Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 79: To Siberia

In Siberia, Ivan the Terrible wakes up at this moment, his face that has been transformed into a monster does not show any expression, but anyone who reads it can feel his anger at the moment

After the victory of the war, tens of thousands of heroic spirits stopped their cheers and disappeared into the distance. Immediately afterwards, the barrier was lifted, everything shattered like a bubble, and the scenery changed back to the original NY city. The Avengers stood on the ground of NY city again. Sand grains blown up by the wind.

Hulk also changed back to Banner's appearance at this moment, but, except for Romani, all the other Avengers were looking forward slightly dully, they still couldn't forget the magnificent scene just now, and the invincible army.

Not to mention that the weapons and equipment are backward, their Avengers can easily deal with the Chitauri army whose technology is far superior to that of the Blue Star, but they have some difficulties when facing the Black Dogs. But in their eyes, the black dog army, which was a bit difficult to deal with, was completely smashed under the iron hooves of the King of Conquerors' army. Modern tanks and artillery could only be crushed by the iron hooves of the invincible army!

"Hahaha, is it only this level? I'm not satisfied yet!" Iskandar put away his sword, and immediately laughed.

I have to say that he felt very comfortable fighting against the Black Dogs just now, at least much more comfortable than dealing with Hassan the Hundred Faces in the Holy Grail War.

After seeing the scene just now, Romani also had to admire in his heart that Iskandar is indeed the strongest overlord, and his army is far better than Ivan the Terrible's Black Dog Army.

He even felt that neither the Undead Army of Darius III nor the Asgardians of Leonidas I were likely to be their opponents.

"Captain." Romani smiled, and then turned his head to wake up Steve, who was still in surprise, "Although the Black Dogs have been wiped out temporarily, they originally came from the power of Ivan the Terrible, and they will recover sooner or later." Come here, our real enemy is Ivan the Terrible, if there is no way to get rid of him, then everything we do today is meaningless-."

Hearing this, Steve also immediately realized that Ivan the Terrible is not in a distant universe like Chitauri, as long as they defeat the vanguard, they are considered victorious. As Romani said, their battle is only a temporary victory, the real big boss is the tyrant sitting in Siberia!

"That's right, it's not time to relax yet!" Steve nodded, and continued, "Barton, you go to Natasha Romanoff immediately, and then go straight back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, and watch out for Killian and Ivan the Terrible's army with Nick Fury The security of this country is up to you. Tony, Dr. Banner and Romani are heading to Siberia now, since the other party has come to say hello, we have to return the salute no matter what!"

"Well said, then speed up and go to the next battlefield!" Iskandar also smiled boldly at this moment, and said directly.

Hearing this, Steve also showed joy on his face: "Iskandar Your Excellency willing to go with us?"

"Definitely, as a king, I also want to compete with the King of Siberia. I believe he also has the same idea."

The King of Conquerors intends to go with him, and Steve definitely won't refuse. After fighting the Black Dogs, he knows that the opponent's strength is very strong. Facing such an enemy, he also needs to strengthen his combat power. It can be said that even if the King of Conquerors did not offer it himself, he would have sent an invitation.

"Romani, can your portal take us directly to Siberia?" After making a decision, Steve immediately looked at Romani.

"It can only reach the border of Siberia, which is now shrouded in huge magic power, and it is impossible to open the portal directly." Romani answered directly after thinking for a while.

Steve was not surprised by such an answer. Romani's portal is not omnipotent after all, otherwise it would be much easier to directly open a portal to Ivan the Terrible's bedroom.

In fact, the portal magic from Kamar-Taj can't do this, but Romani is able to do it. Among his ten rings, there is one ring with the ability to teleport, no matter how powerful it is Even the magical defense cannot stop the ability granted by his ring.

However, he doesn't know where the ring is now...

...asking for flowers...

"By the way, Romani, I'm here for you. I almost forgot." Tony suddenly took out something at this moment. No one had noticed it just now. Tony had been carrying a cloth bag when he came over.

Do you think you are Budai monk?

After receiving the cloth bag, Romani took a closer look, and couldn't help showing a little surprise on his face, because the bag contained the Holy Grail. With this thing, when Thor brings the Tesseract over next time, he can summon the first Tesseract. Two heroic spirits. At that time, Chaldea's strength will become even stronger!

"Thank you Tony." With a shout of thanks, Romani opened a small portal directly and threw the Holy Grail back into his own clinic, where Andumari guarded the regular safety.


After finishing these chores, Romani turned his attention to Steve and the others: "Are you ready, everyone?"

"Ready from the start." Steve's expression was serious, he was never afraid of fighting, and he never had any enemies to make him feel intimidated.

"Ivan the Terrible, I have to ask him face to face, is it not worthwhile to trouble Iron Man for a guy who hasn't washed his hair for three to five years?" Tony went back and changed into a new steel battle suit, and then half-joked road.

"To be honest, I don't really want to go, but it looks like I can't refuse." Dr. Banner rubbed his hands, feeling a little helpless. If possible, he would prefer to stay quietly in the Stark Building and do research, but Tony has prepared a very nice research room for him.

The next moment, Romani smiled slightly, and then the magic power surged, and he drew his palm out of thin air, and a portal appeared at this moment. There was hardly any hesitation, everyone just stepped into the portal, and what appeared in front of them was a huge barrier like a colorful streamer, which went straight to the sky, isolating the entire Siberia from the outside world.

"This magic barrier will not hinder us, but once we enter, we probably won't be able to get out until Ivan the Terrible is defeated." Romani explained to everyone

In other words, as long as you step forward, there is no going back!

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