Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 81 The Werewolf Patsy

After running with the werewolf for a certain distance, everyone came to a small village, and then hid directly in the werewolf's residence. After some conversations, Romani and the others also learned the werewolf's name, Patsy.

Through the exchange of information with Patsy, they also have a certain understanding of the current Siberia. The village where they are now is called Yaga Smolensk, and in the far northeast there is a place called Yaga Moscow.

It sounds like they are all Siberian cities, but the word Yaga is added in front of them.

In your memory of the people of Siberia, 450 years ago, because of the fall of a meteorite, the whole of Siberia became an ice age. Humans like Romani and others, known as the old species, could not live here Survive the cold.

Because of that disaster, Siberia lost nearly 90% of its population. When it was about to perish, Ivan the Terrible summoned a group of magicians to study a way for humans to survive, combining humans and monsters. 23 Patsy is such an existence, in the land of Siberia, they call themselves Yaga.

As for Ivan the Terrible, in Patsy's memory, it was not the sudden arrival not long ago, but the "Yaga" who had survived for nearly five hundred years!

The Black Dog Legion under its command is known as the killing hunters, or the personal guards, but these hunters suddenly disappeared not long ago, and they have not appeared until now.

After all, the Black Dog Legion was crushed by Iskandar not long ago, and it may take some time for Ivan the Terrible to recover them.

On the land of Siberia today, almost all Yaga live, and the world of Yaga is completely different from human beings. Because it is a combination of human beings and monsters, they possess human wisdom and animal nature at the same time.

The law of the jungle is Yaga's survival law, they feed on monsters, but monsters are not easy to hunt, so only the strong have the right to eat

After telling the things he knew, Patsy asked: "So, who are you, don't you know any history at all?"

Hearing this, whether it is Steve, Tony, or Dr. Banner, they all want to complain. They have studied history, but they have never heard of this strange history. It feels like their worldview has been subverted, okay?

After calming down a bit, Steve replied: "We are the Avengers, and we are here to defeat Ivan the Terrible.

"Defeat Ivan the Terrible... Oh, are you a rebel army? I don't seem to have heard of any Avengers in the rebel army, but since your goal is to defeat Ivan the Terrible, then we are They are friends who are on the same side. The most troublesome thing now is the food, if there is no more food, I will soon be unable to survive." Speaking of this, Patsy also showed a bit of bitterness on her face .

Hearing this, Iskandar, Steve and Tony all had embarrassment on their faces.

None of them thought that Siberia would become such an incomprehensible state, so they didn't bring food at all.

"You can go to...these places, according to what you said just now, if food is monsters, then there are a lot of roaring beasts in these places." Just when everyone was a little embarrassed, Romani said suddenly Said.

"Is what you said true?" Patsy couldn't believe it.

"My eyes can see very far. I observed it when I came to the village with you just now. As long as you told us just now that the location of the village is not wrong, then there must be no problem with the locations I gave you.

Romani said without any hesitation that he has EX-level Acute eyes. Although it would be tiring to use it to observe the long river of time, it is not a problem just to look at the surrounding situation.

"If it's true, thank you very much. You guys take a rest here, and I'll be back after hunting." Patsy ran outside with a gun in her mouth.

After Patsy left, everyone sat down to rest. They didn't know enough about this place, so they couldn't take direct action.

S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

Nick Fury looked at Barton and Natasha Romanoff who came back, with some doubts in his eyes: "Why are you the only ones back? Why did the captain and them all disappear?"

"Disappeared? They went to Siberia together, including the Alexander the Great of Chaldea, but this is not disappearing, I remember that both the captain and Dr. Banner were wearing communicators." Barton was stunned After a while, he said in a puzzled way.

"The last place they appeared was at the border of Siberia, and then they disappeared, and the messages they sent did not receive any response. It seems that something beyond our control should have happened in Siberia." Nick Fury was originally black The face, now darkened even more.

He didn't expect such a situation to happen, and S.H.I.E.L.D's satellites couldn't detect Siberia. In the satellite image, Siberia seemed to disappear, and a special force shrouded it.

"The captain and Romani are both very strong, and they can handle accidents even if they encounter accidents. Moreover, this time there is also that Alexander the Great who went with them this time. Director, you may not think that the strength of that emperor is beyond 750 imagination. , You should have watched the video I sent back, right?" Barton was not too worried, but he knew the strength of the group going to Siberia very well.

Steve Rogers, the superhero known as Captain America, is probably the weakest of the bunch.

Dr. Banner usually looks a little weak, but the Hulk in his body is almost immortal and powerful.

Tony Stark, although he is just an ordinary person, but that steel battle suit is a top-notch technology that is ten or even twenty years beyond the world.

Romani, apparently a skilled surgeon, is actually King Solomon who existed three thousand years ago.

Coupled with the combination of Iskandar the Conqueror, Barton can't think of anyone who can make them encounter accidents, even that Ivan the Terrible can't do it?

After all, the Black Dogs under Ivan the Terrible had absolutely no resistance against Iskandar's army.

But at this moment, Nick Fury's expression was extremely serious. He glanced at Barton, and then said in a deep voice, "I'm not worried about Ivan the Terrible, but the King of Conquerors. During the battle in NY City, his barrier can block S.H.I.E.L.D's attack." Surveillance, and the fighting power of the army is also terrifying, if he dragged the captain and others into the barrier, do you think the captain has many dogs and fights to conquer the king?".

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