"Do you know what's going on?" Although he didn't quite understand what Romani said for a while, Thor at least knew that Romani had some understanding of Jane's current situation.

"Maybe, but you have to tell me what happened." Romani nodded and said immediately.

At this time, Thor also helped Jane to sit aside, and then told Romani the whole story.

The simple reason is that Jane found a special place where space overlaps and changes, so she ran over to conduct research, but accidentally entered a special space, and even Heimdall couldn't see her existence.

Out of concern, Thor immediately opened Bifrost to look for his girlfriend in Blue Star. He didn't find anything when he first saw her, but when a policeman touched Jane, a terrifying energy erupted instantly. .

It overturned the surroundings directly, and Jane also became very weak and uncomfortable.

Originally planned to go back to Asgard directly, but Thor thought that his father could not accept Jane, and Romani was also a very powerful spellcaster, so Thor immediately took Jane and flew to New York with a hammer.

After listening to Thor's narration, Romani nodded, and then stretched out his hand to separate Jane and Thor directly with magic power, and then condensed into a magic barrier, completely enveloping Jane.

Then, he walked up to Jane and asked softly, "Ms. Foster, I need to confirm my guess, can I?"

Jane also knew Romani. If it wasn't for Romani, her research equipment would have been snatched by Phil Coulson. Therefore, she also had some trust in the guy dressed as a doctor in front of her, and she nodded after thinking for a while.

After obtaining Jane's consent, Romani raised a finger and poked her arm lightly.

Then, a terrifying energy erupted from Jane's body, and Romani immediately raised his hand, and the majestic magic power rushed out of his body, constantly strengthening the magic barrier around Jane's body, otherwise, his clinic would be in danger. It can be scrapped directly.

At the same time, he also used a magic power to protect Jane, so that the power confined in the small space would not hurt Thor's girlfriend.

Although it was well prepared, the energy that Tai particles erupted in an instant exceeded Romani's expectations.


Under the burst of energy just now, the magic barrier around Jane was covered with cracks under the impact of that energy, and now it is shattering piece by piece like broken glass.

Romani is well aware of how powerful the magic barrier he built just now is, even missiles can't break it, but the energy erupting from Jane's body may not be comparable to missiles physically, but from the perspective of magic, it is far away. Technology weapons beyond the missile level.

To make his barrier shatter, this is not something ordinary energies can do, and those surging dark red energies also carry a special power to distort things.

"What the hell is going on here?" Thor is very anxious now, Jane is his girlfriend, and he can't watch what happens to her.

"You should know that this energy erupted from Ms. Foster's body." Romani pointed to Jane, and then said, "You said before that she went to a special space, and even Heimdall couldn't find her Where, now I almost know, the place she goes to is a space far away from reality, a space shaped by Tai particles!"

"So, what are Tai particles?" Thor never studied history or anything, if Loki were here, he would probably know the body news of Tai particles immediately.

Romani looked at Tony, and then said: "Although I know about this matter, it has something to do with your country. Father Odin is also very aware of this thing in Ms. Foster's body. Moreover, Tai particles are absorbing the essence of her life." To maintain herself, it must be taken out as soon as possible, otherwise she may..."

"Afraid of what? What will happen to me?" Jane is a little anxious at the moment, and she is not an idiot, she has already thought of Romani's meaning, but in such a situation, people will still ask hopefully.

"Life is the foundation of human existence. If it is fully absorbed, the outcome can be imagined." Romani sighed and said in a deep voice.

"You must have a way, Romani, I know, you can definitely save Jane!" Thor held Jane tightly in his arms, and said eagerly at the same time.

Romani reached out and took the two Holy Grails in his room, then pushed open the door of the clinic, turned around and said: "Let's go, I will go to Asgard with you, I am the king of Blue Star and the Sorcerer Supreme My friend, Father Odin may give me some face, after all, Jane is also a member of Blue Star, and she is still your loved one. The most important thing is, we are friends!"

Thor nodded, and immediately walked out of the clinic with his arms around Jane, looked up at the sky, and called softly: "々Heimdall!"

A colorful beam of light fell from the sky in an instant, covering Thor, Jane, and Romani in it. When the light dissipated, the three of them disappeared, and a round mysterious rune appeared on the ground.

"Doctor Romani, are you really King Solomon three thousand years ago?" During the Bifrost transmission, Jane couldn't help asking.

"That's right." Romani nodded.

"I heard that King Solomon has all the wisdom, so do you have any research on astronomy? If possible, I would like to ask you for advice..." At this moment, Jane actually wanted to stop herself from thinking about her physical condition, so she directly Adjusted (Ma Wang's) thinking to the research he was interested in.

"You can ask me whenever you have a chance in the future." Romani himself doesn't know a lot about astronomy, but his subordinate Mephista has expertise in this area.

Just like Asmodeus, who was just summoned by him, that guy is more powerful than all the astronomy experts and professors in this world.

Soon, the three of them appeared in a resplendent and resplendent building. Looking around from here, one could see a shocking Milky Way. In front of the three of them was a black man in golden armor holding a two-handed sword.

"Hello, welcome to Asgard." The tall black man looked at Jane Foster and Thor, nodded, and said with a straight face.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Romani, and nodded again: "Welcome to Asgard, Lord Solomon, the wise king of Midgard!"

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