Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 8 Obaday's Regenerative Healing Factor (Seeking Comments And Flowers)

Legend has it that there once was a king of Mephista who wanted to burn human beings and reshape the world. His name was... Gaitia, who beat people inexplicably and made the voice of "Ola Ola Ola..." in other people's minds. All abilities are derived from the real King Solomon...

Therefore, Romani, who has been complaining that Kamar-Taj is a group of melee magicians who are not doing business, is actually a melee magician himself, and his melee is even more excessive. Others use magic power to condense some weapons to fight at close range, but after Romani directly borrowed the strengthening power of the Four Rings, he directly swung his fists!

If Ancient One knew about Romani's complaints before, he would definitely yell: "We are the orthodox magicians, at least there is no King of Fighters among us!"



A loud noise erupted, and Obadai, who was sitting inside the Iron Overlord, had his eyes widened at this moment. He couldn't imagine the scene happening in front of his eyes at this moment. The human who he regarded as an ant was not blown away by a punch, and did not even take half a step back, but directly withstood his fist, and what surprised him even more was that the operating system of the Iron Bully actually reported The right arm suffered some damage.

I hit you with an iron fist, but you actually dented part of my iron fist?

And Romani also noticed this, so the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

The Ring of Four can endow the holder with power far beyond the limit of the Superman, and as its owner, Romani can maximize this power. If it falls into the hands of other people, it may bring bad luck to that person. Weaker than Steve Rogers' power. But in the hands of Romani, if he activates the Four Rings with all his strength, the explosive power will not even be weaker than the normal Hulk.

Therefore, it is easy to block the attack of the Iron Overlord!

"Damn ant, you can never be my opponent." Just as Obadai was about to continue to control the Iron King to launch an attack, an unknown Flight object in the sky quickly flew towards this direction. At the same time, Tony That mechanical roar also came at this moment.


Opadry's full name, Opadry Stanislav.

Then, Tony, who was wearing a steel battle suit, knocked Obaday out and flew to the road to start his own battle.

"Romani Archman, Tony's friend, came here to protect you, Miss Pepper." Romani has no problem with this development. If he wants, he can easily get rid of Opadry, but since Tony He was going to settle the matter between their uncles and nephews by himself, so he had no intention of intervening until the situation changed.

"Oh, thank you for your help, Dr. Romani, I heard Tony talk about you." After a brief greeting, Pepo shifted his gaze to the direction of Tony and Opadry, and the worry in his eyes could not be concealed at all, " Won't you help Tony? I mean, I should be fine here."

"If he needs help, I will do it, but you are also very important to him." Romani is still very clear about the matter between Pepo and Tony, so he doesn't mind helping Tony. Thickened their red wires into bars before Tony would have to spend years.

When Romani and Pepo were talking, Tony finally ended the evenly matched battle with Obadai. Although it didn't take long originally, his first-generation reactor was almost unable to support it, so from this moment, it was It's time for Obaday to show off his might.

"Thirty years, I have been holding you in my arms!"

"I built this company from scratch. Don't let anything get in my way!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Without saying a word, Obaday will ravage Tony once, but these two guys are protected by steel battle suits, and there will be no substantial damage when they fight back and forth.

It was at this time that Tony had an idea and flew straight up into the sky, and Obaday followed immediately. In his opinion, Tony might plan to run away and use the air superiority to deal with him alive, but he himself Upgraded the battle suit by one level. However, he and Tony made the same mistake when they first flew in a battle suit——

Freezing problem!


Iron Bully fell from high school, and the loud noise when he hit the ground made the ground tremble, but he himself was not actually hurt. Tony is indeed a genius. Even when the icing problem is ignored, the protection performance of his battle suit is still very strong. As long as there is no excessive force impact, even if the battle suit is damaged, there is no problem.

"Doctor Romani, he needs help, he needs your help!" Seeing Obaday hang Tony up and beat him again, Pepo finally couldn't help it, and shouted at Romani beside him. She couldn't continue to watch like this. Although she couldn't help, she knew that the person beside her could.

Seeing that Romani just watched the battle between Tony and Obaday without moving, and what Tony said to her just now, she immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of the large reactor. As in the original plot, Tony intends to overload the reactor to get rid of Opadry. The reason why he didn't ask Romani to help is because he really regards Romani as a friend.

He is very confident in his invention, and he didn't see the scene where Romani confronted the Iron King, so he thought that even Romani's magic couldn't fight Opadry.

"You can be regarded as an extraordinary performance Tony, you will make your father proud." At this time, Obaday has opened the armor in front of his battle suit, looked at Tony with a mocking face and said, "Do you want this world to have no weapon, but invented the best weapon, and now, I'm going to kill you with him!"

"Pepo!" Tony yelled, and now, he was going to overload the reactor.

And Pepo did complete his instructions. After a short while, the reactor would be directly overloaded, and the huge energy generated at that time was enough to swallow the Iron Overlord and Obadai together.

"It's much better than watching a movie." After whispering to himself, Romani stretched out his palm in the direction of Tony and Peipo, and the magic power gushed out crazily at this moment, instantly pulling Tony and Peibo together. Bo lifted the two of them out of thin air, and then sent them directly to his side.

At this moment, the reactor was completely overloaded, and the terrifying energy directly connected the sky and the earth together, and Obadai, who was swallowed by this energy, also fell onto the reactor with the Iron Overlord.


There was a deafening explosion, and the huge air wave generated by the explosion swept in all directions, but Romani's surroundings were not affected at all. He turned his magic power into a fan-shaped barrier to completely block the aftermath.

Just when Romani was about to leave with Tony and Pepo who passed out.

"Don't try to get in the way of me, you can never be my opponent!" A hoarse figure full of resentment came slowly, and amidst the explosion and overflowing energy, Obadai walked away intact Come out, although he no longer has the Iron Overlord on him, but at this moment he is even more palpitating.

Seeing this scene, even Romani frowned slightly.

No one was injured in that kind of explosion, is this guy a Regenerative Healing Factor?

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