Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 597: Sacrifice

It was already dawn when Heitu woke up, she rubbed her eyes in a daze, and yawned lazily.

"Huh- what time is it...huh?!"

As if remembering something suddenly, Hei Tu suddenly sat up, only to find himself in the room of the Thousand Eyes branch.

Familiar layout, choking incense, it is clearly Bai Yasha's private office, and a tatami quilt is temporarily spread.

And Shiroyasha was sitting next to her, and at the same time, the companions of the community such as Izayoi, Kuen Asuka, Kasukabe Yao, and Leticia were also there, and they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kurotu wake up.

She suddenly felt for a while, as if returning to the warm illusion of the prosperous period of the community.

"Tike, you finally woke up! You made us worry for so long!"

"Let's check and check! So as not to leave a sequelae!"


Several friends came up one after another, squeezed the black rabbit's arm, and picked up her "727" rabbit ears. It was more like physical harassment than checking if she had recovered.

Only Bai Yasha, with his back to everyone, was smoking a long cigarette, and his back was inexplicably melancholy.

"Wait, wait a minute, my... What's going on here? And what about the spotted devil? Why are you all here?"

So everyone talked to each other, explaining the process of the demon king being defeated by Roman to the black rabbit.

When asked by Izayoi why he fainted suddenly, Heitu was stunned, as if he lost some memory that he was very concerned about, but he couldn't remember it no matter what.

"Forget it, just wake up, but unfortunately the festival is over. With this experience of jointly resisting the devil, Sandora's support rate is unprecedentedly high."

Izayoi recalled the scene of the people cheering.

Although Roman was the one who defeated the Demon King, he thought it was troublesome and didn't attend the final celebration at all, so he simply asked Sandora to speak on his behalf.

"Is that so...ah, what about Dad?" Hei Tu blinked, and finally thought of the real master.

But the atmosphere suddenly fell silent, Heitu felt that he had asked something that should not be asked, fell into confusion and embarrassment, and looked at each other with his friends.

After a while, Bai Yasha stood up suddenly, without saying a word, opened the door and walked out.

Heitu was a little frightened by the atmosphere: "Hey, what happened in the end? Master Shiraiyasha, you look depressed?"

"Well..." Jiuyuan Asuka scratched his face, not knowing how to respond.

"The gods in myths and legends, their private lives are... um." Kasukabe Yao, who is not very talkative, hinted.

"Master Roman's godhead attribute is the only god, not those in some myths, and the matter has not been investigated yet."

Leticia was not too happy with Yao's metaphor, so she puffed up and added: "I believe in Lord Roman!"

Hei Tu looked at the three riddlers, almost bubbling with doubts, and suddenly Izayoi changed the subject.

"Tico, there is one more thing—about Paimon, although it will make you sad, but you will know sooner or later, why don't I tell you in advance."

Izayo pushed back the blond hair that fell in front of his ears, his lavender eyes were frank and straightforward, but he looked at Heitu with horror.

The atmosphere froze again, and the remaining three did not speak.

"Paimon? What's wrong with her... what happened to her?"

Hei Tu subconsciously raised her hand, and the gemstone ring reflected luster on her slender index finger.

Izayoi took a breath, put his hands on Kurotu's shoulders, and tried to keep his expression calm.

"In order to protect the contestants involved in the gift game, she sacrificed."

The black rabbit's eyes widened slightly, and through the touch of her shoulders, Izayoi clearly perceived the instant stiffness of her body.

Although she is usually naughty, talkative and likes to play pranks, everyone recognizes her, no matter if she catches a cold or accidentally hurts her finger while chopping vegetables, Paimon will happily treat us..."

Jiuyuan Asuka's eyes were obviously lonely, as she said, although Paimon always pretended to be innocent, he was very popular in the anonymous community.

In the gift game, Asuka's internal organs were almost crushed by La Ting, and Ren's head injury was healed by Paimon. Speaking of which, she still owes Paimon a life.

"Salamanda erected a statue for her on the stage of the ceremony." Kasukabe Yao said concisely.

"Everyone doesn't understand why she saved those two demons, but Miss Paimon is a hero worth learning from."

Leticia nodded affirmatively, and Izayoi glanced at her calmly, feeling that after the gift game, Leticia's state was a little strange.


The black rabbit played two question marks with its rabbit ears.

She looked down at the ring, felt it carefully, and asked hesitantly to the ring:

"Paimon, are you there?"

This move embarrassed everyone who was in a state of sentimentality—couldn’t it be that Paimon is all right?

A burst of light particles slowly floated out from the gemstone ring, forming the familiar appearance of a little girl who rubbed her eyes as if she hadn't woken up.

Seeing this scene, Izayoi raised his eyebrows, but let out a long and relaxed breath quietly.

"Hmph~ You bastard, so you're fine, you made me so serious and made so many psychological preparations..."

However, Paimon, who was summoned, acted strangely. She looked left and right, as if she was guarding strangers, and finally cast her gaze on the face of the black rabbit...

The sweet and lovely voice chilled everyone's heart:

"You are Miss Tico? She is Pymon~ I was entrusted by Romani to protect you! But don't believe Romani's nonsense that she treats her as emergency food or something

Paimon flew onto the shoulder of the black rabbit, and the child spread his small arms flatteringly: "Although I'm not very good at using it, I still know a lot about healing magic!"

Paimeng's innocent eyes narrowed, just like how cute and harmless they thought they were when they first met her.

Izayoi felt his heart being squeezed hard, the sadness when his best friend died in his arms, the experience that he thought he had forgotten, resurfaced and rushed into his nasal cavity violently.

It seems that because of becoming a girl, her emotions are particularly easy to touch now, and she can't restrain it.

"Paimon... You, don't you know him? And everyone... everyone's memory in the community!"

There was panic in the eyes of the black rabbit, it was difficult to accept Paimeng's current appearance, his mouth was knotted in his chest, and his hands were powerless to support the floor.

"What? I know you, aren't you Miss Tico?"

Pai Meng's innocent tone revealed doubts, and Pai Meng looked around in a daze.

"As for the community... what is it? It has just been born, and there are many things that I still don't understand. I need Miss Tico's advice. 4.2~"

The more this was the case, the more Hei Tu couldn't listen to it, as if he was slaughtered by a ruthless butcher, his heart, heart and lungs were pulled out, and he was thrown into the bucket neatly.

"Woo~~ Stop talking!"

The black rabbit swooped down, hugged Paimon tightly in his arms, and then curled his legs together on the ground.

The sadness of losing her companion again broke Heitu's nerves, she tried her best to endure the sound of sobbing, hot tears dripped one after another, wet the floor.

Asuka held his breath, silently picked up the black rabbit from the ground, put it in his arms, and stroked the trembling back of the black rabbit.

"Tike you..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Asuka couldn't continue, because the heavy nasal voice revealed her mood.

Yo Kasukabe approached in embarrassment, he didn't know how to comfort him, so he hugged Asuka and Kurotu quietly.


Izayo couldn't stand the atmosphere, turned his face away, clenched his fists tightly, Leticia came over and patted her on the shoulder, and let out a silent sigh. .

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