Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 586 I Love You, Shiroyasha! ! !

Regardless of Roman's intentions, Shiroyasha put his hands together and patted a few times.

The North District, which is 980,000 kilometers away, arrived in an instant.

"I'm not your leg man..."

Roman yawned loudly, and was forcefully pulled out of the private room by White Yasha~.

The exit of Qianyandian is like any door, which does not exist in any real location, but the exit can lead to the bases set up in various regions within the same digit class.

Therefore, the store looks small from the outside, but it is a surprisingly wide space when you enter it.

The branch store in the North District is an old store that has been closed due to the poor site selection on the high platform. Bai Yasha temporarily decided to go to the North District to temporarily connect the entrance and exit of the store with the North District, and divided the private area and the store space into different places. .

So when Roman went to the guest room in the store, he saw Izayoi and the others who were harassing the female clerk.

He picked a seat for himself and Ge You lay down, and waved to Shizaiye: "Oh, it's grown bigger again."

The smile of Izayoi molesting the female shop assistant suddenly froze, as if there was an unknown anger burning behind her...

As soon as he thought of himself becoming like this, the mood of molesting others was completely extinguished, and when he saw even the four beauties Kuyuan Asuka, Kurotu, Yo and Leticia came in wearing bathrobes, he didn't want to talk too much.

Interrupting this matter again, the merit is boundless, Roman closed his eyes in a relaxed manner.

"Father! You are here too!"

"Master Roman, please be safe."


The black rabbit was very happy to see Roman's arrival, and Leticia saluted. Asuka greeted him out of courtesy, but the words were unfamiliar because he was not familiar with them.

"Yo-ho! Although Asuka your body..."

Roman opened his eyes suddenly in fright, and interrupted when a sensitive word was about to blurt out from the mouth of the perverted loli with starry eyes: "I love you, White Yasha!!!"

Because I came to find myself in the morning, so the harassment in the bathhouse was delayed until now? Soul Dan!

But finally, before the god of river crab overlooking all the infinite universes, before his eyes of judgment noticed here, he snatched Bai Yasha's words.

"Die to me, idiot!!!"

In front of everyone, a white shadow bursting out of pink steam rushed over, biting Roman's face frantically like a walking big library gnawing on the leader.

Even after being bitten to the point where his cheeks were distorted, Roman yelled out in a corrupt voice, "...Bukuo is talking nonsense!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was speechless, only the female shop assistant nodded in relief.

Although it is also a problem god, there is finally a person who can control Lord Shiroyasha.

No one knows the name of the female clerk, but besides being a clerk, she is also the supervisor of Shiraiyasha, so as not to mess around with Shiraiyasha.


After the farce ended, the female clerk left the guest room, leaving behind all the members of the community, together with Roman, Shiroyasha, and the pointed hat elf [Mel] rescued by Jiuyuan Asuka.

"Hey, where's Paimon?"

Roman looked left and right, and Paimon, who was tired of being with Heitu and the others all day long, was nowhere to be seen.

Asuka, Izayoi, Leticia and other women turned their heads in embarrassment. Because Leticia was rescued by Paimon, she did not become a maid in the nameless common [so she stayed here

"Hey, Dad, because Paimon always used the ring to play pranks on us when we took a shower, so everyone unanimously decided to lock Paimon in the ring and reflect... 1"

Black Rabbit answered with embarrassment.

...Well done, come on!" Roman, who didn't know what to say, could only sell Paimon.


Shiroyasha sat on the top of the table and cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention.

"So everyone, let's discuss how to make Tico's referee uniform cuter now. The first meeting..."

"I love you.………."


After beating Roman under the table, Shiraiyasha finally didn't want to make pornographic jokes anymore.

"Hmm! Because of the commotion caused by Izayoi you and Tico in the town center of the northern district, the matter of Tsukito's visit was made public, so it is possible to make the audience want to see it in the gift game starting tomorrow. Expectations have gone up too...

"Since the news of Hakoniwa Noble's arrival has spread, I can definitely only let you play. So I hope you can officially take over the task of referee and host, and I will also prepare another reward

It seems that the popularity of [Moon Rabbit] in Little Garden is indeed extraordinary, after all, those communities regard having a black rabbit as a layer of [Gold Foil] on the honor of the community.

...asking for flowers...

"I understand. Then I will be in charge of the referee and host of the game tomorrow~"

The so-called Black Rabbit seems to be completely used to the name Tike.

Then Shiroyasha snapped his fingers, and a piece of parchment floated in the air.

The German words [Wilo"wisp] and [Rattenfanger] are written on it, which are the names of the two communities.

Transliterated, it is Will Oxp and Hamel, and its content can also be shortened to Vera, will-o'-the-wisp and rat catcher, and piper.

Both are communities from higher levels, especially [Hamel's Piper], which is a subsidiary of the [Fantasy Magic Book Group], and [Fantasy Magic Book Group] is the community of a certain demon king.

The original demon king lost in a gift game, and according to Shiroyasha's judgment, he was dead, but the prophecy of the demon king's attack confuses this matter a lot.

Wave your finger again, and a new luminous parchment appears, which records the items of the Fire Dragon Festival.

【Fire Dragon Birth Festival】

Things to do when attending the festival:

It is forbidden for general participants to hold gift games where communities compete with each other in the stage area and free area.

3. Without the permission of the organizer of the festival, participants with [authority of the organizer] are prohibited from entering the festival area.


3. Participants are prohibited from using the authority of the sponsor in the festival area.

5. Persons other than participants are prohibited from invading the stage area and free area within the festival area.


Oath: Respect the above content, based on the name of glory and flag and the authority of the sponsor, hold the gift game.

【Thousand eyes】print

【Salamanda India】


According to the contract document formulated by Bai Yasha, most of the chaos can basically be avoided.

I hope there will be no accidents... Bai Yasha cast a sideways glance at Roman, who climbed up from under the table, and then turned his head on the table.

"Can I not go~"

"No! A VIP seat is specially prepared for you. If there is a vacancy, is it to deliberately embarrass Qianyan!"

Bai Yasha slapped the table to veto Roman's wish. Since last night, she has become more and more unkind to the standard of love. .

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