic, and his friends also made several similar Files around him The size of the portal.

At the moment, countless soldiers of all kinds are coming out of it.

Human soldiers driving tanks and helicopters, human soldiers sitting on armored vehicles and running alongside armored vehicles. The Iron Man mechanical puppet legion flying out neatly in the air.

In several circles in the distance, his senior brothers are also maintaining several teleportation formations.

But the army behind came out one after another, Strange's face suddenly changed, and a creepy sense of crisis suddenly enveloped him.

Before he turned his head to the side, a person was already standing in front of him.

Captain America, Steve was already standing behind him. In the distance, there were two arrows flying at high speed.

Those two bows and arrows that seemed to fly from outside the sky were astonishingly powerful, as if with just these two arrows, they could kill everything in this world.

Under this offensive that seemed to be punished by God, Steve suddenly appeared before everyone's expectation, and resolutely raised the shield in his hand.

The two arrows arrived in an instant, and then piercing tearing air sounds came from my ears.

With a bang, Shi 070 Steve couldn't help but slammed back, even he couldn't bear the force from his hand, and the shield in his hand dropped.

However, at any rate, Steve still blocked the two flying arrows for a while, and the magic cloak behind Strange's back suddenly exerted force, pulling him aside.

As a result, Steve fell backwards without hindrance, rolling four or five times on the ground before falling.

Iron Man Tony, flew to Steve, and the nanomachine on his body scanned Steve immediately.

Although it looked miserable, Steve almost couldn't take his breath after exhaling, but Tony's ai immediately told Tony that what Steve suffered now was probably a skin trauma or something.

Tony immediately raised the visor on his face, and hooked the corner of his mouth: "Hey, isn't this Captain America? Why did it take so long in such a blink of an eye?"

Steve expressed that he didn't want to talk to Tony very much, so he grabbed a handful of dust from the ground and greeted Tony in the face.

Tony didn't dodge either, being hit all over his face by the handful of dust, he shrugged nonchalantly, and turned around. (cdce)

"Hey, Nick, you fw, why are all the little guys I got you guys useless?" Tony's voice appeared directly in the middle of the command room, shaking Nick Fury's head.

Nick blushed, and said to Tony, who had already projected a head in front of him: "Do you know how many 'heroic spirits' have sneaked into this damn place? Damn, your set of security equipment is useless at all, and , the weapon system has been data truncated, as has the satellite.

"Really." Tony raised his eyebrows, and the visor snapped shut.

The chaotic army of demons and ghosts has rushed up, and the human side has also set up a fort, roaring and spitting out flames crazily.

Shooting from farther away, the two terrifying sharp arrows were carefully aimed at by Doctor Strange, and the arrows that came over were diverted by him and shot back.

The armies of the Blue Star Alliance also appeared one after another, and the battle situation became extremely anxious for a while.

What caused all this was that the Blue Star Alliance's weapon system was cut off by humans, and humans could not effectively stop these terrifying monsters.

"Give me some time, I'll go and fix this weapon system." Tony made a decisive decision, and his whole body soared into the sky, disappearing.

"Roar." Hercules threw Thor away, raised his hands, and held the long ax in his hands, a scarlet light flashed in his eyes!

Thor immediately felt a strong shadow of death enveloped him.

"Damn, what's his background!" Thor couldn't help but swear, but before he could finish cursing, Hercules' tall body appeared in front of him.

The huge amounts of battle ax was lifted up sharply, and Thor's face became quite ugly. It was a fighting spirit that could suffocate ordinary people. If ordinary people were afraid, under the gaze of Hercules' blood eyes There is almost no ability to resist, but Thor has also inspired blood all of a sudden.

You know, the gods of Asgard are also a group of fighting peoples!

Thor's eyes also overflowed with lightning at this moment, and his eyes turned pure white. Facing this axe, he actually swung his Storm Axe and smashed it back upwards!

"Pfft." A rather unpleasant sound sounded, and the ground under Thor's feet cracked instantly, and his two thighs instantly sank into the ground. He was flushed and blood seemed to be dripping from his face.

The huge amounts of strength of Hercules spread to Thor's whole body with the giant axe. At this moment, Thor's throat felt sweet, as if there was a surge of blood, and he was about to vomit blood.

And Thor was not inferior at all, the violent thunder and lightning struck back, Hercules' messy long hair immediately stood on end, his bones were penetrated by the terrifying lightning, and a burnt smell came from He exudes.

The two gods wrestled for ten hours, but they were evenly matched, and the two seemed to stop there.

However, the two didn't intend to stop at all. Judging from the fighting spirit in their eyes, it was clear that they wanted to fight to the death!

The old strength was exhausted, and the new strength was not born. The two took two steps back uncontrollably.

"Pfft." Both of them spit out a mouthful of blood towards their side, the murderous intent in their eyes didn't diminish at all, they were all fired up.

"Roar!" Hercules roared wildly, grasping the battle ax tightly with both hands, a golden light spread from his battle ax, and immediately after that, a wave of vast earth was born on Hercules. fighting spirit.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying murderous intent in Hercules' eyes actually decreased by three points at this moment, revealing a little reason.

Yes, all the heroic spirits who descended into this world are generally those who experienced their own history normally and stood at the peak stage of their own strength and wisdom. Strong yourself.

In other words, this Hercules is not an irrational berserker!

"Shoot Hundred Heads Tomahawk Style (NineLivesBladeWorks, NineBulletRevolver)"

A cold light spread from Hercules' eyes. .

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