Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 600 Subduing The Piper

The timeline has to go back to the moment when the Devil King game ended.

When the familiar spiers and dusk landscapes in the North District return to people's sight, it represents the destruction of the Demon King.

People cheered and hugged each other, rejoicing that they were able to survive under the attack of the devil, and then Sandora came on stage and gave some encouraging words, and let the contestants go back to their respective homes.

Just like that, the Fire Dragon Festival was announced to be suspended—because the stage area was almost destroyed by Pest and the others.

The post-disaster reconstruction work is the first headache for the new ruler.

Fortunately, except for the few soldiers in Salamanda, no other people died. This seems unbelievable, but it is one of the scripts that have been planned for a long time...

After a whole episode of soy sauce, Shiraiyasha finally got out of trouble, embarrassingly but politely appeased the people as the ruler of the class, and then joined Izayoi and the others.

——Because the epidemic of the Black Death coincided with the beginning of the Little Ice Age, and the solar activity at that time entered a period of minimum, so Shiroyasha, who is in charge of the operation of the sun, cannot be active in this game.

The reason for such nonsense is the most correct explanation for countless gods, Buddhas and demon kings being sealed by human beings.

In the final analysis, both the "sun" and "white night" are astronomical phenomena named after human beings as observers. Indeed, we can't blame White Yasha 440 for being too shameful.

"So what about Roman?"

Bai Yasha looked around, but the person he most wanted to see was not there.

She only saw half of the battle between Roman and Pest. Driven by her desire to win, she really wanted to know how to defeat the devil and how to crack the game.

She felt ashamed that the strongest dominator was bound all the way at the critical moment.

"Not sure, he doesn't seem to have come down."

Putting up the pergola and looking at the sky, Jiu Yuan Asuka didn't even see a shadow of him.

"White Yasha!" Izayo jumped down from a high place, carrying the black rabbit who was still sleeping on his shoulder. "Come and see how Tico is doing!"

Bai Yasha glanced over, paused for a moment on Hei Tu's sweet face, shook his head lightly and said: "I've fallen asleep, don't worry too much, I'll wake up when it's time to wake up."

But Izayo was not satisfied with her perfunctory reaction, so he put the black rabbit down and handed it to Jiuyuan Asuka to take care of him.

"Tsk, you really can rest assured."

Shiroyasha, a legitimate loli who has lived for countless epochs, would not be blocked by Izayoi's resentful words. She crossed her waist and said seriously:

*(cdbi) just can’t let go! Have you forgotten Roman’s premonition before! I’m afraid it’s not that easy to end!”

Sixteen nights frowned.

The premonition of the gods is never groundless, especially when the fate changes.

She definitely won't forget such an important node, she's just worried about Kuroto, and now that Shiraiyasha mentioned it, she starts to think of the trouble that even Roman thinks it's hard to deal with...

These people, I am afraid that there is no room for meddling in to help.

After all, after seeing the battle just now, the world changes color, matter changes at every turn, and human physics is flattened and rounded like plasticine. It is hard to understand, let alone resist.

Izayoi imagined that if Roman was the attacking party, it would be easy to destroy all the five-digit outer gates in the northern district.

"So now we need to find Roman as soon as possible so that we can make a countermeasure..."

"Wait! Did you see Yo Kasukabe? She seems to be missing!"

Asuka suddenly interrupted Shirayasha's words. Even though she had a strict upbringing, she felt something bad from what Shirayasha said, so she had to interrupt politely.

"Didn't she be with Pumpkin Jack and Love?"

Izayoi was surprised, when the battle happened, he really didn't have time to take care of Yao's affairs, so he forgot about Kasukabe Yao.

Bai Yasha was taken aback suddenly, narrowed his eyes, and the white eyelashes drooped down, which seemed dangerous.

Turn your head and look at the top of the boundary wall on the horizon:

Indistinctly, a whirlpool of blue wind could be seen, stirring up the clouds and creating a strange light.

Roman has returned to the godhead, standing on the huge boundary wall that almost reaches the zenith, watching the joy on the ground with neither joy nor sadness.

He didn't think there was anything to celebrate about it.

There will be such a thing as the invasion of the devil king. It was originally the Salamanda community, Sandora's brother Mandela, one of the rulers of the northern region, colluded in it.

This time, it was because he happened to be there to lightly solve the trouble.

In the original play, the 54545 outer sect also borrowed the blessings of Shizayoi and Heitu to successfully crack the game and save their homeland at the sacrifice of a few people.

The innocent people were kept in the dark, and they really thought that under the leadership of the ruler and the gods, the devil would be punished—this is too ridiculous.

It's so ridiculous that Roman is not in the mood to join in the fun and join their carnival parade.

Without him, Roman and Izayoi, would they be able to repel the Demon King? In addition, casualties and property losses are definitely pale numbers that are so large that people lose their minds.

Roman was very disappointed, and he was about to leave here in a while, and he would never pay attention again.

He looked at the world indifferently, and the two people standing behind him fearfully did not dare to disturb them.

Weser and La Ting, who were rescued, seemed at a loss, their hearts were tormented like hot oil, and they didn't even have the courage to look up at Roman's back.

After a while, Roman closed his eyes and opened them again, sighing: "Okay, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went back without interest, ready to jump out of the city from the boundary wall.

"My lord, get down!"

Weser really couldn't bear Roman's cold treatment without asking or explaining, which made him like a prisoner waiting for trial. Damocles, who had been on his head for a long time, was punished. On the contrary, it was more uncomfortable than killing him directly. .

Roman stopped and turned his face slightly to express his listening.

"The Pied Piper of Hamel has been defeated, and our fate is up to you, no matter how you deal with it, you will not complain. "

Weser took a deep breath, his shirt was stripped by Izayoi, and his appearance was a bit funny: "Just let us know, what kind of punishment will we face? Make atonement for this trip, or will it belong to you from now on?"

"Atonement?" The breath that spewed out was more like a sneer.

Roman said coldly: "Sin is an indelible mark in history. Redemption and repentance are the most ridiculous, boring and meaningless things. I won't punish you, and I don't have that interest.

Weser and La Ting were even more confused when they heard this, so what is Roman trying to do to save them both at the expense of his subordinates?

Seeing their doubts, Roman replied: "I am not interested in trouble, so I want you to continue to assist Pest."

But Pest is already dead, absolutely disappearing from the material world to the energy level.

Weser looked at Roman incredulously, what does this mean...he wants to resurrect Pest?

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