Walking into the Holy Place, all the magicians who were practicing their spells stopped, clasped their hands, and stared at the Ancient One with extremely pious eyes. At the same time, they had some doubts in their hearts, who was the man walking side by side with the Sorcerer Supreme?

In their eyes, being able to walk side by side with the Ancient One is a great honor.

It's like generals must be at the forefront, which is a reflection of status.

It is difficult for these magicians to imagine that there are existences on earth that are equal to the Ancient One.

Su Bai is not a magician from the Magician Association, so naturally he doesn't have that much burden, and the Ancient One doesn't care about these small details. Su Bai is somewhat interested in the magicians in Holy Place.

Because both men and women are very young. This kind of youth is by no means the beauty effect of practicing magic, but the youth in physical age. "There is no older magician."

Su Bai had a suspicion in his mind: "Could it be that they are all cultivated from childhood?"

This conjecture is very likely to be true. Being taught by the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One personally from an early age, the probability of becoming an elite magician is very high, and he has an advantage in loyalty - you can feel it from the pious look in the magician's office towards the Ancient One. out.

Therefore, Su Bai saw the ambition of the Ancient One from these young magicians.

Under the leadership of the Ancient One, Su Bai walked into the main hall. The attire was plain and simple, all made of wooden structures. There was only a low wooden table in the center, and even the wooden chairs were omitted.

This is the residence of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, the most powerful person on earth today. It may be difficult to believe.

However, the Ancient One didn't care. He and Su Bai sat on both sides of the wooden table. After sitting down, a magician brought two glasses of water and filled them in wooden cups.

After drinking it, I felt a chill, all the fatigue in my body was driven away, I felt a hundred times more energetic, and I had the illusion that my soul had been cleansed.

Su Bai couldn't help but sigh in admiration. The Ancient One opposite nodded slightly and started to get to the point, "I wonder what Su Bai thinks the earth is?"

Ancient One stared at Su Bai expectantly, but in Su Bai's opinion, her question was too vague, but it was also a test from the Sorcerer Supreme, so Su Bai had to answer carefully.

From a material perspective, the earth is just a planet, but in Su Bai's heart, "the earth is home."

This is Su Bai's answer. The earth is the home of the earth's people and the home of the creatures that love it. Su Bai relied on his intuition to give such an answer.

The Ancient One on the opposite side was silent. After a long time, he smiled, stood up, and made another inviting gesture.

She did not comment on Su Bai's answer, but just wanted to know Su Bai's answer and attitude.

This time the two of them went to the library.

Pushing open the door of the library, Su Bai discovered that there was actually an alien space similar to a "small world" inside, which was far more magnificent than it appeared on the outside.

Rows of bookshelves spread out with no end in sight, definitely over a million!

Because each bookshelf is a hundred meters long and about fifty meters high, the number of books on one bookshelf exceeds 10,000, which shows that the books in it are rich and contain infinite knowledge.

"Aliens have long been using technology to store knowledge, but magicians firmly believe that only the records in books and scrolls can reflect the preciousness of truth." Ancient One walked forward slowly, and there was something in front of her right away. A faint ripple appeared, and a figure emerged from the space. The slightly fat figure was the administrator of the library.

"Olos, this is Su Bai. From now on, he can enter and leave the library at will and has the same permissions as me!"

When the Ancient One finished speaking, Oros was shocked all over. He stared at Su Bai with extremely shocked eyes and roared in his heart: The same authority as the Sorcerer Supreme??[!"

Although he is in the library every minute, Oros still knows everything that is happening in the outside world. He is also familiar with the name of Su Bai and understands the current power of this rising star!

It has the same permissions as Sorcerer Supreme?! Are you kidding me?

Only the Sorcerer Supreme can access the books and items at will!

As the administrator here, Oros knows the value of the library better than anyone else. The philosophy and knowledge contained in these books are not enough even if all mankind is used to pawn them!

Only magicians who have made contributions can come to check it out and borrow it. Even the chief engineer of Holy Place cannot violate it.

Su Bai directly has the highest authority, which shows the importance Sorcerer Supreme attaches to Su Bai.

Su Bai's heart was also tight. Nothing is good without reason. The more Ancient One acted like this, the more Su Bai felt that Ancient One might put a heavy burden on his shoulders, so he silently prepared himself.

The two walked towards the central part of the library, and Su Bai saw something new in his eyes.

White, green and black colors!

White and black emanated from two thick books respectively. Both books were wrapped in chains and could not be opened at will.

The green light comes from the Eye of Agamotto, which contains Time Gem dust, one of the Infinite Gems!.

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