Marvel's Strongest Saint

124. Ronan The Accuser (5/5)

"Has Loki's plan been successful? Colluded with the frost giants, let them come to steal the treasure during the most important celebration of the Aesir clan, and then encouraged his brother to start a war and bear the consequences of the god king. anger."

"When Thor loses respect, he can become Odin's only choice and peek under the throne to see the throne of the God King."

"Everything goes so naturally, and the title of God King seems to be within easy reach."

"And in the process, he not only wanted to murder his brother, but also deceived his father and everyone in Asgard who loved him!"

"Heimdall, this is my "280" guess, what's your opinion?"

After Su Bai's words, Heimdall's face became more solemn, and he was struggling deep in his heart, "You mean, Loki is not worthy of sitting in the open seat?"

There was a sneer on Su Bai's lips and he shook his head: "To be honest, I think Loki is more qualified to be the king! But I can't let him ascend the throne.

"Why?" Heimdall was a little confused.

"Sometimes, you have to do something for your friends. Loki will remove obstacles and thorns, he will deal with Thor, he will deal with Sif, he will deal with Diana - I noticed it several times Here he is, spying on Diana's thunder powers."

"Definitely, he will not ignore my existence."

Heimdall nodded very confidently: "Indeed, you are already very famous among the warriors of Asgard, even more than Thor. My sister Sif has always liked that little bastard Thor, even because of Sif. You can only stand on the trustee's side."

"And you who have just gained glory have naturally become a stumbling block, because as long as you raise your arms, a group of warriors will hesitation and return to Thor's command."

"However." Heimdall paused and said very solemnly: "However, God King Odin is still alive and everything is under Odin's control."

Su Bai chuckled, "What if one day, God King Odin fell into a deep sleep? Or disappeared?"

Heimdall was shocked all over. This was not an exaggeration. He had been guarding Bifrost and clearly remembered that after the battle with the frost giants a thousand years ago, Odin fell into a long sleep.

After being silent for a long time, Heimdall finally sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there was no more hesitation in his eyes: "Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Su Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he could not successfully persuade Heldam, he would really fall into a passive position, "Where was Thor exiled to? Find Thor first!"

The butterfly's wings have already flapped, so Su Bai will naturally not follow the previous memory. Haildam's eyes are the best weapon to find Thor.

Green light flashed in his eyes, and countless scenes appeared in Heimdall's mind. Even with this pair of eyes that could monitor the nine realms, it took ten minutes to find Thor's whereabouts: "Sweden, a man named Mal In the silent town, he lost his divine power and was at a loss."

Su Bai nodded and asked again: "What about Mjolnir? Is he also nearby?"

The green light in Heimdall's eyes flashed again, but this time the search speed was very fast, "Huh? Mjolnir is actually near Tonsberg, Norway?"

"Is something wrong?" Su Bai didn't quite understand Heimdall's confusion0

Heldam breathed out a breath and did not answer immediately. His thoughts were spinning rapidly, and after a while, he finally spoke: "Thousands of years ago, the decisive battle between God King Odin and Lauf was in Tonsberg. Odin lost his right hand. At the cost of his eyes, he defeated Lauf and took away the ancient winter coffin.

At the same time, the Large Magellanic Cloud is 260,000 light-years away from the solar system, above the Kri-Lar planet.

In the dense forest-like building complex, an obelisk-shaped building is as straight as the sky. On the top floor, on the light red throne of power, sits a three-meter-tall Ke with faint blue skin.


The Kree man on the throne is also a top figure in the Kree Empire, which spans three galaxies, has a population of 30 billion, and controls hundreds of billions of slaves.

His name spreads throughout the universe, and he is often dubbed the "Controller" by other species in the universe.

Accuser, Ronan!

Ronan is one of the seven members of the Supreme Council of the Empire, and is responsible for the affairs of the empire, large and small. At this moment, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he was waiting for something.

Not long after, a blue light screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and the face of another Kree appeared.

"Sir Roland, a fully loaded resource collection ship of the Kree Empire lost contact in the solar system."

"There are four Kree Empire citizens on board."

"Judging from the last news, it is very likely that they were attacked by Asgardians!"

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