Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 61 War March (3) (Flowers And Comments)

When Natasha Romanoff was operating in the air show, Hawkeye finally got his revenge and flew towards Loki with an arrow.

The moment he was about to shoot, Loki grabbed the arrow with his hand, and then turned around with a smile, probably meaning, you can't do it, I'm the master!

It's a pity, probably because of the will of the universe, every time Loki is handsome for less than three seconds, the arrow explodes, the flight gun blows up, Loki is blown to the top floor of the Stark Building, and even the horns on his head fall off. out. Taking advantage of this gap, Natasha Romanoff also jumped to the highest point and walked towards the exquisite instrument.

Loki dared to stand up, but before he had time to react, a big green guy bumped him into the room, and he didn't know if he was planning to do something embarrassing.

Hulk slammed the floor hard, and then went on to fix this messy Bambi.

At this moment, Loki suddenly stood up and shouted: "Enough! You lowly people... I am a god, I tell you, I will not be given by ants..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Hulk grabbed his foot and swung it, left and front twice, smashing the floor. But Hulk still felt that he wasn't enjoying himself enough, and then added two more, and threw Loki aside after smashing.

Loki was lying on the ground, wondering if there was a figure of grievance coming from his throat, he was now smashed into a dazed face, his eyes were empty, he didn't seem to understand what happened. This expression can only make people think, who am I? where am I? What have I been through?

He really didn't understand, since he was a god, why the mortals in this place were so terrifying, and even more violent than his old brother who wielded a hammer. Can't you save any face?

Hulk's smashing was also meaningless, and he walked directly outside. When he walked, he looked back and said mockingly: "What a weak god..."

Loki was even angrier when he heard this, he could only keep reminding himself that I am a magician, not a warrior, and a berserker restrains all ranks, it is not ashamed to be beaten by Hulk... really not ashamed... Then he slightly Turning his head, he couldn't die to see Romani who was showing great power in the sky, as if he was also a magician...

What should I do, I am so wronged, I really want to cry... Well, no, I have to hold back, I must not cry...

At this time, Natasha Romanoff also learned from Dr. Savage that Loki's scepter can close the portal. And the scepter is right in front of her eyes, but when she was about to get the scepter, her complexion suddenly changed, and she said to everyone through the communicator: "Loki's scepter can close the portal, but now there seems to be more troublesome Things, I really want to see the flying dragon."

"I'm sure you read it right, because I'm fighting this thing, and I have to say that their skin is pretty thick." Tony couldn't help but say at the moment, and he was indeed fighting a Wyvern right now.

"Maybe you should come and see me, there is such a big pig!" Steve looked at the big guy who knocked him into the air just now, and his expression became extremely ugly. Now there are not only Chitauri's soldiers on the ground, but also The big pigs and the monsters that have appeared all over the world before, Ulidim, not only Chitauri but also Avengers, seem to be the targets of these monsters.

Steve couldn't help cursing, "What the hell are these things?"

At this moment, an old man appeared behind him, and directly dealt with a group of Chitauri and a few Ulidim, and then said: "These are monsters, which originated from a special existence. In fact, these things They are the real enemies of our Chaldeans, I didn’t expect them to appear here.”

Seeing that this old man was also from Chaldea, Steve was relieved a lot: "Warcraft?"

"The small one is called Ulidim, which is considered the weakest monster, and the big guy is a magic pig, and the thing that flies in the sky is called a wyvern, but now the key is to close the portal first, with the help of that friend , it will be more convenient to eliminate the monsters in this city." Shan Kayla said slowly.

Hearing this, Steve also felt the same way, at least to prevent the enemy from entering again, and Romani is indeed a very powerful combat force.

At this critical moment, Tony suddenly heard the voice of the black marinated egg: "Stark, there is a nuclear bomb heading towards NY."

Tony was surprised, how long did it take to get a nuclear bomb, but he also knew that he didn't have so much time to ask the reason: "How long is it?"

"three minutes!"

Instantly Tony felt a bit Spartan, why did it take so long, it was a nuclear bomb? If you want to launch it, you should launch it as soon as possible, then we don't have to work so hard to get to NY City. If you level it up, we can save a ghost! Moreover, who is so brainless to think of using a nuclear bomb, your nuclear bomb can blow up that hole in the sky?

You can't blow up that hole, isn't Chitauri still running in? At that time, who can control them rushing out of NY City and running around the world?

"I can close the portal, can anyone hear me?" Natasha Romanoff had the scepter now.

"Close it quickly." Steve said quickly, he was also very tired now, and if he continued to fight, the Avengers would not be able to hold on.

Tony's figure suddenly sounded: "No, wait."

"Stark, there are more and more enemies." Steve didn't understand.

"I have a nuclear bomb here, it will explode in a minute..."

Before Tony finished speaking, Natasha Romanoff's voice came from the communicator: "Well, it may be a little embarrassing to say that Tony, but I just shook my hand..."

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, and saw that the sea of ​​flames in the sky disappeared, and the huge amounts of the portal disappeared together.

Oh, it's fun, the portal is closed, and there is a nuclear bomb that will explode in a little more than a minute, what should I do now? Waiting online, it's urgent!

"Did something happen?" Romani fell from the sky and couldn't help asking when he saw a group of confused faces. Although there are still many Chitauri and World of Warcraft in NY City, they are not so ignorant, right?

"A nuclear bomb came from Stark, and it's going to explode in a minute. I don't think we need to worry about the remaining Chitauri and Warcraft. We should worry about ourselves first." Steve is also angry now, but he still gave Romani Said.

Hearing this, Romani was also depressed, why did he make such a big noise in the sky, and there are nuclear bombs coming?

There is no way, I am a hard worker: "Tony, lead the nuclear bomb towards me, and I will deal with this thing!"

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