Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter Five Hundred And Twenty Second Meeting And

Under the frenzied surge of magical energy around the hanging garden of Vanity, that means ten and one black coffins, like a huge shield, slowly rotated in the air.

These things are the defensive power of the sky garden, a treasure like a battleship in the sky. The gems inlaid on the shield glisten under the sunlight, and the purple thunder is entangled in these gems, projecting into reality.

They all face down, outlining a closed loop, in which the energy is constantly chasing, but it is slowly gathered together.

The hanging garden of Vanity is getting brighter and brighter, almost comparable to the sun, which also allows more people off the field to see this grand scene.

Countless mechanical puppets are moving straight towards the battlefield, but they have no perception of all these abilities. As machines, they only know how to move towards their own goals.

"Boom!" The magic power finally broke free from the shackles of the magic circle, turning into an aurora and spreading down.

The Sky Garden, the sky castle, is almost the top-notch and the largest kind of treasure. A blow from a treasure of this size is the level of the anti-city treasure.

The falling aurora was hit head-on by Blue Star's hasty fire support. The high temperature of this aurora is a terrifying power that can melt even steel. Coupled with the simple principle of ignition bomb, a terrifying explosion appeared immediately.

The aurora in the sky covered the entire area of ​​these fire support, and within a few breaths, these troops were basically swallowed by this ~ firepower.

"Where did this damn thing come from." Black Panther looked coldly at the sky castle that suddenly appeared above and cursed.

At this moment, the battlefield in front of him has long been turned into a meat grinder, and his soldiers rushed forward fearlessly, fighting with those gods and ghosts. In order to maintain the stability of the battle situation, he used his combat power to Maximize, stay behind and command the army.

The most notable feature of a modern army is their communication ability, which is enough to divide the armies of two eras into two pieces.

The modern warfare system can turn a huge army into a truly intelligent creature. His actions and thoughts are coordinated. If the commander is of a high level, he can accurately know the weaknesses and disadvantages of his side and the opponent. Make up for it, and tactfully avoid those unbearable mistakes, to deal a painful blow to the enemy.

Although the young King of Wakanda doesn't have much combat experience, and he doesn't usually concentrate on studying tactics, he is very smart, and learning from scratch is not difficult for his head, which is very fortunate. The thing is, he's quite capable of that.

The two armies in front of him are fighting, and it is difficult for him to deal with those uncontrollable factors such as Thor and Hercules. These powerful fighters are like disgusting cockroaches, and they cannot be killed. If they are left alone, the trouble they cause will be huge Ordinary armies are often unbearable. If you manage it, it seems to be a waste of energy and a bottomless investment in military power.

Especially in the center of the current battlefield, it seems that these two people have created an open space, and the middle can only be described as strangers, don't come in.

However, as the defender of the city, the young King Wakanda seemed unacceptable to this situation. This was equivalent to building another city wall outside the city, which greatly eased the pressure on his command.

The current battle situation has gradually stabilized under his command, but this is only temporary.

According to his rough calculation, the defenders, plus the returning expeditionary force, their lifetime standing is about 1W, and the number of enemies who are still attacking madly at this moment, the young King of Wakanda looked at the endless sea of ​​enemies in front of him , he really has nothing to say.

Because the Blue Star Alliance has artificial intelligence, a lot of budget is actually thrown on the initial sputtering, and it doesn't consider too much combat power.

Because it was really unimaginable for Black Panther, he would have to face such a huge pressure when this war started.

The heroic spirits of the local camp are basically found one-on-one by the heroes here. For example, Thor found Hercules, and the Hulk met the queen of Amazon.

...asking for flowers...

Now the only headache for Black Panther is facing this vast sea of ​​monsters.

And the fire support that was just destroyed is the good medicine for Black Panther to take a good breath.

The current situation "Black Panther knows a term - loss of air supremacy.

Black Panther also dared to have a headache, now he has no spare power to attack the thing in the sky, what should we do?

It seems that the headquarters is also in trouble now, and the fire support sent by the armory will be directly intercepted by the thing in the sky, although it seems that the attack just sent out by the sky garden in the sky seems to be difficult in a short period of time. Re-convergence, but the fire support of the Blue Star Alliance is not something for nothing.


And at this moment, an aurora flashed across the sky, which made Black Panther feel a little familiar.

This flash of light in the sky disturbed the clouds, leaving conspicuous traces high above the sky.

And this aurora didn't seem to want to just pass by, several pure and magnificent energies fell from the sky, and fell straight towards the ground.

The moment these energies fell, the surrounding creatures didn't even have a chance to scream, and were instantly burned, swallowed, and torn to pieces by these cosmic energies.

It's just that Black Panther could see clearly that these attacks seemed to be aimed at those strange-looking guys who had nothing to do with humans, which at least meant that these attacks only targeted their own enemies.

Black Panther frowned and looked over, how could that guy come from that direction?

Next, his eyes suddenly lit up, it was really brightened up, and there seemed to be one more person in front of him.

It was Carol, Da Vinci, and Tachika Fujimaru.

"Carol." Black Panther nodded in response, he turned his head to look over, and nodded towards the two of Chaldea: "The two of Chaldea."

Carol frowned, looked at Black Panther, and asked him, "Where are there so many enemies, King?"

Black Panther had to smile wryly again: "How do I know divination?".

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