Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 602 Vera Zha Ignifates

Roman didn't listen to her, he looked like a very annoying kid.

"A good will-o'-the-wisp, what's the use of it?"

"You...!!" Aisha was obviously pissed off, her cheeks puffed up cutely, but was interrupted by the riding pumpkin head patted her calf, preventing her from saying any inappropriate words.

"This god, I'm sorry to take the liberty to bother you..."

Pumpkinhead is very humble, and it is a series of honorifics, rather than jealousy, or it may be planning to salute first, but Roman is not in the mood to guess its psychology.

"Since I am called God, don't stand higher than me!"

After stealing the pumpkin's head politely, Roman's cold expression made the atmosphere suddenly freeze, and the sword was on the verge of breaking out.

I saw him teleport to the air above the pumpkin head, just when the pumpkin head thought he was going to punish disrespect, Roman slowed down.

"Two eight three" "Okay, you can continue talking.'

Pumpkin Head: ".

The behavior that should have been very arrogant and godlike, was inexplicably reflected in Roman's body like a child's grudge, and it didn't know what to say.

However, the pumpkin head raised Roman's danger to several levels. It is often this kind of character who has many mysteries and cannot be guessed, because he does not know how he will react, which makes it even more difficult to guard against.

Moreover, the pumpkin head can see that the space transfer used by Roman is very different, not from one point to another, so it can do it by itself.

It is on the basis of its own immobility, allowing the space to move by itself, and the direction of the transfer is arbitrary, without any preconditions, and regardless of the existence of obstacles... It is like mastering the power of the realm.

"I'm not the one who wants to see you, please forgive me for the offense below."

Pumpkin Head took a deep look at Roman, and retreated with Aizhen and Kasukabe Yao who was powerless to resist.

Just when Roman was confused, his figure changed instantly like a frame drop, from one action to another directly, as if there was no intermediate process.

In the hand where he had already held two hammers, there was another hammer, and he held it between his fingers.

"I said you are finished!"

With a backhand swing, the three hammers flew towards Weser and La Ting on the boundary wall, rubbed between them, and hit the ground behind them with a bang.

The two of them thought of the possible reason after being frightened, and jumped away from the spot like a stress reaction, and they realized that there was an extra person behind them at some point!

When...?! A drop of cold sweat dripped down Weser's forehead, but he didn't have any perception at all, and he couldn't detect the slightest breath!

"Cangyan devil!" La Ting also recognized the identity of the comer.

It was a girl exuding a sweet fragrance from head to skirt, like an artistic dessert at a convention.

From her body, I can feel that she is both charming and cute, but lacks defense. To describe it in a disrespectful way, it will make people feel immoral and sexy that deliberately seduces men.

She tilted her head, her demeanor reveals innocence, is gorgeous and pitiful, childishness and lust are superimposed perfectly, but she seems to be unaware of her own allure.

When the three of them looked at each other, the girl suddenly took out another hammer, one in each hand.

bang! bang!

The hammer directly appeared on top of Weser and La Ting's heads. The pain made them stare at each other, and they covered their heads one after another, crying out in embarrassment.

"You bastard!"

"Ah! Throwing a hammer at the beauty's head cruelly! Don't you think it's too much~"

What's more subtle is that La Ting's cry of pain seems to be a little bit excited after being insulted, revealing the feeling of being masochistic...

Who knows how Roman heard it.

"La Ting... Forget it, as long as you are happy."

It seems that there is more than one person present who has no clue about his appearance... If you have to say it, La Ting is indeed a beauty, with elf-like fair skin and long ears, minimalist clothes and high-heeled boots under a white cloak It's also very attractive, but it depends on who you compare it with.

Roman shook his head, flashed in front of the two incompetent men, and confronted the girl with the attitude of a leader.

Relying on the height difference, he looked down at the girl, and the latter also stood upright, with a baby face as sweet as honey, and looked back at him not to be outdone.

Tsk, what a ferocious size!

Then Roman stepped forward, stretched out his hands, pinched the girl's cheek, and pulled it out.

"Vera za Ignifates, I will not forgive you so easily if I do not explain carefully why you came."

The usual Roman wouldn't be so frivolous when he made a cross-line move to the girl he met for the first time.

So this is an abnormal state at this moment - he has already confirmed his premonition that the source of the trouble is this strange female demon!


Vera nodded, her nasal voice was out of shape due to her cheek being pinched.

Seeing this scene, Pumpkin Head and Ayesha felt very complicated. At any rate, the leader of their own community was named the strongest demon in the northern district... Well, the opposite is three digits, it's okay .

It seemed to be quite cooperative, and Roman let go of his hand in satisfaction, expressing his listening.

The control on her face was loosened, and Vera quickly puffed out a breath in her mouth, filling her eyes, just such an action was extremely endearing.

She took out a flower from the large sleeve of the gothic lace dress with complicated floral decorations, and held it in front of Roman.

If it is a withered plant, the petals are yellow, and the calyx is completely rotten black. Roman can barely tell that it is a lily.

"Goddess Lily?"

The special product that can only be cultivated in the universe where the Great Demon Shadow is sealed, the magic flower that contains his divine power has become like this in the girl's hand.

"That's how you found me?"

Roman's slightly frowned brows showed that his mood had begun to change. He looked back at Kasukabe Yao who was held hostage by the pumpkin head—the only two flowers that were sent were presented to Jiuyuan Asuka and Harukabe Yao respectively.

The temperature in his voice dropped, imagining the situation where the quiet girl was robbed of her belongings, the important thing is, it was still a gift from him!

After taking a short breath, Roman stared at the pumpkin head coldly, and snapped at him very rarely: "Put it down!" 4.4

The airflow around Roman suddenly became disordered, sweeping away a repelling force, and Vera, who was closest to him, was pushed back two steps in a row as if he had no defense at all.

The magic word bullet twisted into a transparent spiral and hit the pumpkin head in an instant!

The gray robe covering its body exploded directly, and was knocked into the air by this irresistible magic power. The real body in Ghost state also flickered, as if it couldn't maintain its shape.

Ayesha screamed and separated from the pumpkin head, and fell from the air, while Yo Kasukabe was suddenly caught by Roman's hands during the fall.

Kasukabe Yao looked around in a daze, only to realize that it was not Roman who came to catch her, but she was displaced in the air and fell directly into Roman's arms.

"That...Roman, you misunderstood, don't be angry..."

Kasukabe Yao shrank his neck in his arms and shouted timidly, having never seen Roman being unreasonable. .

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