Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 69 Tony Is Targeted

Ivan the Terrible, the emperor of Siberia, a terrifying monster, changed into the appearance of a monster in the Lost Belt, becoming an existence close to a god.

Just in his normal form, he is 531 centimeters tall and weighs 2548 kilograms, which is far beyond the scope of normal people, and even ordinary monsters cannot be compared with him.

He is the most ferocious tyrant in the history of Siberia, with unique cruelty and tyranny. But on the other hand, he is also a very devout believer in God. And as a king, even a tyrant attaches great importance to his promises, just like a saying in the Eastern Kingdom, there is no joke!

And the person he promised when he came to this world was the Ivan Vanke who suddenly disappeared. It was because of him that Ivan the Terrible would directly declare war on Tony after completing his arrival.

The only good news is that Ivan the Terrible gave a month, which is enough time for the Avengers to assemble once, except Thor who just left yesterday with Loki and Tesseract

All other combat forces can be gathered. But in the eastern countries, there is an old saying, misfortune comes with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes.

Romani remembered that after the Chitauri War in NY City, Killian from Pioneer Technology would start to trouble Tony. It might take a while, but now, that guy might choose to cooperate with Ivan the Terrible. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"It is indeed a part of history, Ivan the Terrible, the most vicious tyrant in Siberia." Romani was also frowning at this moment, "Do you suspect that this matter is related to Chaldea?

Nick Fury didn't know that Chaldea was founded by the Romani, so he nodded without hesitation: "I can't think of any other reason except them. Among the known information, only Chaldea can have these guys with historical or mythological records."

"If it's Chaldea, then they are too stupid." Romani excused himself, he really didn't know why Ivan the Terrible came to this world. Definitely, if he opened Acute eyes, he might be able to find something, but he hasn't regained all his authority now, so it would be very tiring to forcefully use the EX-level Acute eyes.

It's like Doctor Strange using Time Gem, you didn't see him observing the future when he was fighting against Thanos, the way he shook his head, it hurts to watch.

Nick Fury did not refute Romani. Chaldea just took out the document signed by the government of country M in S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no reason to stand on the opposite side of mankind at this time. And according to Romani, they are a special agency whose purpose is to prevent human extinction, and there is no reason to attack Thor.

After thinking for a moment, Nick Fury said: "Maybe it's out of control, as I guessed before, they just let the guy from history appear in this era, but they don't know where. If so, they don't care No matter how powerful the intelligence system is, there will always be omissions, and Ivan the Terrible is likely to be one of them." "

The more Nick Fury thinks about it, the more he feels that he is witty, and it is normal for scientific research to get out of control. Just like he made Tesseract himself not long ago, did he come up with a Loki not long ago?

The appearance of Ivan the Terrible made Nick Fury 90% sure of his guess, and it was imperative for Hill Agent to form a special operations team! Since Chaldea couldn't find all these people, he would We must take those that have been missed into our own hands, such as this Ivan the Terrible.

Well, let someone contact Ivan the Terrible when we get back...

Romani said that he doesn't want to talk now, so he let the black marinated egg make up his own brain, anyway, he has already made up a complete plot in his brain.

After making a decision in his heart, Nick Fury was also preparing to leave: "By the way, thank you for saving Phil Coulson. No matter what your opinion of me is now, I am sincerely grateful for this matter."

For Phil Coulson, although Nick Fury can't see it on the surface, he has some guilt in his heart, so even without Romani, he will try his best to bring Phil Coulson back to life. Although, apart from guilt, there is another very important point, that is...

Do you think you can retire after you die?

After the black stewed egg left, Romani turned his head and looked at Andumari who was wiping the wine glass. Sometimes he really wanted to ask, is my wine glass so dirty? Why do you wipe the glass all the time?

"Andumari, tell Iskandar the news about Ivan the Terrible. If the other party really plans to take action against Tony, he will definitely set foot on this land. By then, Chaldea will be able to show its power."

After a short pause, Romani continued: "I am very interested in one more thing. Both Iskandar and Ivan the Terrible are the masters of the overlord army. After all, Iskandar's army is invincible, or Ivan the Terrible Is the Emperor's army superior?"

As Romani said, the Conqueror King Iskandar and the Siberian Tyrant Ivan the Terrible, both of them have armies that are invincible, whether it is the King of the Conqueror's Noble Phantasm 〔The Army of the King' or the Noble Phantasm of Ivan the Terrible "The black dog that sneaked out of my dream" Noble Phantasm paper in the shape of an army.

Although in the original Lost Belt world, the Black Dogs would only appear in the territory of Ivan the Terrible, in this world, Romani felt that it was impossible to be so simple. How can it be possible for an overlord to embark on a journey without an army?

However, this treasure will only be activated automatically when Ivan the Terrible loses consciousness. When he falls asleep, the Black Dog Legion armed with torture tools will appear from nowhere and launch an attack to crush the emperor's enemies!

Thinking of this, Romani was shocked. He felt that it was necessary to go to Tony's house to set up some (Zhao Qian Zhao) magic defenses, otherwise one day Ivan the Terrible fell asleep, and hundreds of thousands of Black Dogs would move towards him. The Tuo family rushed over.

Oh, that picture is so beautiful, I can hardly imagine it!

Without too much hesitation, Romani directly opened the door to Tony's place, but as soon as he got to Tony's house, he saw a mess, steel battle suits scattered everywhere, and Tony was also lying on the ground with his butt up.

"So, you're welcoming me? With your ass? I'm sorry, but I still have to tell you that I don't have a hobby." Romani looked at Tony lying on the ground, and couldn't help but say.

Hearing Romani's words, Tony suddenly turned over and sat up: "there is something wrong with the battle suit, I'm debugging it, what can you do to find me? If it's because of that idiot elephant with the crown, I won't bother you Already, Iron Man is invincible, and I will deal with him in a while."

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