Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 562: Roman's Narcissism

The spur of light in the dome turned slowly.

The light is like a sharp sword, piercing through the thick clouds above, and all the shadows below, no matter which blind corners are illuminated by this divine light, the outer gate of the northern district, which has been dusk all year round, has become a city of light with nowhere to hide.

This is Romani's Power of Light!

The black wind that restrained Shiroyasha also counteracted the thinning in this light thorn, Shiroyasha tried hard inside, but still couldn't break free.

After all, it is pure light of divine power, light that has nothing to do with the sun.

"Don't waste your efforts! Unless he is the sun god, or has the sovereignty of the sun, otherwise it is impossible to help you get rid of it!"

La Ting was furious, and witnessed the fact that the three-digit gods existed, almost despairing! The difference between the three-digit number and the five-digit number is the difference between the heaven and the mortal world in Little Garden!

But she won't be caught without a fight, she can only try her best to struggle before she dies!

"Stand on "February 17" and don't move!"

Jiu Yuan Asuka shouted loudly, the gift of majesty was activated, and La Ting was restrained in place!

"Just now..." The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was captured by Asuka, and while she rushed towards La Ting, she successfully pulled out the evil-destroying silver sword from the gift card.

The red skirt of the dress fluttered backwards, and the crisp sound of the soles of the shoes were heard alternately under the hem of the skirt.

Ms. File Size, who was born in a famous family, has a superficial understanding of kendo, and her urgency has stimulated her potential. With a straight-eyed sword posture, she aimed at La Ting's heart and stabbed hard!

Bang——a metal symphony, but La Ting broke free in a few seconds, and slapped Asuka's silver sword away with the back of his hand!


Asuka was slapped directly onto the wall by the huge force, and the long silver sword was thrown out of his hand with a bang.

Asuka stood up and coughed unbearably, just a random blow from the opponent almost made her breathless.

"What a lovely little girl."

La Ting's words were mixed with murderous intent, and it was hard to return to the happy and carefree tone before, and she walked towards Asuka step by step.

"Asuka.....No...don't hurt my companion!"

Ren didn't care to stand in front of La Ting, even though his teeth were chattering, but even he, Ren Russell, had something to protect——


With an impatient slap, La Ting directly slapped Ren into a rolling gourd, Gululu rolled to the corner of the wall and hit his head, and passed out decisively.

"You are very courageous! You tried to subdue the devil as soon as we met!"

The kick with hatred, directly kicked Jiuyuan Asuka's abdomen, and the dull sound of body collision seemed to break the wax gourd.

Asuka shrank into a shrimp on the ground, her strong self-esteem made her swallow the blood gushing out of her throat abruptly.

But it also completely lost the ability to move.

La Ting kicked Asuka's ribs again and again as if she still couldn't understand her hatred, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard clearly!

The unbearable pain caused her to lose consciousness immediately.

"You bastard——!! What did you do to her!" Bai Yasha was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he could only stare blankly, his sharp eyes wished to pierce La Ting.

"Hmph, no matter how much you stare at me, it's useless. This is a special seal set by the master, who obtained the authority of the organizer with the merits of the spiritual status. Even if you are the strongest stratum ruler, you can't violate the rules of the entire Little Garden!"

Ignoring the resistance of the black wind, La Ting crossed to the balcony, looked down at the joyful people who were being bathed in the divine light, and smiled cruelly.

Lift the flute to your mouth and blow the magic flute!

It is almost impossible for a domain god to win, and if Bai Cha comes out again, the chessboard will be settled!

In any case, don't let the master's actions cause any more trouble!

Slowly, the magic sound flowed out, and the melody changed with the pressing of her fingers. The high and low melody spread to the stage square and even the corners of the realm wall by the wind.

Immediately, countless people were manipulated by the magic sound, and began to attack the surrounding indiscriminately with red eyes!

They are like a wave of zombies, irrational only for destruction, whether they are community partners or innocent spectators.

"Everyone... Everyone calm down!!"

The order that Hei Tu worked so hard to maintain was instantly chaotic, and words could not stop those people, but instead attracted the attention of the rioters, who stretched out their hands as hard as they could, and rushed towards Hei Tu like a tide!

Paimon flashed behind the black rabbit.

"For world peace - Paimeng flying kick + big amnesia!!"

Heitu didn't expect this at all, he got a jio on the back of the head, rolled his eyes and passed out on the ground.

Then Paimon jumped on the black rabbit: "Hey! Miss Tico! What are you protecting—"

The mob had already completely rounded it up, they didn't care about the black rabbit fainting strangely, and were about to tear the black rabbit into pieces without mercy, when they were all blown away by a burst of thunderous laughter!


Rampant laughter blasted the sound waves and cleared the venue to a blank. Whether it was controlled or not, everyone on and off the court felt their hearts twitching, as if their internal organs had grown hands and feet, and they were crazily pouring into their throats. Squeeze on...

The sudden wild laughter covered the sound of the magic flute. The contestants hugged their trembling brains, and the desire to vomit overwhelmed all instincts, and they all fell to their knees on the ground.

The girl Paimon with an inhumanly perfect face carried the black rabbit that had softened into noodles on her shoulders, harnessed the power that liberated restrictions, and flew up to the balcony of the headquarters in a few breaths.

"How dare you make a fool of yourself if you have such a small skill?"

Carrying the black rabbit on his shoulders, Paimeng stood in the air, pointed at La Ting and yelled softly, like a thunderbolt exploding, unreasonably disrupting the melody of the magic flute!

In an instant, La Ting was dizzy, in a trance, there were thousands of demons salivating and chewing in his ears, and billions of live maggots wriggling in his brain, like an egg stirrer reaching into his brain and stirring crazily.

She was originally a demon, and she was more sensitive to Paimon's power. She was even suppressed by Paimon's rank, and she didn't even have a chance to resist.

The world in his eyes was constantly rotating, sometimes stretched, sometimes squeezed, and the irresistible dizziness made La Ting writhe on the ground in pain.

"You... who are you?!"

4.2 La Ting tried her best to support the floor, looking vaguely at the girl with perfect appearance in the sky.

"You don't deserve to know."

Paimon didn't even bother to look at her, and after suppressing La Ting, he turned to look up at the white-haired Romani in the sky with infatuation and admiration, shining brightly like the sun.

"When Romani manifested, no one could interrupt, no one, hehehehahaha——

Wild laughter bloomed from the girl's perfect and pure face, and the starry sky-like dark pupils showed madness and obsession.

La Ting was once again tormented by the voice of the devil, and no one pushed her, but she curled up into a ball, rolling and rolling, expressing her anger and courage.

Seeing that La Ting was controlled, Bai Yasha felt a little relieved, but there were also a few black lines on his head.

Roman's degree of narcissism is a bit beyond expectation...

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