Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 510: The Comer

Although the current technology of the Blue Star Alliance can already travel to alien planets, this is the most cutting-edge power, and it cannot be regarded as an average combat power. And at present, the transmission of information still depends on the signal tower, which is still considered an advanced thing to carry it.

According to Hawkeye's deduction, the enemy probably took down these signal towers without anyone noticing, or they also launched an offensive at the same time as their attack, which made the Blue Star Alliance too busy to take care of themselves, so naturally they couldn't take care of this side.

And the place they are going to now is a base station specially built to restore communication urgently in the face of the current situation.

This base station was artificially hidden. This is nonsense. Such a facility is naturally quite hidden. It is placed in a wasteland on the edge of the city, which is almost next to the Blue Star Alliance Mining Saint Quartz Railway. But it is not a central location, just like a place that originally had a development plan, but the development plan was shelved, and finally the place was simply abandoned and desolate.

"Here we are." Barton drove very steadily. He didn't swing the rear of the car in a beautiful arc like a young guy, but stopped the car steadily. Natasha Romanoff barely felt the shake.

The two got out of the car quickly, and Natasha Romanoff's eyes swept slightly, and he saw the destination.

It was a hut that looked extremely simple. How about it? To briefly describe it, if there was a wind blowing at this time, the wind would probably turn the hut into a rattling musical instrument on the spot.

"Barton...Are you sure we won't touch something in there and the damn room will bury us?" Natasha Romanoff asked, frowning.

"Probably not...I guess." Barton squinted, not quite sure.

Natasha Romanoff could only sigh: "Well, this can only be said that they designed it too well for concealment."

"As for you..." Natasha Romanoff found a mask somewhere, and after she skillfully modified it, she tied it to the mouth of the orange cat in her arms.

A terrifying monster like the Primordial Beast has no vision. It has been hidden in the cat's body for almost its whole life. No matter how good the vision is, it is impossible to see the outside from the inside, so the function of vision has disappeared in the long evolution up.

Then, instead, it is the Yuan Devourer's strong sense of smell, and it will run out whenever it smells something edible.

So...the simple way to restrict the Yuan Devourer is to tie a mask around his mouth so that it can't smell any weird things that can touch him

When a house can barely shelter from wind and rain, unless it is quite difficult for survival personnel, it is almost impossible to regard this house as an object that can be stationed.

The two squeezed in quickly, and found that the furnishings inside had been covered with a layer of wind and sand, and they could only vaguely see that there were probably a pair of tables and chairs in the room.

I couldn't see the rest clearly, only lumps of yellow sand covered on the ground.

"Huh, there." Barton held his breath, observed the layout of the room with his eyes, and immediately pointed out a direction.

There was a square object placed on the ground, covered by yellow sand, and it was completely impossible to see what was underneath it.

Natasha Romanoff walked over and gently swept away the yellow sand on the square, revealing the pattern below.

Stark Industry was written in big characters on it, the two of them didn't care about it, they just skillfully opened the top cover, and then, the things inside were exposed.

Inside is a large pile of supplies, food, ammunition, medicine and other things. With these supplies, a person can live in this dilapidated hut for more than half a month.

But Natasha Romanoff and the two of them didn't go to this remote place for this little supply.

They found a pager, and Barton's eyes lit up when he saw the pager, and he immediately picked up the pager.

"found it!"

Natasha Romanoff glanced at the pager in Barton's hand, nodded, "Phew, ok, good."

"Come on, turn on that base station," Natasha Romanoff urged.

"Okay." Barton nodded, so he turned on the pager lightly, and shouted into the pager: "Hawkeye."

The Hawkeye was sent to the walkie-talkie immediately, and the signal was transmitted quickly. Not far away, a communication base station hidden under the railway track immediately received the data of this signal.

"Audio data analysis...."

"Agent, Cline Barton. Codename Hawkeye. …

"Identity confirmation, confirmation to turn on the base station..."

Subsequently, the feedback of these information was quickly returned to the walkie-talkie in Barton's hand.

"Mr. Clinton Barton, I'm at your service on Friday." These contents appeared on the walkie-talkie in Barton's hand immediately.

"OK, it's Friday too." Barton twitched his eyebrows.

"Yes, I am Friday, but my computing unit is not as powerful as the mainframe. Please use it according to the actual situation." Friday's voice came from the opposite side again.

Barton nodded, and said, "Activate the communication base station here."

"OK, sir, it's activated, is there anything else I can order?" Friday's voice came back almost without any delay, and Barton was extremely surprised by the speed.

Barton thought for a while, and then said: "Get in touch with me"

940 Barton's voice immediately quieted down, his fingertips turned white, and he almost pressed the volume down button on the walkie-talkie to death, and Natasha Romanoff's voice almost disappeared at this moment.

This is because they heard the subtle noises outside the room at the same time. The two are the best of the best in concealed work. Naturally, the two who can distinguish between real noise and man-made noise immediately created themselves at this moment. The noise is completely eliminated.

It was not difficult at all for the two of them.

The eyes of the two intersected, almost completing the hint of the eyes.

Natasha Romanoff's body instantly fell short, her body lay on the ground, her bones twisted like a snake, and in an instant, her body was covered with a layer of yellow sand, which almost merged with the ground. In the process, she even No sound came out.

And Barton's body was buried in the corner of the shadow, holding the special longbow on his body in his hand.

The silent atmosphere depresses the chest of the person who is almost out of breath, and the sound of ordinary people's heart beating may be heard clearly by others in this situation.

But among them, Barton Natasha Romanoff's heart rate was terribly low, and their heart rate was as slow as Deadman's.

Although the two pairs of eyes were hidden in the shadows, they were indeed bright and frightening. They stared at the door of the hut without emotion.


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