Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 58 War March (1) (For Flowers And Comments)


Hearing Romani's voice, Barton and Natasha Romanoff didn't even think about it, they immediately threw away the Zeta Swiss soldiers who were fighting, and then dozens of magic whips swarmed up, almost in the blink of an eye, clearing the surrounding area up.

"I think if I know magic, the arrows I shoot must be more powerful." Barton stood beside Romani at the moment, and said enviously.

"Many archers are very powerful even if they don't know magic, and one of them can even smash the stars in the sky with a bow and arrow in his hand." Romani looked at Hawkeye and subconsciously complained.

Since ancient times, many archers have hung on the wall, but Barton seems to be an exception.

"This joke is not funny. There is no better archer than me in the world." Barton made it clear that he did not believe Romani's words. There is no one in this world who is better at archery than him. The confidence and pride of an archer. It's just that his pride was shattered not long after, and he really didn't like it when he met archers who were really hanging on the wall.

Natasha Romanoff was also surprised to see Romani's current appearance: "You look much more handsome now than before, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, it's mainly temperament, which is very important." Romani said slowly.

"After this time is over, can you teach me the magic of changing your hairstyle? You know, I often change my hairstyle, and it's very troublesome every time." Natasha Romanoff is also relieving her inner pressure at the moment.

At this moment, Steve also rushed back, and then Thor descended from the sky.

"What's the situation up there?" Seeing Thor come back, Steve immediately asked about the situation.

"It can't penetrate the energy around the Rubik's Cube." Thor shook his head. He tried it with his hammer before coming down, but it didn't move. To be honest, he rarely encountered something that he could not hammer with his hammer.

At this time, Tony's voice sounded: "He's right, we have to deal with these guys first."

"What do we do?" asked Natasha Romanoff, who, as a professionally filled agent, now feels powerless to be with these extraordinary people.

"Teamwork." Steve glanced at Romani. "Besides us, there were some people from Chaldea fighting, and they shared a lot of pressure for us."

"Loki and I still have a debt to settle." Thor felt his heart ache at the moment, and reasoned with his younger brother in a good voice, but who would have thought that his useless younger brother would actually give him a dagger. Fortunately, he is from Asgard, and his physique is much stronger than the average person. If Tony was next to a dagger, well, he could be sent to the hospital directly.

Barton was fiddling with his own arrow at the moment, and immediately said after hearing Thor's words: "Really? Then you have to line up."

He is very worried about the fact that he was manipulated by Loki, resulting in the deduction of all year-end bonuses!

"Loki will definitely concentrate all his troops against us, get rid of him, and they will mess up. Stark is in the sky, he will need us..." Before Steve finished speaking, everyone's eyes were on him behind. He turned around wonderingly, and then he saw Dr. Banner who was dressed in rags and was riding a small electric scooter.

Seeing the appearance of Dr. Banner, everyone was overjoyed. They are in urgent need of a powerful fighting force.

"So, it looks like things are going badly." Banner tried to liven things up.

As a result, Natasha Romanoff stared straight at him: "I've seen worse."

"Sorry." He remembered turning into Hulk.

"No, we need worse now." Natasha Romanoff winked and said she didn't care about it at the time, after all, your pants didn't break because they got bigger.

"Stark, we found him." Steve immediately told Tony about Banner's presence.

"Tell him to get ready, the carnival is about to begin. By the way, tell Romani that he can't be lazy this time." As soon as the words fell, Tony also appeared in everyone's sight, but he was followed by a big guy, During a turn, another building was given to a semi-disabled big guy.

Seeing the appearance of this big guy, everyone was ready to fight. Natasha Romanoff looked at the file size of the thing, shook her head, and said that I refused: "I don't think this is worth carnival."

Banner looked at it, then turned around and walked towards the big guy, he felt that he should be a man, and he was tricked by Loki once, both he and Hulk were suffocating.

"Dr. Banner, now is the time for you to get angry," Steve said.

"Let me tell you a secret, Captain..." Banner said with a smile, "I've been very angry!"

As soon as the words fell, Banner's whole body turned green, and then his body became bigger and bigger. The clothes on his body were visibly stretched and broken, but his exclusive pants were still tough. I don't know what kind of high technology was used in the production, so that it can be maintained under such high-strength stretching without any problems. Such a pair of pants should be very expensive, right?

Then, Banner hit the big guy with a punch, which directly killed the behemoth. Hulk's fist is not so enjoyable, even Romani is not willing to take this punch.

Immediately afterwards, Romani raised his hands violently, and the terrifying magic power rushed out like a tide, bombarding the big guy's body frantically, directly breaking the thing into pieces. Then he looked at those Zeta Swiss soldiers who were roaring angrily, with dazzling golden light shining on their hands.

Hulk roared, Thor spun his hammer, Hawkeye drew the bowstring, Steve and Tony looked straight at the intruders around them, only Natasha Romanoff with a pitiful little pistol forced a pair of me It's also very powerful, don't mess with my expression.

Loki looked at the group of people who had finally assembled below, and said expressionlessly, "All out!"

This time, more Chitauri poured out from the portal in the sky, and there were several more big guys inside. Tony's heart trembled now, he knew he had the potential of a crow's mouth.

"Listen guys, hold them back before you close the portal. Barton, you go up to the rooftops and find out where these guys are marching. Stark, you stand your ground, and anything near those three streets forces them to retreat, or burned directly to ashes."

After hearing Steve's words, Tony took Barton to the roof first.

"Thor, you have to find a way to block the portal and hold them back. You can summon lightning and burn them all."

Just when Thor was about to leave with a hammer, Romani suddenly floated up and said, "Captain, give Thor a new task. I will be responsible for completely blocking that hole, and no one will come in. But those who have already entered, it depends on you!"

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